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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. camo line usualy does break up the outline, no matter what kind of water. i always camoflage my powerpro w/ a brown sharpie, making little dashes along the first few feet. the effect is greater (line is less visible) in stained water w/ baits that are moving...even if its just crawling a worm.
  2. i would get the clarus over the convergence. in the world of bass rods, you really do get what you pay for, so you should always spend as much as youre willing to spend.
  3. nice site. also try http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php just click on the knot you want. then you can play it step by step, or play it all the way through at different speeds. nice site. very easy to understand. no foreign language classes needed ;D
  4. thats kind of ironic because they said that the blade design is supposed to cause lift so it rides high easier. seems to me like thers not enough surface area on the blades to get it to lift.
  5. yeah thats why i asked. cuz i thought they were from bomber, but ive seen them under the name excalibur in dicks....confused me. so they are the same exact bait right?
  6. Mattlures originally gave us the link on this thread and he said it was his fav. creature bait....so im guessing that means he's fished w/ them and had success. im not skeptical. after xmas once i have a little more money (gift cards) i will be purchasing probably 2 bags to try out and see how i like em
  7. lol me n' my dad ususally make up stupid little lines that we cant stop saying all day!!! ;D
  8. mail me one and i'll let you know ;D 8-)
  9. lol not that hard to figure out ;D
  10. as long as you take the hair off....deer hair does not make a good coat. its all spikey and brittle....gross.
  11. why is that???? we've never had ANY problems on the other chat room. :-?
  12. This is a Steez Reel review from Cabelas. It made me laugh ;D "By far the lightest most technological , badass rig I have ever fished with..." just thought i'd post that :
  13. yeah thats what i thought about it too. i wasnt lookin to buy one, i was just wondering what you guys thought of it. i could see how a twig or something could go in one of the "holes" in the blade and get stuck and ruin that cast.
  14. OMFG!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. d**n wish i could take my shirt off to fish now. you ppl in fl are sooo lucky. anyway, nice fish! looks like you guys had a great time...even if you did only catch 3 fish. but still, 3 fish in 1.5hrs isnt that bad.
  16. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. your welcome i got that site when i was looking at tanning squirrel hides for fly tying. i planned on using the alcohol and turpentine method, but turns out i cant even skin the d**n things!!!! >
  18. oh thats true. the reason i said this is because there was a chat room on the north american fishing club forum but they redid the site and i dont know if the chat room is still ther but the new site sucks and i dont go there anymore. the chat room was cool...but most times not many people were in.
  19. oh i almost forgot...."puppy"
  20. fat free shad is by bomber right? if so they use those Tx3 hooks or whatever...they are very nice hooks.
  21. www.usacproshop.net has them. i believe you can order the straight from lunker city too.
  22. if Bass Resource had a chat room...that would be sick. there are always plenty of people signed in the forums, so the chat room would get well used. chat rooms are lots of fun. why doesn BR have one? that would be great if this site could get a chat room....what do you all think?
  23. thats a relief
  24. lol thats funny paul....guess great minds think alike. i think i got that tip from a video i rented at the library.
  25. couldnt get the two green ones to line up straight, but they should be in line like the blue ones.
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