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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. echip seems gimmicky. im not sure. but aside from the echip thing that looks like a quality sb.
  2. the 100's ar smaller and holds 10yds less line. they are good if you have smaller hands and like light reels (i have a 200 and its big and heavy). the 200D is just the standard of the series...great all around...has all the best features.the 201 is just a leftie version. the 200DSV D series, S salt, V version. DSV is a saltwater vesion(no holes in the spool). 200DPV D series, P power V version. lower gear ratio for more power. hope that helped. (ps. citicas are great reels...i have a 200d and love it, and just got a 100dsv but cant have it till xmas. you'll be happy w/ whatever you get)
  3. thanks for the heads up. i personally dont like this mug of plastics....i read the description of whats in there and most of it isnt really directed towards bass fishing....and they dont give you very many of the bass baits. for those who do buy it, let us know how it is!
  4. if it were just like a shad rap, then why would it have an x-rap name? ;D LOL
  5. i was just talking to tin2win and he said he was watchng that show....thast freaky. wish i could have seen it. hopefully there will be a re run sometime.
  6. haha i read that one on a website w/ a bunch of fishing jokes. its funny!!!! im gonna go see if i can find that website. [edit]well just looked and i couldnt find the site.[/edit]
  7. way to go mods! bout time he was gone. face palm.....i lol'd!!! ;D
  8. ok thanks for clearing that up....i'd dont know if i'd like a spiral wrapped rod.
  9. yea i know hes asking about the x-rap shad, but you fish it the same way you fish a regular x-rap only difference is the profile (looks more like a shad instead of a minnow) and the x-rap shad gets deeper.
  10. no i dont have a flippin stick. i might get a swimbait rod if i feel like i really wanna start swimbait fishing. this bluegill isnt very heavy...1 1/8oz.
  11. thats cool. so this seems like a very versitile bait. i think i will get one
  12. i see a banning in the future
  13. haha those are some great pics. i like the one w/ the bird. also, the one w/ the football player and the photograher made me lol.
  14. what the hell.....preganant dog??? and the texas thing aint even in his sig, he writes it at the end of his posts....cuz you can see it if you quote him. whats the deal dude??
  15. LOL!!!!!!! THATS GOOD ;D ;D ;D
  16. true dat. metallica comes in a very close second. speaking of which, "One" by Metallica is on the radio right now! ;D
  17. hope this isnt a repeat post.... how does the Lucky Craft Gunfish preform? w/ that cupped lip, it looks like it will spit a great deal, but how well does it walk the dog...if it does both easily, i think i will get one. are they good baits? maybe this question cant be answered, but which would be better, a sammy or gunfish? or are they each good for different applications. if so, which applications are each better for? thanks guys!
  18. i had a live pointer once but i sold it to get money for a reel, cuz i never fished it and it was still in the pacakage. i tihnk i might get a gunfish though. they look awesome.
  19. No more than anywhere else. There are several types of cooling set ups but the lake water only goes across hot pipes, tubes or some type of cooling fins. Kind of like the air does in your heat & AC unit in your house. So any polution is from the "exhaust" that comes from burning the coal in a coal fired plant. (but wind normally carries it off) Most of what you "see" is steam from the water in the cooling process. ok thanks.
  20. Not so much the whole lake, usually a small area near the "outflow" didnt know that either! see, ya learn somethin every day.
  21. i read about em somehwere a few months back and i thought they were total BS. but who knows...i havent tried em, i dont know anyone who has, maybe they are great...i predict that 90% chance they dont improve catch rates/they suck, 4% chance they repel the fish, 4% chance they work, 2% chance theyre awesome just my thoughts, none of that is based on experience.
  22. some good rods in that range are: team allstar IM-10 team daiwa light and tough shimano compre shimano clarus BPS extreme the st. coix premiers, ive heard mixed opinions on them. some people say they are good, some say the suck, some say they are alright. stay away from the triumphs though, ive heard they are horrible.
  23. yeah but it's medium action....spinnerbaits and frogs i wouldn't use this for. yeah thats true. small spinnerbaits (under 1/2oz) should still be ok though....i use my MF on spinner baits just fine. but yeah frogs would be a bad choice on a medium power rod...
  24. i always thought that those recoil guides looked cheesy and i was suprised to see a big name company like g. loomis using them. that is what the guides on my ugly stik look like after using braid on them.
  25. thanks guys. i still think that going thru all those curves would reduce casting distance though....
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