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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. what do you think the fish will be doing today i think they'll be doing some swimming, a lot of swimming son of a b---h! my fav. part!!!!! ;D this was hilarious russ, you gotta put together some more!
  2. who's in st. marys county maryland?
  3. thanks for bringing that to my attention, i wade a lot in a pond with some relativley soft bottom. i remember once i was walking along thru thick hydrilla and then all of a sudden i walked into a hole that was up to my neck! really freaked me out. my waders didnt fill all the way up but i got some water in the boots of em.
  4. ok so who else has spend hours on that website browsing their awesome deals??? i wanna get a 200mW red laser for 53 bucks
  5. haha that video is the most scary and most hilarious video on youtube!!! nice fish dinkmaster
  6. thats insane! such a great price and free shipping too! thanks for the link. PS: bugs will not flock to a red light
  7. 99% of the time i just grab em and pluck em out with my fingers. the only ones i cant do this with are the freakin microscopic ticks. i dont know what they're really called but my mom calls em "c ticks". theyre really tiny so i have to use tweezers to get a grip on em. even those pull right out though.
  8. i saw that on TV last night also. i forget what channel it was though...
  9. i believe that is so true. i have caught MANY dinks in ponds and lakes, but i caught some fish of the same size out on the river a few weeks ago, and they fought like they were twice their size. it was great. as for the big fish fighting just as hard as littler fish...i have not had another bass fight as good as my 7lb bass.
  10. less but bigger fish this year. so its kinda a compromise.
  11. I would laugh my butt off watching somebody try to reel above water with head underwater watching the bait, with goggles on. Why not just watch it from above? ;D lol hey dude, laugh all you want but its COOL watching em from underwater. you get to see how the lure swims without the distortion from ripples and waves on the water's surface. and you dont even have to stick the rod out of the water. most of the time i just had the rod and reel underwater with me. oh and use a snorkel too so you can watch it longer
  12. Good points Dave, but I have to disagree to some extent. I haven't tried the rig, so I really don't have room to argue, but I believe the advantage the Tubo Rig would have on just a slip sinker with a floating plastic is that the bait can actually "hide" from the bass and prevent it from removing it off the bed, therefore agitating the fish even more. I would think it would get more aggresive bites rather than the usual bite and blow it out in a blink of an eye that often happens with bedding fish. Like I said, I have no experience with it, this is just a guess from looking at it. you also make some good points. my opinion would be VERY different if this lure didnt look like a toddler's toy. if it was much less bulky and more realistic looking (and not $20) then i would say it is worth a good shot. it needs some improvement but the concept could work.
  13. thats awesome. hope they got bit by the fishing bug really good and they will fish a lot in their futures!
  14. you should be fine. im sure the chlorine would wash off your line in a few casts of fishing in a real pond anyway. if it still worries you, you could do what i did, get a cheapo UL combo from walmart (i got a zebco combo for 10 bucks) and have that as a "dedicated swimming pool rig". i took mine and i'd put goggles on, go underwater, stick the rod above water and retrieve so i could see what the lures looked like underwater.
  15. i laughed out loud when i read "...add another $5 for the bitchin custom flames ..." they do look nice. it all looks nice. nice job.
  16. absolutley gross....
  17. thats what im talkin about!!!! great fish. that 4.5lb is beautiful!
  18. yeah, im thinking about buying this guys CD. you can visit his official website at www.pianotarium.com i think it says that in the youtube video too.
  19. CHECK THIS OUT!!! its absolutley amazing regardless of what kind of music you like:
  20. shimmer shad smoke red pepper junebug
  21. is the 750 size spinning reel pretty much an ultralight? i havent seen it in comparison with other reels. my friend was looking for a nice ultralight reel to go with a st. croix ultralight rod, and i might show this to him. thanks.
  22. thanks for the heads up!
  23. that was a cool story. i really hope next time you can get her again and TAKE PICTURES!
  24. you could also try using a hook with a keel weight which will help to keep it upright.
  25. you only need 3 baits to catch a bunch of fish in a small pond: 1: rapala dt-4 sureset (pearl grey shiner) fish this lure around cover or in open water adjacent to cover. or you could even just fish it in open water where you cant see any cover. this is a great search bait for small ponds. 2: berkley power worm 7" (blue fleck) rigged weightless texas. crawl and jiggle this lure along the bottom in some very nasty cover. its weedless, so you dont have to worry much about hanging up. this is a great fish catcher. 3: *** *** (shimmer shad) rigged weightless texas or wacky. cast this out by some cover and let it sink, giving it small twitches when it sinks. bass ALWAYS kill these baits. good luck!
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