well i know that one is a popper and one is a walker, i just wasnt sure which one i wanted and i wanted to know which is a better lure in general, not compared to each other. like, which lure preforms best. ya know what im sayin?
well i voted guitar hero 3 because out of the list thats the only one ive ever played.
im a big fan of the Manhunt series. (not in a creepy way, i just like all the suspense involved!)
t-rig ive had alot of good success with taht kickin minnow that you posted a pic of. i meant to get more at BPS but i forgot. thats the only storm thing ive had success with though.
i wasnt trying to bash anybody with this thread or anything, i honestly just wanted to know reasons why everybody doesnt like em. now i know a few.
my only complaint is that the kickin minnows dont hold up to very many fish.
yeah im sorry i forgot to add which river2sea in the title. i was reffering to the river to sea bubble popper. my mistake! :-[
but thanks for the info on the spro! that was very helpful. ;D
just had a chance to use the parasite weights today and they are great! its sooooo convinient to have it peg your weight and NEVER have to worry about your worm fouling on the hook!!!! very pleased
seems to me like this thing wouldnt go so smoothly over matted grass? seems like alot of weeds would still get caught on the hook. i must be wrong, seems like the most popular way of fishing them. i will have to try that sometime.
all of the silver minnows i've had have very dull hooks. i use a dremel tool to sharpen them.
i would try to spend equal amounts on both, but if one had to be higher it would be the rod. because the imo the rod is much more "involved" than the reel.
i just picked up a nickel one at BPS a few days ago. they are pretty effective. most times i just swim em. sometimes i will let em fall to the bottom and rip em up like a dying shad.
sweet thanks for taht link.
my only question, if my boat is sitting still, will the chart still be scrolling? will is scroll what it sees in the cone and then repeat that view over and over?
my dad and i split the cost on an Eagle Cuda 168 for our jonboat.
http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&partNumber=45175&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=SearchResults thats the one. its nothing special, pretty bottom line, but thats all we need to fish in the jon boat at the small lakes we fish. we are so excited to use it so we can go to deeper water and locate structure and target bigger fish instead of casting along shoreline and catching smaller fish!!!! its gonna be so cool! ;D
but im such a nooob. i cant really understand the display. i know what fish and baitfish and all looks like (arches/clouds of clutter) and i could probably identify cover (maybe) but im not so good at reading the bottom. could someone give me a tutorial on how exactly to read the screen and interpret it? thanks guys! i know youre gonna be a big help! ;D
Lake Jameson:
medium sized lake (one of the biggest i fish) it is my favorite lake though. i havent pulled anything too big out of it yet, with the exception of my 2nd best (4lb) fish. most of the time i catch around 7 or 8 smaller bass. its still a very fun time. the lake has a shoreline of lily pads and laydowns that extend probably 10' out fromthe shore around the whole lake (northern end is usually totally covered with lilies). pretty deep in the middle/mainlake....not sure how deep, but will find out with my new fish finder! ;D
a few "on-site" pics:
not sure if you know of it but the tackle shop was called "The Tackle Box" and im not positive that the scale went up to 50lbs. im pretty sure it was 50 though, might have been 60. but i am positive that the fish maxed out the scale
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