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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. go with rapalas. they are the best crankbait short of lucky crafts. not sure if lucky crafts are much better either. they are more expensive tahts for sure. there are no $2 cranks that are worth buying. (unless its a good bait in a bargain bin somewhere)
  2. sorry guys, i forgot all about this thread! there are many responses. ther is no way i would ever get kayak. definitley not one to sit will my legs streched all day. noooo way. i have to stand. which is why i like the casting deck pontoon. but that is alot of money and if im gonna pay that much i wanna assess my options. i do have one of those little dollies for my current P.O.S. jonboat. the dolly also happens to be a P.O.S. we got it from a yardsale or something. there are 4 places that i fish that have a boat ramp. and two of those places i wont be able to go to by myself, i'd need my dad with me, because they are on a navy base, and he works ther so he has a pass that can get me in. i couldnt go there by my self. my favorite lake doesnt have a boat ramp. not sure how hammering the rivets will work because there is alot of old caulking alllll over the bottom of the boat. im not even sure if its the rivets leaking. i think its the seam down the middle of the hull. my dad and i have found a few spots on the hull that are leaking. and everything we have tried hasnt worked. my name is jus my first initial "d" and then my last name "saavedra". the two periods before and after are because i was trying to edit my info and it wouldnt let me because my display name was the same as my login name, so i just slapped two periods on it and said "take that". lol.
  3. oh and welcome!!!!!!!
  4. secret??? these are the hottest baits around the country right now. no secret there. anyway, lots of people texas rig them with a weighted hook (weight on the hoook shank, so it falls horizontal). ive never used em but thats what alot of people here seem to do.
  5. oh ok. that sounds like something that Betts might make. have you searched there products?
  6. heres an article i found on the reel http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/Ambassador.html it looks like a pretty sweet reel. has some really good features and its not expensive at all. is this reel new or old? baitcast reels can not be switched from left to right. if you dont like switching hands then you need to get yourself a left handed reel.
  7. clear floats you can buy pretty much anywhere. the foam spiders you can buy in any fly shop. i also make them...i could make some for you if you want.
  8. paul thats a pretty nice 'gill.....but lets see some bass that would consider that brunch!!!!
  9. thats a great fish dude!!! the release picture is very cool. 8-)
  10. ok thanks. jeez thats too much for me :-[
  11. maybe you should look in the panfish department instead of the bass department. i have two of those little rebel crickets that avid mentioned they are good little baits. you might also want to check in the fly department. there are plenty of little poppers available. you might have trouble casting them though. you could use UL gear with a small bobber a few feet ahead of the lure.
  12. t-rig, why do you always have one of each of the sexiest baits ever? how much did that one cost?
  13. that spro looks mighty fine
  14. thats the one that i got. looks very nice. its well made too. doesnt feel cheap at all. cant wait to use it.
  15. lol you're funny ;D but yeah i planned on getting a strap. turns out im going to go get the sunglasses today.
  16. ok just had a confusing moment. we have a "Bass_Akwards" and a "BassAkwards". whats up with that? are you the same person with two different accounts? if not that is a close match of names lol! ;D and munkin, youre link didnt work. what is the name of that bait?
  17. ok never mind i see there Ecolar series goes for 19.99.
  18. solar bats for $15????? the cheapest solar bats ive seen were 40 and they were the unpolarized ones. are you sure they were solar bats and not some other kind?
  19. there is. when youre on a board, if you look at the threads title, alot of times you'll notice a little red oval with the word "NEW" in it. well that means that there is a new post since the last time you viewed that thread. if you click on the word "NEW" then it will bring you to the next post after the last time you viewed the thread.
  20. WELL HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY AND WHERE DID YOU GET IT!?!?!? what is the difference between the pop max and pop x? i got a river2sea bubble popper (pop x replica) for 5 bucks. i got it in the aurora black color which is like a chrome blue with a black back. havent had a chance to fish with it yet but im excited to see how the open gills affect the action on it.
  21. ;DLOL!!! ;D dont worry, they are excellent cranks
  22. what...im not entitled to my own opinion? anyway, i think we're getting off topic here. bass_akwards asked "what are some good bluegill colored cranks?" he didnt ask "should i match the hatch?" so far, only 5 out of 10 posts have reccomended a bluegill colored crankbait.
  23. thats interesting. where did you hear that method? also, when you are crossing them, do you put the outsides against each other or do you put the insides against each other or do you put the outside against the inside of the other?
  24. yeah i've seen their selection of sunglasses and its not much. only about 1 rack and its not always full. i figured there wont be much selection and 30 bucks would probably be the most expensive pair there. anybody ever used the B.A.S.S. brand sunglasses? they seem like the best in the 30 dollar range. anybody ever seen them at walmart?
  25. its such a small act, switching hands, that you barely even notice it. its just natural. i use rh reels and it just feels natural to me. i have used lh reels and they just feel weird. i feel like i should be palming the reel with my left hand and it feels very unnatural palming with my right hand. plus, i cast two handed, over my right shoulder 90% of the time, with my right hand just below the reel and my left hand just above the butt (gives me more control on the cast). so i dont really have to "switch hands" all i do is just bring my left hand up the rod handle and palm the reel, then bring my right hand up and begin my retrieve.
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