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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. x2
  2. wow that thing is a hunchback! nice catch. wish i could be out there right now. im terrible at coldwater fishing, and i got no ride anyway.
  3. ok good. i figured you were messin'.
  4. my dad had a big green three-tier plano box. in the bottom he had three "golden books" pocket guides in the bottom. one was titled "fishes" the next "fishing" and the last "weather" there was also a rag in the bottom. there were a few white perch rigs (wire leader w/ two hooks coming off the sides and a few beads). in the trays on the shelves there were many hooks and there were rock hard dried up pieces of nightcrawler on a few hooks. he had sooooo many lead sinkers it was unbelievable. he had ONE crank bait and it was an original floating rapala F07 in silver. he never caught a fish on it. there were also several inline spinners. he had two weber spoons, one silver (rusty of course) and the other red/white. he caught two bass on the silver one and that was all the bass he had caught till i dragged him out bass fishing 2 years ago. he loves bass fishing now ;D
  5. yeah they do look pretty low quality, but they have a nice swimming action, and they got good reviews on cabelas. heres a link to a video of their action: http://www.strikeproamerica.com/pn15_swim_1.htm
  6. i hope you are not serious because that would be "unsportsmanlike" of you. i was honestly confused, and i wanted some clarification. i was not trying to get on your case for making a typo.
  7. thanks for the link! ;D
  8. yup i fit all three of those prerequisites
  9. Dean, in your original post, you described my favorite lake in the summer time. the conditions are almost EXACTLY the same, except for the water clarity. my water is pretty well stained. anyway, hands down my favorite technique for fishing this lake with the pads is flipping a wacky worm into pockets using spinning gear. GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!!!! great thread by the way, there should be more like this. they are both fun and informative.
  10. http://www.cabelas.com/prod-1/0053117122424a.shtml these things look very cool. anyone ever use them? i like the black ghost color, except for the big blue region that is showed on its back. is this blue really a part of the lure or is it some fake reflection that the manufacture photoshopped in to make it look more reflective?
  11. ok. that acutally looks pretty nice. not as bulky as i thought it would be. im a pretty fast tier and i've been doing it for a while, and im also not so nimble with my fingers, and i think doing it your way would frustrate me. im not sure what you mean when you have skirt material "squirting" to the side of your hook...lol. i tie skirt material to hooks all the time and it works out fine for me. i also think that tying would be more durable, but fish your version and let us know how it does!
  12. here is one i caught, its not exactly a shiner, its actually a "rudd" but they are very similar to shiners. this one was 10":
  13. nice fish! lets see that 6lber!!!!
  14. you will be very satisfyed with your 100DSV...TRUST ME!!! its a dream to cast with compared to a few other reels that ive tried. once you have it set up correctly with a certain bait, casting is so easy. i rarely ever have to use my thumb to control the spool. i can totally remove my thumb from the spool and the lure will keep on flyin' and no line problems. let us know how you like it when you finally get it.
  15. I WANT A FLYER!!! do you have to sign up to get a flyer? or do they automatically send you one if you've been on their mailing list (by getting other catalogs, etc)
  16. LOL thats a good one!!! ;D i was looking thru the list of smileys and "poke" caught my eye so i clicked it and when i saw a preivew of it i just had to use it ;D
  17. wow that was pretty funnny....i think....my brain still isnt functioning right after hearing that :-? ;D that Sims game sure has come a long way since the original nineteen nintey something game i got.
  18. 15 (the smiley has no context to this post, i just thought it was a funny smiley! ;D)
  19. 4" YUM Dinger-junebug F11 floating rapala-silver black back DT4 rapala-pearl grey shiner Bandit Footloose-louisianna shad 7" berkley power worm-black blue fleck
  20. welcome to the forums jjbassjj. check in the boating section of the forum, or do a search on the topic. i know many members have done the exact same thing you are trying to do and they will be able to help you out.
  21. nice fish t-rig!!! those are really pretty chunky fish you got over there. it must be awesome holding the country record. we're cursed, our country record happens to be the world record : making it even harder to beat. oh well it is twice as special for whoever beats it. what is that hanging out of the second bass' face on your original post?
  22. FPB, your posts are always entertainging! its fun to see what you will catch next do those exotic species seem to harm the ecosystem in your ponds? i was just wondering cuz i always thought that aquarium fish were usually bad to release into the wild.
  23. i dont see any problems with that, except that i imagine it would look pretty bulky with the tubing on it. also, the added weight might affect the action of the bait. also, heat shrink tubing seems to get looser over time (at least it does for me), so your skirt material might soon fall out. it is probably much easier to just tie the trebels, and it looks and preforms alot better too. when you are hand tying, you dont have to only tie feathers, you can tie whatever you want. you could tie bucktail, squirrel tail, or you could even tie your skirt material right to the hook. just some ideas to work with.
  24. if you have small hands like me, then the 100DSV would definitley be your choice. that reel is soooooo easy for me to palm and its so comfortable. also, its only 7.5 or so ounces as opposed to the 9.9 or so ounces of the 200DPV. the 200DPV, espescially being the power version, is a BIG reel. and the HEG on it makes it pretty heavy and bulky. in reality, any citica will do what you want it to (jigs, traps, sb's). the rod is what might cause some difficulty. normally, but not always, jigs are fished on a separte rod from trebel hook lures and spinnerbaits. BUT, if you have used all three of those lures on your rod before with no troubles then you are OK. as for the BPS $30 reel, keep it, fish it, decide if you like it. if you do like it then keept it around as a "beater" that it wont upset you if something happens to it (scratches, chips in the finish, etc). if you dont like it, sell it, keept it as a "guest reel" to let people who fish with you use, or give it to a kid who will enjoy it.
  25. i have not been able to get the kids fiskars scissors to work for me. occasionally the scissors on my swiss army knife will work. i usually just carry a razorblade in my tackle box and use that to slice the line. works pretty well except sometimes that thin blade is hard to get a handle on. i will find some fiskars scissors later and try them out again.
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