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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. oh ok ok i gotcha. yeah that was a good choice! ;D
  2. i read the first sentence and i thought omg...why would you get an ambassaduer over a citica!!?!?!?! but oh well theyr both nice reels i have both of em. i guess ou already got it answered, but you unscerw the handle sideplate and there are the two pins right in there. only thing i dont like is that there is no "off" position, you either have the brakes in place, or you take them totaly off the reel.
  3. just got back from the craft store with three sheets of brick red paper and a bag of twizzlers. lol. yes its VERY tedious work and as long as i have a place to sit down im always up for some slow fishing (cant stand up and fish slow at the same time...my body just doesnt function like that lol).
  4. wow thats a very cool story indeed. thanks for sharing
  5. have never used any of the cx cxx cxxx but i have used the floroclear and it sucks bad. its got the worst memory and it breaks wayyyy too easy. ive also used the spectrex IV line and it is pretty good...its comparable to powerpro.
  6. i have. i still got snagged and the weedguard came off after one fish.
  7. WICKED DUDE!!!!! thats a great honey hole you got there. now be wise...dont over fish and pressure it or it wont stay that awesome for long....but definitley keep fishing there...i wanna see more fish!!!! good job
  8. rub it in avid.....rub it in
  9. its ok i figured you probably took it wrong but yeah thats great that you are out in a tshirt fishin. i wish i could be. :-/
  10. on the soundrack CD it is the ennio morricone version that was in the movie.....but i personally like the metallica version better. the metallica version is my favorite song of all time.
  11. lol now thats funny! ive had to wing a few things myself. seems like when i wing them i do better! weird.....
  12. ok here is a pic of it. i put a pen on it so you can see just how big the paper is that i have to fill in with squares > its rediculous. and no this is not jesus (kids at school ask me that alot) and its not anybody in particular. the time period were working on is early christian art, so i just made up some dude that would fit into that time period. the background is going to be a brick red.
  13. dragonforce is a fun song to play. its extremely hard though. i'd like to see someone beat that on expert! i cant even get close to a 4 star on that on medium.
  14. haha yeah i figured thats pretty much the standard for all topwater hardbaits ;D
  15. i really cant wait to try this out on my new crankbait rod. it seems like quite a unique bait.
  16. whats that supposed to mean? :-? what i meant was even though you are sick you are lucky you are able to go out on the water and catch 3 fish in half an hour!
  17. just bought this last night at best buy and boy is this some great music. one of the reasons the movie is so good is because of the music. "The Ecstasy of Gold" is my favorite song
  18. i use 50lb power pro and love it. its extremely sensative, strong, zero strech, zero memory, and the strength-diameter ratio is good (50lb is only the diameter of 12 i think) only downfall is the green coating that they manufacture puts on it. it wears off shortly and leaves a nasty green scum all over the front of the reel (from the spray when you cast) and the reel seet. if you dont make the same mistake i did and spray/wipe the reel down after each use then you will be fine. stupid me i let the gunk build up. wont be doing that again. ive never used suffix but my friend had some and it didnt seem to have that coating over it. suffix is probably better, but i like powerpro and will continue using it till i have money to upgrade my line.
  19. kinda ironic considering mosaics are usually of some religious figure, but jeeeez do i hate making them. here i sit, on my chrstmas vacation from school...glueing thousants of little paper squares onto piece of paper for a mosaic assignment in art class. it sucks soooo bad. this is by far my least favorite thing to do in art class......
  20. lol my dad plays lead guitar in his band and i handed him the game to try and he sucked horribly. he kept trying to play what he heard, not what shows up on the screen. that is why i think a non-musician would do better at it than a musician, because musicians rely more on their ears than theyre eyes. the only benefit of being a musician i think would be having fast fingers.
  21. i'd have to say that is at least a 10, maybe 11....that thing has an enormous head on it!!!!
  22. good job! last pic is nice but i gotta say the gator pic is my fav its just plain bad*ss
  23. lol yeah after i play for a bit my wrists and fingers and joints and stuff will start to ache and i'll have to stop lol.
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