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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. heres one: take a finesse worm (any long skinny straight worm will work) and then take a razor and slice the back half of the worm in half length wise. then rotate the worm 90° and slice it lengthwise again...so you end up with 4 "tentacles". use it on a dropshot or shakey head and the tentacles will go wild and trigger strikes.
  2. shall i disclose the senko trick? ;D
  3. ive seen these at Dicks and i was thinkin of picking one up cuz i wanted a lure that goes in the 2-5 foot range, but i saw these went like 6-10 so i passed. i ended up getting a DT4 anyway, they look like good cranks ive heard alot of good stuff about them. maybe i'll pick one up next time im out.
  4. i have a tip that doesnt quite apply to lures: if you take a brown sharpie marker, and make little 1/2" marks spaced about 1/2" apart on the first few feet of line or so, it makes the line alot less visible, especialy on moving baits. it breaks up the profile of the line and camoflages it.
  5. 2nd row first 3 are 100 seires. foot loose has a near vertical bill. wow 13lbs..thats big!........bama boy 7lbs is seriously a lunker in md. state record is only 11lbs 2oz. yea the floating rapalas are light. theyre kinda hard on casting gear. not all of their baits are light though. the DT's i can sling em a mile on casting gear. that big xrap jointed shad is huge weighs 1 5/8oz.
  6. yea i gotcha. i figure two lead pellets is better than half a dozen copper bb's
  7. what is a spiral wrapped rod? ive heard it a bunch and ive always thought it was jsut the way they wrapped the threads to make it look pretty. i just say theredtorpedos new rod and its spiral wrapped and i noticed the guides werent in a line. is tht what spiral wrapped is? the guides go up the blank in a spiral instead of a line? what are the advantages of this? seems like it would greatly reduce casting abilities and make lots of friction when you reel in...
  8. thats a good tip rite there mike! im gonna go put two lead pellets in mine
  9. from what i hear both are excellent reels and in the same "class" so to speak. if it were me personally, i'd get the curado cuz i love shimano (citicas rock!) and the 60 dollar rebate is awesome.
  10. thats cool with me. what exactly are you writing though?
  11. i live in st. marys county and so does bassinwill301 anybody else live down here? if so, where do u fish?
  12. also, when you store rods, make sure they are either upright in a rack or laying on the floor flat. dont prop them in a corner cuz if they are bent for long periods, they will keep the bend.
  13. i sent out for a strike king catalog once and got a letter back saying that they were out of catalogs, and included in the package was a bag of 3x iguanas for free! anyway, texas rig (w/ nose weight) would be good for spawn beds (look like salamander eatin eggs) and for other times carolina would be good since the lure floats it look like a slamander just crusin'. ive used them for a jig trailer once.
  14. nice cranks...looks like somebody likes bandits : lol a foot loose would be a nice addition.
  15. haha i know what photoshynthesis is and i know that brown grass is dead, but why is that bad for bass? they can still hide in it right? or is it because the oxygen levels are lower around dead grass or what?
  16. thats a pretty dam small bigfoot. looks more like a chimp to me. maybe some kid stole the chimp from a zoo and put it in the woods for a quick snapshot. lol. or maybe some kid dressed up like a chimp. or maybe its just a good photoshopped pic.
  17. i read on reelmech's site that you should remove the reels from the rods to relieve stress on the reel seat to keep it so it is always tight fitting (it will get streched out if you leave it tight for long periods of time and will eventually be loose). so i think im gonna do that.
  18. you guys got balls (or a big wallet) to be tampering with lucky crafts! lol ;D this is so ironic that you started this thread because before i got on today i modded my frog to get better hookups and was gonna make a thread of it. well i guess i'll post it here. this is a snagproof tournement frog...known for a bad reputation of hookups. i removed the double hook and put on a single hook, hoping for better hook up ratios...i'll let you guys know how it does when summer rolls around :
  19. bluegill is a good color. its very realistic on rap's and it fits the profile of dt's very nicely. i'd also pick up a silver one (w/ shad spot).
  20. thanks for all the resonses guys. this is wonderful. i think the next time i fish there i will go up that west arm and fish around the bends...since ive never fished up that way. why is greener grass better than brown grass?
  21. ok thanks. darn, the only powerplant round here uses water from the chesapeake bay.
  22. north arm is shallow (10 at the mouth and probably 1 way up there) and there is a big ole stump field at the mouth of it. from about the middle on up there are fluffly weeds underwater that go maybe midway up the water column. ive never been up the west arm, but i havent seen any stumps and it looks shallow and weedy.
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