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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. great fish paul! glad you finally got to go out today! i was happy to get out today also even though i didnt do as well as you you've been tearin' em up on that tube lately. if i remember correctly thats what almost all of the fish you have posted in the past few months have been on. nice job.
  2. lol he really looked like a midget to me. i flip with spinning gear most of the time too. the only time i flip w/ baitcasting is when i flip jigs/weighted plastics. one of my favorits summertime techniques is to flip weightless wacky rigged trick sticks using spinning gear into pockets in and around the lily pads that surround my favorite lake.
  3. i just take a phonebook or dictionary and open to the last few pages and slide the line in there and then close the book and that gives me enough tension to spool the line.
  4. ok the epoxy is a bit more set now and i was able to get a better pic. here is a more "accurate" picture of the lure: still have to wait for tomorrow to paint the back and belly. you guys think i should paint a little red around the gill area?
  5. here is a baby bass lure that im workin on. right now the first coat of epoxy is drying and tomorrow when its all dry i will paint the back and belly to match the finish on it. this pic really makes the finish look messy. you cant really tell its a baby bass in the pic, its because the lure is so reflective its difficult to photograph it. but here is the picture:
  6. this topic was brought up a few months ago. someone posted a link to a youtube video and there was some midget flipping lures in the cul de sac of his stree. i distinclty remember it but i cant find the video anywhere.
  7. great story mike! ;D just goes to show, the fish really couldnt give a crap what gear you use, just as long as they like the bait youre throwing. reminds me of when i was in pennsylvania, i brought bass gear but the bass werent biting and there were loads of panfish around us, so i just borrowed about 5 feet of line and a tiny hook from my sisters boyfriend and i was fishing only by holding onto a piece of line! it was nifty cuz i had an artificial hair jig on one end and a hook w/ a nightcrawler on the other, so i could switch baits real fast. i brought in tons of pumpkinseed and yellow perch without even using a rod. i also saw a lady at a local park had a night crawler on a hook and about a 3/4oz weight under the nightcrawler tied directly to the filler spool of line. she just sat the filler spool on the ground and was whirling her weight/hook and then flung it out there and caught a catfish.
  8. i chose catch one fish but have it beat your PB. in reality i would love all of those, but my fav. would be the PB.
  9. 72° today! hooray! my dad and i got out and got a little fishin in. didnt catch a thing so i took some pictures of my surroundings. there is a fluffy orange cat at this pond that we named "Little Buddy". every time we fish this pond, this cat will crawl out from under the fence of a house that is by the pond and come and sit and fish with us. it has been with us for 3 consecutive times now. it is the calmest cat ever. i was wiggling my fingers around in the leaves and it didnt even look. the cat is fun to tease with soft plastic lures though ;D monster in the bushes: eyes trained on my *** Craw Tube: a mallard swimming by: a blade of grass against the clouds: hope you all had some nice weather too. enjoy the pics!
  10. suspending jerkbaits shallow crankbaits jigs
  11. yeah roostertails idea is pretty plausable. i wouldnt have thought of that one myself. i'd have to fish with the shallow shad rap and see how it swims, maybe then i can come up with an answer...
  12. i was looking for a spinning rod in that range too and i think im gonna have to go with a $128 avid from reeds. and get 10% off a shimano symetre from reeds too.
  13. you have nothing to worry about. no bass will do any harm to any of that gear.
  14. i have used the procaster and it is a pretty nice reel considering the price of it. some of the components are cheap, made of plastic, but over all its a nice reel. i can cast VERY far with it.
  15. wow thats some good info right there! lots of effort and money in that one. good job the quality of the videos will decrease no matter where you upload them.
  16. i really like redceckriots "bullet bug" very catchy name and it rolls off the tongue ;D
  17. nothin a pair of dikes cant fix
  18. i casted my pointer out and it hit a dock and the lip split clean off at the base. sent it back to lucky craft and they gave me a new one free of charge.
  19. no they dive progressivley deeper the bigger they are. like a SR05 will dive about 4-6 feet and the SR07 dives about 6-9 feet and the SR08 dives about 9-12 feet. you get the picture.
  20. the other day i was showing my dad my new shallow shad rap and he asked me why the bill was bent at the 90° angle like that. honestly i didnt know the answer to this question besides that it makes the lure go shallow. so i told him it was to make the lure run shallow. then he asked why they didnt just give it a short straight lip but at a steep angle like most shallow diving baits. i had no idea. so, WHY DO THE SUPER SHAD RAPS AND SHALLOW SHAD RAPS HAVE BENT BILLS INSTEAD OF SHORT STRAIGHT ONES?
  21. shad raps run 4 to 15 foot range and no they most definitley do not have rattles. maybe you are thinking of the glass shad rap, which is made of clear plastic and rattles.
  22. i conside a cast to be accurate when it goes exactly where i want it to go. if i want to land my lure in a pocket of lily pads and i land it in the pocket, its accurate. if i want to land the lure just next to a stump and it lands 5 yards to the lft that is not accurate. sometimes i will want the lure to land 5 yards to the left of a stump, in that case its accurate. so if my lure goes where i want it to then its accurate.
  23. vertical presentations (drop shot, wacky rig, etc.) dont seem to work as well from the bank, although they still work. dont be afraid to throw cranks either, just dont get upset if you lose a few. weedless lures like texas rigged soft stick baits and texas rigged worms are probably your best bet from shore, at least thats what i do well with.
  24. i TOTALLY agree with micro on this one. with crankbait rods i need my sensativity so i can feel what the crank is doing down there. i can feel if i get some weeds stuck on it and the action stops, then i know that i can just burn the lure back in instead of continuing fishing it when i dont know its not working. with spinnerbaits i can feel the blades moving, and if some weeds get on em then they will stop and i can feel it. sensativity is great in all situations, but there is no reason to pay over 150 for a cranking/spinnerbait rod.
  25. cool thanks. im excited to try this in deep water in the heat of summer.
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