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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. wow what an amazing fish!!! thats really great. i think since its held way out it looks much bigger than 8-7. but jeez if i caught a fish that big i'd be showin it off too! but it does look bigger than 8-7 even it its not held out. looks huge! very huge head and plenty fat! ;D
  2. they were one of the few things at the top of my BPS list. when i went i got a pack of the clips and a pack of the bullet weights with clips attached. im really excited to try them out.
  3. ;D good one!
  4. this river2sea bait http://www.river2seausa.com/t/dragonflypopper.html looks cool but they are expensive and from what ive read not durable. so i took it upon myself to make a cheap, quick, durable version of it. what i came up with: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f120/davidsaavedra/Flies/drago.jpg havent tested the action on the lip yet, but it floats and is very durable. excited to see how it works.
  5. yeah i wanted a rapala DT-FAT03 and a DT-Flat03. also gotta get some clear planos cuz im running out of storage, they are usually always on sale for 2 or 3 dollars there. other than that i just wanna buy whatever looks good as im walking down the aisles.
  6. OMG!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D funniest thing ive seen in a very long time!!!! i think i laughed the hardest when the old dude crushed the bubble wrap with the phone...even though that wasnt a "real" clip (looked like it was professional) it was funny as hell!!! all i could think of was the movie office space too!
  7. yeah this is one of the biggest ive seen. the Chesapeake is known for its monsters. striper are by far the best fish to eat IMO. i tried largemouth bass once and found that they tasted quite similar to striper. very good, both of them.
  8. i'll be going to bass pro shops tomorrow. any last minute must haves i should know about?
  9. looks very strange never seen anything like it before. :-?
  10. during spawn/prespawn i like a wild wide wobble. bandit footloose is one of my favorites.
  11. bass beds are real shallow where i fish so i'll run a shallow crankbait over em or a rapala floater and hook up with a few.
  12. oh thats cool, i didnt know that was called a split shot rig. that makes sense. well i wanna try a split shot rig now! ;D
  13. great job man. those are some awesome fish. last one looks large. how much are those real california's?
  14. im with you farmpond, if im gonna c-rig i'll probably cheat and crimp on a 1/4 clam shot weight a bit up the line and thats it lol. i really dont see a need for the hoo-hah either. im sure it has its purpose, but im not picky enough to mind it.
  15. i would like to try this but im such a noob at carolina rig. im too lazy to tie one up too. lol! i think ive only done it once. i would be much more pleased at just smashing on a 1/4oz split shot 18j" up the line than actually tieing up a rig lol. but yeah i'd like to try that with some floaters.
  16. well ive been browsin thru my photobucket album to help me remember what a bass looks like ::)lol (spring cant come soon enough... :-[) and i came across this pic from the summer. my dad and i were spending the evening at one of our favorite lakes and we were fishing senkos agains the lily pad edge from my jon boat and i looked over at him and i noticed this on his hat. i told him to hold still while i took the pic. i thought it was kinda funny ;D it was a pretty fun night! we caught a total of eight dinks (including a double!) and this was the biggest of the night:
  17. my dad's friends brother-in-law landed this baby during the fall striper run in the Chesapeake Bay. it was 48" long and it topped out the (50lb) certified scale at the tackle shop, so we dont know exactly how much it weighed. check it out!!!
  18. that bass looks like its almost at 3lbs. nice fish! i love gettin a nice one in the middle of catching some dinks. those waters look very shallow. nice for spawn fishing. that bass youre holding (if its femal) would be a solid 5lb during the spawn. you should try running a super shallow (wake) crankbait thru there (bandit footloose) in early spring and see whatcha pull up
  19. im pretty confident in a new record this year. actually ive made it my new year's resolution to catch an 8lber. last year my resolution was to catch a 6lber and i ended up with a 7lber during the spawn. so im hopin to get me an 8+ this spawn! ;D
  20. wow lucky you! its always nice to sneak in a few short trips just to "scratch the itch" lol ;D nice job on that 6 especially! that sure is a high goal! i hope you make it and have a camera handy!
  21. yeah i did some research a couple months ago when i was still fishing before winter and i did find out that it was the riverside big wag. i cant find a good substitute, that producto lure is probably going to be the best sub. (7.5" robo worm is too small)
  22. everyone here pretty much agrees that storm swimbats are pretty bad. i have tried several of their lures and the only ones that i liked and will buy again are the kickin minnow. i am gonna have to pick a few up on sunday when i go to BPS. the rest of their stuff is junk. looks like i wont get that castaic shad then...
  23. way to go on catching that beautiful lunker paul! didnt take ya long now did it? : ;D
  24. http://www.***.com/descpageSWMCASTAIC-CSB.html# these look pretty standard and i was thinking of getting a green threadin shad since it is reasonably priced and i could throw it on my current gear and it seems like it would work on my lakes. how are these baits? what about the tails. how durable are they? where can i get replacement tails for it? i didnt see them on ***, but i may have overlooked them.
  25. yes you have a point, but IMO those things matter more to the fisherman than the fish (except durability....that is a must). the only thing i could see actually affecting the fish biting would be the fall rate. and even that is a sensative thing. the way i see it, if a fish spots a lure he knows if he wants it or not. i dont think they will analyze the fall rate and make a descision based (uless it is to an extreme). most baits fall at around the same rate, and most baits catch fish. the texture and softness, well the fish has to have it in his mouth to figure those two out, and by then you should already have set the hook on that bad boy! ;D anyway, like roadwarrior said, we are all entitled to our opinions, and that is mine have fun fishing whatever you get (ps. like someone said, that ebay one looks exactly like ***, you should buy from brent ;D)
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