are you looking to make this worm or buy it?
if you want to make one then i have no idea
but if you want to buy one then you can contact steve at and let him know what you need. he's a good guy. tell him dsaavedra sent you.
he runs the designer lures company and they are really all about the customer. you can totally customize the lures to your can get practically any color you want, you can have him do muliti tone baits (black w/ white tail) you can have him mix colors (for something the bass havent seen), you can have him add any glitter (or mulitple colors of glitter) and any scent (you can mix scents) and salt for no extra charge. the website is relativley new, so it doesnt have everything tht is available on it. if he doesnt have something listed, ask him about it because he might actually have it.
visit his website and contact him. he'll get you what you need.
ps. i dont work for him or anything, hes just a good guy and i love his service and dedication to customers....he has great products too.