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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. 20.50 for non-tidal license in maryland.
  2. rage comics amuse me for hours ;D
  3. i lol'd so hard!!!
  4. taking the knife apart
  5. is this the pivot screw?
  6. can anyone tell me what this part of a knife is called? i need a replacement but don't know what it is called.
  7. most of my music is from the 00's or 90's.
  8. thanks, i wish i could but i don't have the space to paint at college, so i can only paint whenever i come home. i'm going to build and paint a lot this summer though
  9. it's been forever since i picked up the airbrush but i've really been wanting to paint lately so i repainted an old Bill Lewis:
  10. real breif: iwata makes nice brushes, createx and smith wildlife colors make some good paints, and devcon 2 ton epoxy, etex epoxy, and dicknites are good topcoats.
  11. too much work for me!
  12. If you have seen Henry Fonda in other movies, how did you think about his performance in one upon a time in the west? Big difference from usually being cast as a soft spoken protagonist in other movies. never seen him in any other movies. and i'll let you know how i like once upon a time in the west after i watch it. any relation to Peter Fonda? he was good in Easy Rider ;D
  13. i've seen this somewhere before but i can't for the life of me remember where.... i think it was in environmental class. or maybe it was here. i have no idea. its cool though.
  14. just checked out the wild bunch, pale rider, and once upon a time in the west from the library.
  15. i wonder how many people would be killed if that thing lost control. i'm betting upwards of 10.
  16. yeah i mean, that is a lot of lures you're getting ;D
  17. you'd have to make sure no customers saw you opening the spool of line and the lure and opening/spooling the reel (if you were going to use a reel, i guess you could just tie a length of line to the end of the rod). once that was out of the way you could totally make some casts.
  18. a very good one i forgot!
  19. some of mine: Billy Brown - Buffalo '66 Travis Bickle - Taxi Driver Man With No Name - Sergio Leone spaghetti western trilogy
  20. www.flyanglersonline.com
  21. got it on dvd
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