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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. i have a pflueger Trion GX ultralight combo i got from dicks and its pretty nice. i like it alot.
  2. ;D tkite has a good suggestion. pretty much any reel in the $100 dollar range will be of equal quality. it all depends on what brand you like the most and all the nitty gritty features of each reel.
  3. if write fishing for any word that begins with "fi" when youre writing a paper and you have to scribble it out.
  4. i use mono for trebel hook lures. i use it cuz it streches, which is good to prevent trebels from ripping out. all single hook lures i use braid. its sooooo much more sensative and zero strech you can get a solid hookset and horse em out of cover. also, its got no memory, so your line wont coil when there is slack when you fish a jig or worm.
  5. power pro will not eat your guides on your avid. they are Fuji Concept or Fuji Alconite. they will not be phased by braid. the only guides braid eats into are cheap ones that are just stainless steel (ugly stik, lightning rod, etc). 50lb power pro has not harmed my avid but it has dug grooves in my ugly stik and lightning rod. how far can you cast? however far that it, double it. put that much braid on it. fill the rest with mono. in other words, if you can cast 100 feet, then fill up the spool with mono, and then tie on your braid and spool on 200 feet of braid. this will conserve your braid since it isnt cheap. and it doesnt get "old" either so if you want to you could take all of the braid off your spool and just flip it around...tie the end your lures used to be on to the mono backing, and it will be like fresh again.
  6. shimano citica 100dsv
  7. nope. but that is kinda neat. i saw plans for that on the internet a while ago. forget where they were though.
  8. i have a leaky 12' aluminum jonboat and 36lb motor and batterey. its pretty much a pain in the butt to transport and fishin. that thing is so tipsy its not even funny. its a big pain to have to deal with the leak. that $500 10 foot boat is riveted, and if i get a jonboat it will be welded...i dont wanna deal with rivets again. a 10 foot jonboat would be pretty difficult to handle by my self...im not a very big guy. and i probably wouldnt get a trailer because alot of the places i fish have no boat ramp.
  9. i was flippin channels this morning and north american fisherman TV was on VS. and some lady was fishing with a swim jig and she said NEVER EVER set the hook and ALWAYS point the rod at the fish......i thought this went against everything i have learned on this site...any thoughts?
  10. yeah it was pretty cold. wasnt too unbareabley cold though. i taught my dad how to use a baitcaster yesterday too. so that was kinda cool.
  11. i had some problems last night. the page would come up as page cant be displayed and i'd have to close out of the window like 5 times to get it to work.
  12. well i think all of those are beyond beginner reels. i think a good beginner reel is the shimano citica. but i voted for curado, because i hear its just a little better than the citica. i have 2 citicas and love em, and have never used a curado but i would like to.
  13. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_84259_175005001_175000000_175005000_175-5-1 for when i get a job and a truck, i can go out by my self and easily get on the water. this seems to be the best pontoon with the most features for the price. think its a good one?
  14. x2 also get some 10"ers in tequila sunrise. when it comes to worms, fish em slowly in heavy cover. and for me, the bigger the worm the better. dont be deterred by a big 10" worm...bass certainly arent! ;D
  15. wow great post sam. thats alot of goooooood info. what i would do is not throw a jig. i would t-rig a creture bait or 10" worm or something and peg a 1oz tungsten sinker. be sure to lube up the bait and sinker with some scent (gel scent prefereably) the bullet sinker and thinner profileof the bait and lube will all work together to slide thru the slop easier than a bulky 1oz jig. try it!
  16. i'd keep a bass if i was hungry for bass. i'd keep a bass if i gut hooked it and tried to release it but it wasnt swimming away. i'd keep a bass if it beat world record and get it mounted. state record, i'd just get a replica.
  17. i once caught a grass shrimp that was about this |-------| long. i was fishing for white perch in tidal water with inline spinners on my ultralite. well i was fishing the spinner over a grass bed and then i brought it in i noticed what i thought was a piece of grass on the trebel hook. when i looked closer it was a tiny little shrimp. i hooked it right thru the side on one of the hooks. i thought that was cool!
  18. well we went to the pickerel pond hoping that they were getting ready to spawn. i think the water is still a little bit too cold. they will probably be spawning in a few weeks to a month. anyway, i had a spoon on and my dad had an inline spinner on his new UL combo. he was reeling in his spinner over deep water and when it got close to him he just started fooling around with it in the water. a bass took it! lol. that was quite a suprise. he said that the bass had absolutley no fight what so ever. he didnt even feel a strike. he just felt resistance and saw his line moving side to side. he landed the beast (lol) and i walked around the pond to take a pic: first bass of '08 for the Saavedra Fishing Team! ;D it measured 16.25" long and we didnt weigh it but my dad said it felt like 2lbs. looks like 2lbs too.
  19. wow great story. i would be devastated though. if i was gonna lose a fish, i would definitley want it to spool me lol! but yeah tha had to be a great fight.
  20. i dont see anything wrong with him taking the fish to bps even though he used a bps lure. i think taking it to bps was the right thing, and the bps lure was a big coincidence. if i caught a true hawg, what i would do is donate it to my bps. that way you can go visit it and see it alive and well, instead of dead on your wall. and then when it dies, maybe the bps would be able to give it to you to have it taxidermied (<--probably not a word). i think that is a rediculous lure he caught it on. lol. i would have never used one of those lures. but hey, goes to show even the most simple, plain lures can catch true hawgs.
  21. your friend probably didnt have high quality fuji guides either. i have lightning rods and ugly sticks, the braid eats into them because they only have stainless steel, no alconite. you will be absolutely fine with braid on an aivd. i use braid on my avid when i fish worms/jigs.
  22. pm me with a little info on what exactly youre looking for, i might be able to help you out.
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