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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. oh thats true... but what makes one side catch more than the other?
  2. imo youre making too big a deal of things. most knock off's work just as well on the fish. if you've had great success with the original sweet beavers, then the knockoffs will work just as good. the only thing to consider in knockoffs is how durable they are. if it looks like the original, the fish wont be able to tell the difference, only you can. seems to me the only difference is the jagged claw shape. dont over-complicate things
  3. yeah i like a silent crank too....i just inclued the rattle thing because alot of ppl like rattles. the hooks shaking around are loud enough for me :-/
  4. well ive used spiderwire stealth and original braid it is pure 100% junk. cant stand the stuff. then i used p-line spectraIV on my spinning reel and it is much better than spiderwire stealth. then i used powerpro on my casting reel, and i like power pro the best out of the four superlines ive tried. i'd like to try that spiderwire ultracast and see just how great it is.
  5. a majority of my cranking is with balsa baits (rapalas). pros: amazing action in the water very bouyant (rises off cover quickly) very nice wobble much nicer in appearance than plastic cranks (imo) cons: can be light to cast colors are limited doesnt rattle very well hard to find a suspending balsa bait
  6. did it look like this but with red eyes? cuz if it did i could probably go out and get one and put some red eyes on it for you.
  7. thanks for the link bass fin@tic. those do look pretty thick. they also kinda look triangular maybe these are the knockoffs of the riverside worm ive been looking for!
  8. anything made by rapala is a very well crafted fishing lure adn will last you many many many fish. and it is very affordable. some of their good bass cranks include the shad rap, anything in the DT series, and of coures the original floater.
  9. :-? he never posted in this thread...
  10. Speaking of bait_monkey, I never even heard of him. Never. Ever. Then one day I saw this guy who had like 3 million posts, yet I'd never read a single one of them. Where are all of his posts. Is is just the baitmonkey messing with me? dude it was the same way with me. it was only a month or two when i found out about him and ive been here since june. i was just browin the tackle section and i saw a post by bait_Monkey and i was like oh clever name and i looked and he had 19000 some posts but id never seen a single one of them!
  11. watched a whole show on snakeheads in the md/va area and they said that various fish markets are illegally getting shipments of live snakeheads (so they will be fresher) and then some people illegally sell them as pets and illegally release them. the snake heads dont really bother me as long as they dont interfere with bass. if that is the case then hooray i have a nother gamefish to target! look like they'd put up a good fight.
  12. have a link?
  13. ok thats cool. well apparently they must work, but i would think that both the flaps would catch water at the same time and just create a whole bunch of resistance....not so?
  14. if you dont have enough existing line on your spool then go ahead and use a uni-uni knot to attach them thats how i attach my braid and mono. you would thin that the knot would mess up the way the line spools on but it really doesnt affect anything.
  15. WOW! was just looking that the bugs page on cremes website and theyre bugs are very realistic! more realistic than most fishing flies. these must be popular among trout fisherman...if they arent popular they should be!!! they are pretty pricey though...near $2 each...but still...give em a look http://www.cremelure.com/store/store_sub.cfm?Category_ID=5
  16. fourbizz what is that swimbait you posted a pic of and what are those mid-bait wing jobs?
  17. i consider myself a good crankbait fisherman. i am very productive witha crank. probably my top 4 or 5 fish were taken on a crankbait. i do everything that everyone said. but im not sure what you all mean by dont crank it back in a straight line. how can you avoid this? any lure that you are retreiving back to you comes back in a straight line. the only way to avoid this would be sticking your rod way out to the left or right...but even that doesnt get you too far off a straight line. when you guys say "straight line" do you mean just reeling it straight back at a steady pace with no variation? that seems like a beginner mistake. are you saying that instead of cranking steadily, change the pace of your reeling, and add pauses and jerks and let the lure float for a little bit then crank it back down....change things up? cuz thats what i do but the lure still comes back to me in a straight line. i just wanted to clarify things. :
  18. ok i see the 9" tournament ripple now. that looks like a nice alternative. someone offered to make me a mold of my existing worms and pour me some, i think i might have to take him up on that. if something goes wrong with that plan the tournement ripple might be a nice alternative. if that pro snake came in a 9 or 10 inch size i'd like that one too
  19. yeah they seem like they would be some good worms. i do like the looks of them. on that website i clikced "ripple" on the sidebar and it only showed 8" as being the longest. is there another ripple worm that is longer?
  20. i have used many other 10" worms and the culprits are very good, probably the best 10"er ive found, but they are skinny. i like the bulkiness and thickness of the riverside worms.
  21. i dont mind the threads about the baitmonkey and how he makes us buy stuff, but i find the actual BR member bait_Monkey very annoying..... :-?
  22. you should try and raise a bluegill in it get it when its only like 2" long and then raise it up to be a big boy
  23. i dont think they were trying to feed the snakehead, i think they were trying to see the two fish fight :-/
  24. microperterus had some good points there. i want aware of many of those but they seem like they would be very true. i fish the potomac occasionally and i have never caught a snakehead but i really want to! there is a nice reward for anyone who turns one in
  25. lil fishies look nice. cheap and worth trying! ive used scoundrels (dual hooked prop job) before and i didnt catch jack squat. i dont like em too much. but thats just my one experience with them.
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