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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. lol i was just about to make a thread asking where the "le" went too! cuz i always thought it was fourbizzle but now all of a sudden its fourbizz and i wasnt sure if it'd always been just fourbizz.
  2. great time! looks like yall had fun! thats a small 8 but it looks fat! was it released?
  3. you got them for a very good price! if you think you are gonna like them then i'd buy a few more since they are at a good price and they are discontinued and all.
  4. it doesnt really matter what the company is as to how fast it gets to you...its the mail service. with it being the holiday and all the mail service (UPS) might be a little slower than normal, but its pretty standard. ive ordered from them twice and it got here in about a week.
  5. now thats comedy!!! i'll let you have bonus points for that one
  6. ive tried so hard in 07 to pull up a fish on a jig and still couldnt do it. in 08 i WILL be a profiecient jig fisherman
  7. HAVE FUN!!!! ;D
  8. create your own style with it! but if you want to know how to fish it "by the book" look up articles on how to fish weedless spoons. i dont fish em much, but when i do i just reel em in steady, and occasionally let them just fall and flutter, then jerk it back up and continue reeling in. you can do that or you can let em sink to the bottom, rip them off the bottom, let em fall again, and repeat (looks like dying shad) you can also just reel em straight back, but usually an erratic presentation works better. just whatever you do try to be erratic that one you have is not a clone, there is no way that guy made it himself, it is a genuine rapala. if you look it probably says rapala on the inside of it somewhere. im not totally sure about this, but i believe rapala stopped making them because they werent as popular as their crankbaits and it wasnt worth making them. they have discontinued many lures....some good ones too....it may also be that they have to discontinue some products to make room for new ones. let us know how you like your new lure!
  9. he lied to you. he did not make that lure himself. that is a genuine rapala. how much did he charge you for? i have breifly fished one (my n my friend switched rods and he had one tied on.) you pretty much fish em like any other weedless spoon. fish with it and let us know how it goes
  10. haha...yeah i was kinda hinting at that with the clever title and all.... : :)
  11. Good call. I bet he appreciated getting lectured by strangers that know nothing about him though... x2 The young lad seems like a good fellow. My mom usually vacuums the house without any of my help. Now, if she would ask me or something, I would gladly help. Cajun said it best: Schmidt happens yeah she vacuums the house but if she asked me to do stuff i will do it. i do other thigns around the house, but i dont vacuum. like i said i dont really think it was anybodys fault. but from the looks of it i might be able to sand down the tip of the rod and somehow either get the remaining portion of rod out of the tip top guide or just get a new tip top guide and repair the rod taht way.
  12. ok ok i found a pic. website: http://digitaldagger.com/plugs/rapala.html the color you have is "clown"
  13. its not weird at all...its a Rapala weedless minnow spoon. im pretty sure they are discontinued now, but hold on and let me try and find a picture.
  14. smoke, natural shad, junebug.
  15. wow that must be one feisty bass to take that popper!!! good job.
  16. tin2win is right...dinks on UL are a great fight. at one of the farms i fish, there are big bass in the back pond and small to medium bass in the front but huge bluegill in the front. so i'll always have an UL in the front pond and no matter what i hook it feels like a lunker!
  17. nice job paul! "dink fest" was just a warm-up i see
  18. you can also just hook it thru the middle. you can really hook it however you like. hook it with the claws facing forward and tell us how it works! lol
  20. i watched a show about dreaming and it said that pets dream too and you can tell they dream because they make noises and twitch and move and stuff.....so yeah your dog is dreaming. its all cool
  21. my favorite movie just happens to be a comedy and it is none other than: NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!!!!!
  22. i dont even remember the last time i had a dream....let alone a nightmare. i do remember when i was 3 or 4 i had a repeating nightmare. i was in a maze and there was a pink saber tooth tiger chasing me and there was no exit in the maze and i'd get to the end and he'd always get me each time. every time i had that dream i'd go sleep in my parents bed. :-/
  23. im not familiar with those baits mentioned and i dont know what actions they have, but i do know the pop-r. it makes a loud, deep, bloop noise, and you can shave the lower lip down so its not as "cupped" and that will cause it to spit more and make a more faint pop sound. is that the action you want?
  24. that is messed up. (insert facepalm here)
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