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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. im stuck here: [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [] []
  2. SHOW ME NOW!!! LOL I LOVE TO BE AGGRIVATED...BUT IT ALWAYS ENDS UP ticking ME OFF. hapland is insane. i can never figure that thing out. the impossible quiz is fun....its not really that hard. i ran out of time pretty fast...but it still lets you play after you run out of time. so then i gave up
  3. lol cats go nuts over anything tied to a string theyre really fun to tease!
  4. that welders watch would look sick if you were castin' a shimano core or abu black max core: black max:
  5. LOL! ;D i hate PETA with a passion. a bunch of them somehow got a trial membership to the north american fishing club and they went on the forums and raised hell for a few weeks. have you ever had PETA problems here?
  6. lol!!! hers a tip: dodge them for the first few seconds, then once the top left corner frees up, you can duck out there for a safe 10 seconds or so.
  7. i'd be all over that like no body's business!!!! reminds me of the time my friend went to kmart on black friday and found a $60 pool cue he liked but it had no upc code on it. he took it to the register and started pretending like he couldnt speak english and he said to them in french that the sign said $5. there were soooo many people behind him that the casheir just gave it to him for 5 bucks to avoid a big holdup. thats dishonest right there, but it worked!
  8. 33.718 this game was linked to on a different forum. had some fun with it for some time but then i lost the link. thansk for bringing it back! i bookmarked it 8-)
  9. hope this helps http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/_l/l-103.pdf good luck and let us know how it turns out! ;D
  10. russ thats good stuff.......lol made me laugh ;D
  11. it depends on how much you wanna spend. avids are nice rods if you wanna put 170 bucks down, unless you can still find one on sale. btw, happy birthday!!!! hope for a good field review after you've used that megaforce reel a good bit. ive been lookin at em and they look nice, its the 60 dollar price tag that makes me wonder if they are truly good or if they are cheaply made. LET US KNOW!
  12. What do you guys think of this one? http://fishbelly168.stores.yahoo.net/helixninjya.html i think it looks weird...kinda looks like it wouldnt work. for 12 bucks it better be nice!
  13. ive heard very bad things about the st. croix triumph. ive never used one but i considered it but then changed my mind based on reccomendations from here. shimano clarus is a good rod in your price range. 7' MF is 69.99 at http://www.***.com/descpageRDSSHIMANO-SHCLSR.html good lucky and happy buying!
  14. omg thats too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. DT's KILL!!!!!!!!!! glad you had fun. i love cranks. they are my favorite thing to fish. even if they arent so productive all the time, they are very fun to fish with. be grateful for your dinks everbody!!!! youre also lucky its 40° fishin weather there > ;D
  16. musta been a blast catching those. the only doubles ive caught were white perch. never any bass. looks like you had a fun day!!! keep it up.
  17. great job dude! floating ratltraps look neat. my neighboor who likes fishing but doesnt know much about it tied one on and i said whatcha got on and he said a floater. i looked and saw the ratltrap and i was like those dont float :-? but sure enough it said floater on the side and i was like...wow . i might have to get one. way to tear em up on your lunchbreak. my dad works on a navy base w/ 5 ponds and they sure are fun to fish.
  18. way to go! i can only imagine how it feels to land that big ole hawg. congrats on the catch and your new pb cant wait for pics!!! ;D
  19. great catches...the pic doesnt work for me though :-? i am primarily a live bait guy, but on occasion i will toss out a 4" bluegill and get a few. alot of times i dont even get one on the gill before it dies. but it is fun, cuz when a bass comes in on the gill it starts freaking out and you can feel all thats going on down there...the entire struggle between gill and bass. pretty fun.
  20. ha we all share the same feelings. i catch a 3lber and i think its hot stuff and then other ppl catch 3lbers and call em dinks and wish it was a 10. my pb is a 7 also, i used to have it in my avatar. dont think it was quite as long as will's but mine was definitley fatter. i caught her during the spawn...thats why. but yeah your fish is really pretty will. we need to get together and fish st. marys lake when it warms up
  21. great job paul. wish i had some fishies to post.... not till spring. but once spring comes...im hopin to post a big ole fattie i see you camoflaged your line...i do that too...did i reccomend that to you?
  22. cross their eyes after the eye crossin is done its usually folled by a "got em" or "there it is" or "oh yeah". lol ;D
  23. ozmo--i will be picking some of these up before spring!!!! cant wait! they look amazing! maybe its just the fly fisherman in me, but some of those versions (w/ no head/gills, just the legs and antenna tails) really looks like a mayfly nymph...but its way to big to be one.
  24. i think they look retarted. just get a chatterbait lol. also, i dont like how the plastic bill is infront of the hook. i know its supposed to fold down, but i still dont like it. my only guess for the size of the bill is tht the larger one will produce more resistance, therefore more vibration... on the original rad lures chatterbait, the skirt is molded together so its super easy to remove and replace, so you can just slide it off in one pice, put on a fluke, and there ya go. or you could leave the skirt on and still add the fluke for more bulk. tahts how i fish my chatterbaits.
  25. beautiful pic. its a great thing you've got going on there. i would like to see more pics.
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