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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. wow paul those must have been a very good fight! i love UL fishing. i need to do it more this year. last time we were at bps, my dad bought his own UL rod/reel so we no longer have to share mine ;D only thing is its hard to get a solid hookset with a t-rig when you use UL (unless you add a trebel, but then you are sacrficing snaglessness)
  2. go here http://www.rapala.com/how2tv/ and watch the video for the subwalk. the wings are to stabilize the lure under water so it doesnt roll over. i like x-raps alot. ive had good success with the silver/black. i think thats the color i'll stick to....unless i can get my hands on one of those muddler colored xraps (not sold in the us).
  3. my last fish was this chunky 3lber on november 11, 2007: at least i ended the year with a nice fish :
  4. i fish for fun alot. cannot stand tournament fishing. just my opinion and i guarentee lots of people will disagree but i think that tournament fishing takes the fun out of things. youre under so much pressure to catch the biggest for money. i dont think thats right. i think fishing should be a relaxing fun hobby, which is why if you ask me who's my favorite fisherman i would say something like bill dance or hank parker, because they arent in the tournament trail, they just fish for leisure. but hey thats just me, to each his own.
  5. winter for sure. i dont like not catching fish and i also dont like it when the bass are finiky, but at least when that happens in still out there fishing, winter just sucks cuz there is no fishing.
  7. great job. ul bass are awesome. my best ul outing was at a farm pond, the top of the pond was covered in duckweed. i took an ultralight with 6lb test and was casting out a weightless 7" ribbon tail worm and crawling it across the top of the duckweed. little dinky bass would just expolde on it. ended up catching 18 bass that day, on that setup, biggest bass was about 16". with the ul rod, the 6lb test, the bass, and they few pounds of duckweed they were haulin', it all added up to an excellent fight.
  8. my best baits: 1. 4" YUM dinger (will be replaced with ***) 2. rapala floater 3 rapala dt (all variations) 4. berkley power worm (7") 5. blue fox vibrax minnow spin
  9. must haves: rapala floaters rapala dt 4, 6, 10 rapala dt flat 3, 7 rapala dt fat 3, 7 rapala jointed shad raps rapala xraps 10" culprit worms terminator pro's top secret jigs
  10. man ive been eyeing those since i first found out about *** which was shortly after i signed up to BR (june 2007) and it feels good to have finaly bought them. they are by far the lures im most excited to try in 2008. i hope i get a pig on them! how do you guys think they would work on extremely shallow bedding bass?
  11. you fish in waters JUST LIKE MINE. and crankbaits are often my go to. my favorite and most productive color by far is anything with tennessee and/or shad in the title. lol. bandit's louisanna shad is one of my top producers: as with bandits tennessee shad: rapala's pearl grey shiner is a favorite of mine also: i also like ghost minnow colors: so you pretty much get the idea stick to shad colors: silver, grey, a little bit of white, clear, and a gill spot and you will do fine.
  12. the two wake baits and the popper are river2sea and the walking bait is a spro.
  13. bandits are the bomb but they are second to rapala. never ever had a bad rapala. cant say the same for all other baits. but bandits are good, my second favorite.
  14. check out the "why the negativity" thread :
  15. came home from school today and saw a box on the kitchen counter. i opened it and inside were these four awesome lures!!!!! they came in these really nifty clear plastic oval cases with latches. im am so excited to fish these once it warms up!!!!!1 ;D
  16. THATS AWESOME!!!! what a great day. cant wait for those pictures!!! :D
  17. i call your secret spot under your decor in the corner!
  18. lol thats what i was thinking!
  19. no pics, but i have caught many bluegill and small bass that dont have lips.
  20. my dad's smallest didnt measure but most likely in the 7-8" range: my smallest around 6" (note the lovely expression on my face...lol...bad day ;D)
  21. One word explains all
  22. wow i love YUM plastics. i think they are excellent baits. i love their dingers, but after using some of ***, they will be second in my plastic line-up. *** were so much softer and wigglier. but theres something about yum that puts fish in the boat for me.
  23. nice job lol. this bass probably isnt smaller but this is the smallest i've ever caught
  24. the kickin minnows are great. i think i was the one who reccomended you actually ;D. my only problem with them is that they are too fragile. but i've only caught one fish on them, hooked a huge snapper next cast and it just demolished the lure, so im not sure how well they hold up to multiple fish. it was still in perfect condition after the first fish though.
  25. you might want to check out these although they might be a little too small for your needs. i bought two and cant wait to try them out!!!! they also have a 6 5/16" version that dives 0-4' and suspends, if the wake version is too small.
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