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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. b**ch, pig, hawg, lunker, monster, and BIG BASS!
  2. im getting an AC66MM for xmas and i plan on using it as a trebel hook rod. even says crankbait series on the label
  3. so sad :'( you should buy him a dcent UL setup that will last. that rocket rod doesnt even bend, i have no idea how you could possibly land a bass on a trebel lure in heavy cover w/ that thing.
  4. i like the matte finish alot. i dont really like the looks of gloss.
  5. kickin minnow is great. hopefully you got a good color for your ponds. cant wait to see what you can catch on it! i really need some more of them.
  6. old avids have 10 guides too....both mine do...and my friends.
  7. i have one of their XPS series cranks. i forget what its called but it looks like a shad and has a medium bill on it. its a nice lure. i like it alot.
  8. nothin looks different at all here and it never did look different.... :-?
  9. fivepound got it right. thats sad taht they are trying to pass that off as a nice rod n' reel. crazy. i'll bet taht thing is no more than a collapsable radio antennae and will snap the first time it loads w/ a bass. whats also a joke is this right here http://www.asseenontv.com/prod-pages/rocketfishingrod.html feel bad for the kids who get that and and so sad when it breaks. its really annoying how many "as seen on tv" fishing items ther are now...
  10. the minnow is sweet. which one(s) did you get? it works very well in the spring/summer/fall....any time the fish are feeding on baitfish, this thing will work. it might be a bad choice for winter though lol...but most moving baits are. thats not a problem testing lures in a pool! its a great way to learn techniques on how to fish stuff, and see what the fish see. and it relieves bordom : LOL!
  11. i got one. i have to say ive only fished it 10 minutes to get the feel of it, didnt catch any fish, didnt really try much either. what ive found: its heavy. it sinks fast. to get it to wobble, it needs to be reeled in kinda fast, not too fast, but faster than i'd like to have reeled it in. the lil slits on the sides do nothing...they dont act like "joints" because the plastic is so stiff. the colors are nice, and it looks very realistic. im not saying its good or bad cuz i dont have a good evaluation of it, i can just tell u waht its like. if you want a storm lure that does work, pick up a kickin minnow. those things have amazing swimbait action. very awesome. and they are a bit cheaper than the kickin slab. if you do get one, be sure to get a few cuz they are very supple and they rip easily. unfortunatley i got one and caught one bass shortly after tying it on, then i was waking it beneath the surface and a huge snapping turtle came up and got it, and when i got it to shore it ripped the lure apart. i need some more of those things.
  12. OUCH! that sucks. i'd be very mad if that happend to me. who the hell brings a monkey into a grocerey store anyway!!!!
  13. blew many months of research about rods in 2 minutes on the reeds sale. not regretting it though lol! all i gotta say is.....He made me do it. ;D
  14. wow. thats horrible. ive never liked any big name money clubs, the other one ive dealt with was the north american fishing club. they are a bunch of retards. you pay for nothing basically. i hardly get any information in the magazine or their website. and they are always trying to make you buy stuff you didnt ask for. only thing good about them WAS their forums, but even those are informative, just a bunch of good people to socialze with. now they done f'd the forums up and they are sooo hard to use. im goin bass resource exclusive now 8-)
  15. i read that the size of their eyes indicates their age. older ones have bigger bulgier eyes.
  16. brief search came up with "bear creek bait co." as the manf. of the sucker minnow. all i can seem to find for sale is the boxes and they are going for 10 bucks!
  17. :-? good luck :-? sucker minnow should be easiest to identify
  18. paul you da man welcome home and nice fish as always. i'd really like to go fishin with you sometime : ;D
  19. now that they show the other photos in the set it is obviously bear cubs!!! those ppl were just trying to trick the nation by showing a limited view of the subject matter....not showing all of it. > theyre so cute
  20. citica 200d or 100dsv (if you have small hands) get them for exactly 100 bucks, free shipping, and then that rebaite at www.deloscustomtackleshack.com
  21. take cotton balls and soak them in fish attractant. then shove the cotton balls inside of tube baits for a scent dispersing bait, or throw a bunch overboard for added attraction (theyre natural, biodegradable, so it wont hurt nothin) add a swivel to a spinnerbait hook as if you were adding a trailer hook. then put an extra blade on the hook for added attraction. for you lead-pourers, hold the mold over a candle to get soot in the mold, this will keep the lead from sticking to the mold. if you cast your lure over a tree limb, and it is swinging back and forth, wait till it is pointed at you in its swing and pull sharply downward. this will cause it to do a big arc over the limb, whereas if you pulled when it was away from you, it would pull in a straight line, snagging into the limb. rub unscented candle wax on the first few feet of your line to make it float. this gives topwater lures superior action. use some glitter glue on your baits for some added attraction (make sure it isnt water soluable) all of those came from the NAFC Resource Directory Guide (15th addition)
  22. that ratltrap trick is pretty cool. i think im gonna try that. so, when i drill the hole, so i pout all the bb's out of the hole so its empty? bassinwill, you can seal the hole w/ epoxy or maybe hot glue. if you use hotglue you might wanna add a layer of superglue over it so it doesnt fall out. thats clever using a crawfish instaed of a weight on a dropsot. heres a few tricks: when using any softbait, use as small of a hook as you can get away with. by using a smaller hook, less of the worm is held taut by the hook (less of the worm is between the point and eye) this will give it more and better action. try wacky rigging a fluke or fin-s. bass dont see this often and if you let it sink, then start twitching it very rapidly for short bursts, it looks JUST LIKE dying minnow spazzing out.
  23. i felt/still feel the same way about baitcasters man! they are more fun to use than spinning gear. casting w/ them feels awesome...having that much more power in your cast. i like the big poof of misted water from the line when you make a really hard cast....it all adds up into a nice experience you should definitley upgrade though. i upgraded from a $70 reel that i found outside at a pond (exposed to the weather) to a brand new $120 Citica reel (only paid 100, got a deal) and the difference is amazing. it makes me love baitcasters even more:) keep at it its loads of fun!!!! ;D
  24. hahaha do a youtube search on "bigfoot files" and just watch some!!!! there are too many to post but they are all great!!!! some of em left me cryin'!!! heres a really funny one
  25. check this out
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