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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. i learned the answer to this question from reelmechanic: 200D-standard of the line, with HEG 200DSV-D series, Salt Version. it does not have a ported spool (wiffle spool) which is to prevent saltwater from reaching the bearings. 200DPV-D series Power Version. larger handles, HEG, more spool capacity. 100DSV-same as 200DSV, only it is on a smaller lighter frame. i have pretty small hands so i like the 100DSV best. i also have a 200D and it is pretty big for me, but i still like it. citica is a great reel by the way! ;D
  2. so fishin daddy, this still confuses me, if the contest ends on may 15, then why do you say that all fish must be submitted before april 16?
  3. lol glad im not the only one here with a giant fish pillow :-[ ;D
  4. BULLET BUG!!!
  5. lol ;D thanks! PM me if you are serious.
  6. is it just me or do those two statements contradict each other? did you mean to say all fish must be submitted before 7am on MAY 16, 2008? anyway, this sounds like fun cant wait to start catching fish. glad im tied for second place and not in the negatives ;D
  7. Deliverance anyone??? lol! nice joke.
  8. snowin here, too cloudy to see
  9. free rapalas in the mail....... one of the best things to grace the face of this planet 8-)
  10. thanks for the compliments guys. i will TOTALLY show pics of fish i catch on it
  11. thanks for the heads up. im sure its not the best reel but it would make a nice beginners ree. my dad was interested in getting started baitcasting, i'll have to show him this sale and maybe pick out a nice mid price rod to go with it.
  12. $100 bucks for 17 cranks? are there more than what is pictured? how much do they retail for?
  13. I AM TOTALLY IN THIS SOUNDS LIKE LOTS OF FUN!!!!! but you will have to wait till late march/ april to send it to me cuz thats when the bite pick up here. PM for address...duh ;D bass_boys, this is totally the most versatile hardbait ever IMO. you can reel it, twitch it on top, jerk it underneath, anything your heart desires. it is a floating version and it is solid balsa so it floats very fast. it is great for shallow water applications.
  14. that is interesting information. if the fish can actually see my lure then why the crap do they always miss it when i fish ontop of pads!!!!! > is Hook N Look on TV if so what channel. also, is there a place on the web where i can view episodes? sounds like a great show.
  15. i bought one at dicks and i havent used it yet but it is super sexy. i cant wait to finally tie that bad boy on and fish it. i think it will do well.
  16. ok the epoxy has cured now and i got a few photos. the side view: another view (slightly less glare): the top and belly. i hand painted the top and belly with a paintbrush those $0.50 bottles of acrylic paint that you find at craft stores. i think i made a nice transition from the photo finish to the paint. let me know what you think!
  17. HOLY COW!!!! this long distance casting is absolutley insane. look at the gear they use! anyone know if they televise it? that would actually be kind of boring to watch ;D
  18. check these out, hand poured sexy shad swimbaits: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12178 actually, i think you have to be a member there to view their attachments, so i'll try to post the pic here:
  19. i had a rapala 15lb digital scale and it was the WORST scale i have ever used. i got a berkley 50lb digital scale for christmas, and that thing is accurate down to the ounce. i weighed a 1lb 12oz net weight bag of trailmix (printed on the bag) and my scale came up with a perfect 1lb 12oz!!!! it also weighed several other groceries to the exact ounce.
  20. xrap for me, its about the only jerkbait i have ever used (i havent used jerkbaits much, but i want to use em more this year) and i caught quite a few fish off that xrap. its a good lure!
  21. according to the Bizz himself, "they walk like a MO FO!"
  22. glad you all like this lure thank you very much for the compliments! i had the chance to paint the back and belly today so they blend in with the rest of the lure. i think i did OK...there is always room for improvement though. i also painted a thin red line behind the gill to accent the head a little bit more. over all i am VERY pleased with how this bait turned out and i cant wait to catch a few bass on it! the epoxy over the paint is still wet so i'll post some pics tomorrow when its cured and the bait is fishable. McCallister, you should try visiting www.tackleunderground.com (hope that link works) and cehcking out their forums. lots of great bait making info over there. and by they way, you are correct with your "layering process"
  23. im on right now if anyone else is. im chatting with mobydick right now.
  24. from what i hear they are the most accurate scale a fisherman can get. i'd sure love to have one :
  25. i have tied a few bucktails before. there is really nothin to it. what i will do is i will take a clump of bucktail however long i want it and i will tie it on the top of the jig. then i will repeat only i will tie it on the side closest to me. then i will tie another clump on the bottom. and finally another clump on the side away from me. really straightforward. be sure to cover the butts of the hair very well and not have any poking thru the threads, or it will be ugly also, i reccomend you coat the threads (after you whip finish) with SUPER GLUE not fly head cement. super glue is much tougher and will hold the threads/hair much better. good luck!
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