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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. no problem boett. be expecting a PM soon
  2. thast good, wouldnt want to over-bling out on the lake now would we :
  3. if you're planning on messing up (which is a safe plan) then maybe you want to practice on a piece of wood first? go to the hardware store and pick up a a few 3/4" dowel rods or something and just paint lots of stuff on them. it will give you the practice you need for when you want to step up and try baits.
  4. ........as drool saturates the front of my shirt
  5. they dont even have to be beat up. try re-painting a crankbait that is in a color you dont like. thats what i did with fourbizz...i gave him a bunch of never before used firetiger baits and hes gonna paint em in tenn shad for me.
  6. lol thast what i plan on studying. im gonna apply for an engineering course at the technology center away from school. dean: a luck craft? now thast a compliment
  7. thank you
  8. oh. i guess i just dont see too many of your pictures then.
  9. SCHWEEEET!!! (haha you pulled a brokejew) ;D
  10. feels great to finally get baitcasters under your belt, doesn't it? congrats. keep at it and get better and better!
  11. ;D i lol'd when i read that, bizz. those are some huge freakin walkers. good luck with them...post a pic of a few lunkers caught on them puppies!
  12. lol. see....i have a problem. i love making bait bodies, im pretty good at it too. but when it comes to installing hardware, i kill the bait. and im not so great at painging, but i can do a photo finish pretty well. so the beginning and end of the process are ok with me, its the middle where its most important and where i always messs up. so what i think i might do is take a few of my factory baits and just do a photo finsh on them. might turn out cool! i'll post pics if i get around to it.
  13. i like this pic alot. i ran outside in bare feet to snap this pic when i woke up before a fishin trip: i also like this one, cuz im all bundled up and cold but im happy cuz i got a nice bass. this is also the same bass thats in m avatar (the avatar is the release photo)
  14. here is a non-functional bait (line tie is crooked, lip is crooked and too far back, belly hook is too far back, doesnt swim well at all) that i made a while back. even though it doesnt swim i think it looks pretty. the sides are a photo finish of a black nosed dace (minnow i found in my creek, so i decided to make a bait out of it) and the top is my poor painting skills trying to blend in with the photo finish. tell me what you think!
  15. that is a snazzy bait my friend!!!!! it would look very snazzy with a photo finish. you could find a pic of a fish and then do a photo finish of that fish onto your lure it would definitley be a winner. that lure really has a profile of a yellow perch. a baby bass would also be great for that lure. maybe even a trout? shad patterns are pretty classic and work well everywhere even where there are no shad. you can PM me if you are interested in the photo finishing process.
  16. nice stuff. whats the action on those bad boys?
  17. oh and in the rare case that someone BREAKS their state record, what happens? do they get a special prize?
  18. ok well im still in. IM IN LARGEMOUTH DIVISION! MY ENTRY FEE: this is a my best avid photo. its dark, over exposed, way too high contrast, and severely blurry. my body is also halfway cut off thanks to my dads skillful photography( : ) and the fish is being held vertically to boot! a perfect match!
  19. glad mine got there alright. i got about another month maybe a month in a half before the fishing picks up again. take your time.
  20. i was suprised to see this thread at the top. i thought it died a while ago.
  21. time to upgrade my spinning rig. i was thinking about getting a shimano symetre spinning reel and putting it on a st. croix premier. i would be using it for mainly weightless soft plastics and lighter baits like that. i guess you could call it a finesse combo. well is this a good combo for what i will use it for? do you need more info about what im using it for? are there any more good combos in this price range? i really dont want to spend more than $100 each for the rod and reel. thanks guys
  22. i make one like that except smaller. mine is bass sized: that fly is definitley not worth 50 dollars
  23. yup i learned that the hard way too :
  24. i never could understand why people whack the water to get weeds off.....it damages lures AND scares fish.
  25. thanks for the responses
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