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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  2. after some reading it turns out he didnt even measure the length or girth! wow. http://www.swordfishingcentral.com/bass-world-record.html
  3. yup. that bass was 25.1lbs and i forget the dimensions on it. he snagged it below the dorsal fin on a white jig while sight fishing for it. i couldnt imagine pulling one of those out of the water. that thing is SCARY BIG!!! and some might not know this, but that isnt even mac weakly in the photo. mac caught the fish but had his buddy who was a pro guide or something hold the fish, because mac's friend had more fish handling experience and mac was afraid of dropping the fish. i always found that interesting.
  4. anything with a lead head and a skirt
  5. MaxDal made a sexy jointed wooden swimbait a few weeks ago...ask him for some help.
  6. x2!!!
  7. nope i dont think he even fished with it.
  8. not a single one of those looks like a baby bass. sorry. you can find some MUCH better baby bass swimbaits out there. but if you have your heart set on a storm wildeye swim shad, then try the suspending version, it comes in a baby bass color: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_44457_100007007_100000000_100007000_100-7-7
  9. i did and he has no clue what it is... anybody??? :-?
  10. general, outing, and tackle 8-)
  11. i had a rapala 15 lb digital scale and that thing was a POS. no matter what the weight was that i weighed, it was always a half pound off. so then i got a 50lb berkley digital scale for xmas, and it is dead on. i bought a bag of trailmix once and it had 1lb 12oz net wt. printed on the package, and when i weighed it on my berkley, it gave me exactly 1lb 12 oz thats pretty good for a $20 digital scale if you ask me.
  12. here is a lure that i found in my dads tacklebox from when he was a kid. it has a crimped inline spinner blade in the front, a hollow frog type body in the middle, and a spinnerbait trailer type tail in the back. the whole thing is about 6 letter keys long (dont have a ruler handy ;D)
  13. this is a pretty easy question but i dont really know the answer: at what depth do bass usually spawn? is water clarity anything to do with it? if so, then the water im referring to is pretty well stained. i always see bluegills on their beds in the spring/summer and they are in about a foot or less of water, but its always bluegills i see spawning, i NEVER see any bass on beds, i've only seen two or three. so are they spawning deeper where i cant see them? thanks guys.
  14. wow cant find that bait anywhere. i have a bait that is pretty old, and i have NO CLUE what it is, hopefully someone here can identify it.
  15. i will vouch for the rapala x-rap and rapala husky jerk. two excellent baits!
  16. GREAT WAY OF PUTTING IT!!!! thankfully i dont lose too many lures :-? just doesnt seem to happen to me. pretty much the only time i lose lures is if im fishing from shore or if i cast into a tree. otherwise if im in my boat i can drive over to the lure and then drive the opposite direction that it got snagged and the lure will pop free. i remember once my dad was fishing one of my shad raps and it was a discontinued color, and he got snagged and went to back up the boat and his line went under the boat and the t-motor sliced right thru the line and my lure is still at the bottom of jameson lake :-[ i was pretty P.O.'d about that one.
  17. what are the cranks (make and model) pictured in the second picture? i am in love with that silver shad colored crank in the second pic!
  18. if you search "walmart pranks" on youtube or google you get tons of hilarious results. i would love to do this but i dont have the balls to do some of this stuff. i'd love to see people do it though ;D here is the forementioned baby got back video:http://youtube.com/watch?v=1GKaVzNDbuI
  19. i own 2 shimano citicas and absolutley love them. best reel out there in the 100 dollar range in my opinion.
  20. best sub 100 dollar rod i have fished with. im sure there are some rods under 100 bucks that are much better than the lightning rod (a few shimanos come to mind) but i have not fished with any of them so i can not comment on them. as for the lightning rod, it makes a pretty darn good plastics rod (thats what i use it for), as for crankbait, if you can find the right rod, then it should be good. not sure if they make them in moderate actions though. i would say get a ML power rod if you plan on using it for cranks. as for feel, they have alright feel. it is nothing like my st. croix rods, but it is certainly much better than my ugly stik. so its pretty good feel for a $40 rod. good at all? well if youre on a budget then i say GO FOR IT!!!
  21. is there any kind of stream leading into this pond? if there is even the slightest stream; i mean a trickle of water flowing thru mud into the pond, then that is a "highway" for crawfish to get into the pond. i found a small beaver pond in my woods that had a super small stream flowing into it, and since it was in the middle of nowhere, it was obviously untouched. well i set out a minnow trap just to see if there was anything in it, i figured i'd get nothing. 3 days later i returned and found a few huge crawfish in it, about 30 huge bullfrog tadpoles, a couple water beetles, various insect nymphs/larvae about 7 newts, and 3 yellow spotted salamanders. so you'd be suprised in what lives in a supposedly "empty" pond. as for baits to fish, stick to the natural looking stuff cuz you have already had success with that. fish plastics and maybe a few silent crankbaits (rapala shad rap) since you said the fish are kinda spooky. even though there are no baitfish (which there may actually be, you just dont know it) the bass will still instinctivley hit crankbaits.
  22. if you cant make it to the TV in time to catch the episode, www.southparkzone.com posts up full, un-edited, commercial free episodes the night they air. they have every single episode on there. ps. i cant wait to watch it! ;D
  23. Rapala DT-FAT 07 and 03
  24. parasite clip is by far the best option for your situation, unless youre crafty and could look at a picture of a parasite clip and make one out of a piece of wire (actually that wouldnt be too hard to do).
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