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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. hah! those are good! i dont get the one titled little old lady...
  2. that show is soooo fake. everyone on there acts retarded and they drag out the questions and stuff. you can easily tell that its rigged. i would like the show if it wasnt for the fact that its fake.
  3. dis game confusing as hell.....i signed up but dont understand a thing. do you ever see your character? or is it more of you read stuff and make descisions on what to do? i dont want to play this game lol.
  4. gcpm, im not sure what bait youre reffering to, but here are some very very VERY strange japanese cranks:L all of those are made by the same company and they are just plain stupid looking.....not worth the $40 they cost!!!
  5. dont wanna confuse any body here...but there is no "tourney max" its the gold one youre reffering to and its actualy called a "pro max"
  6. hahaha im dyin'!!!!!!!!!! ;D
  7. i wouldnt wanna touch it if i caught one of them
  8. Watch it Bud, dem's fightin' words ;D PUT EM UP DEN!!! lol im only playin my fav. music is classic hard rock and metal. my fav. bands are metallica, black sabbath, led zeppelin, AC/DC, and the list goes on. country and rap are a no-go in my book.
  9. havent got that issue yet...actually im not sure if im still subscribed...if i am subscribed then i'll keep an eye out for that article
  10. you all have seen the bettencourt rodent right? well all that is is just a furball...and i know that mice are one of the common prey of bass...so i dont see why that "cat toy" wouldnt work lol!
  11. wow. river2sea coppies everybody. if you go to their homepage ( www.river2sea.com ) there is a big ole' disclaimer saying how similar their products are to everybodies else and how they dont take responsiblity for the similiar products.
  12. i like the new layout. no problems here yet. its different but im sure i'll get used to it.
  13. same goes with you paul! ;D
  14. ewww gross....country music...
  15. paul, carrot stix are supposedly good rods...everyone that has them likes them...but i havent heard any true "field tests" from them yet (unless i missed a thread :-/) st. croix avids are a good standby for a rod that is not gonna break the bank, and is very sensative. many people here vouch for them. i have 2 of em but havent had a chance to use them yet. i'll let ya know how i like them come spring time:) in the world of rods, you get what you pay for, so youre gonna have to be willing to put down a nice bit of cash if you want good rods. good luck!
  16. ive said it once and i'll say it again: WELCOME ABOARD! THIS IS A GREAT SITE AND YOU WILL LOVE IT HERE!!!
  17. .dsaavedra.


    are you looking to make this worm or buy it? if you want to make one then i have no idea but if you want to buy one then you can contact steve at www.designerlures.com and let him know what you need. he's a good guy. tell him dsaavedra sent you. he runs the designer lures company and they are really all about the customer. you can totally customize the lures to your specs....you can get practically any color you want, you can have him do muliti tone baits (black w/ white tail) you can have him mix colors (for something the bass havent seen), you can have him add any glitter (or mulitple colors of glitter) and any scent (you can mix scents) and salt for no extra charge. the website is relativley new, so it doesnt have everything tht is available on it. if he doesnt have something listed, ask him about it because he might actually have it. visit his website and contact him. he'll get you what you need. ps. i dont work for him or anything, hes just a good guy and i love his service and dedication to customers....he has great products too.
  18. flat out answers...love it. good job reelmech!
  19. they do look pretty schweet....maybe worth getting. im definitley getting some R2S v-joint min wakes...those things are cool.
  20. fredrick is about 1.5hrs away. too far for me....but if you know any spots south of frederick then do share and i dont have a boat that i can take on the potomac, but i would love to fish najemoy creek.
  21. im not sure bout that but i read many times that in the time you fight a bass off its bed many critters will come in and eat all the eggs.
  22. i thought boga's were suposed to be the best?
  23. haha glad you all injoyed this! i thought it was funny...some point in the video the cameragirl said something along the lines of "oh just grab the blinking fish" or something like that. but she said "blinking fish" i thought that was funny ;D if you look closely you can see she was using a soft plastic worm of some kind.
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