Sorry to bring a somber energy to one of my favorite places on the web, but I need some serious advice. I am thinking about dropping out of college for the main reason of I never wanted to go in the first place. In my senior year of high school, 2003, I wasn't planning on going to college. I enlisted in the Army at 17 and headed down to georgia for basic training. Well, I had a pre existing neurological disorder(tourette's) not the funny I swear out of the blue kind, but just a nervous twitchy habit that really only appears during stress. Anyway, my recruiter told me to hide it, but at basic people started noticing it, and I brought it to the attention of a doctor at sick call and told them my recruiter told me not to tell anyone...long story short they didn;t keep me their and home I came. I think it was for the best, since having a nervous or stress disorder in the army isn;t the best thing.
Since I never applied to any colleges or took my SATs since I wasn;t planning on going to college, I enrolled in a Community(2yr.) college. I got good grades becasue I applied myself on the coutn that I thought I "needed" to get into a four year schooo. Well a few years later I am at a local 4yr. State College. I HATE it. I have never been studious, and got through high school on my relatively natural intelligence. I never studied hard and got by with B's and C's since high school really isn;t that difficult. I think the only reason I did good in junior college was because I was motivated to get into a four year school. Now that I am there, nothing truly appeals to me, and I am just going through the motions. I enrolled into the Social Work program, thinking I would like it, not DESIRING to do it. I feel that unless you are motivated my passion or interest in something, you will never succeed.
I'm 22, and I feel in my heart of hearts that college just isn;t for me. I don't like to read, especially not text books. Thee is no Major that truly appelas to me enough to go through college for, and I am just aimlessly, and half heartedly(if that) going through the motions because everyone is telling me that I should, or you need college to make it in life, you know the speal. Anyway, most family emmbers say stick with it, becasue they just want me to graduate and make a good living, I know they have my best interest at heart, but there are other ways of making a living.
I have experience in the restaurant biz, and could fall into that and start supervising/managing and go from there. Managers make a decent living 45-55k after 2-5 years experience. If I can land a job at a corporate place or better yet a high end restaurant I can make a decent living. As I said to my brother today, all I am looking for is to make a living, not change the world, or pursue any sort of specific field. I think I could esily get into the business since I am close with my boss(the owner of the place) and he thinks highly of me. My true passions, where my heart has always been and probably will be) are fishing and exercise. I have always pursued these since my younger years. There are two types of people in this world, those driven my passion and emotion, and those driven by reasoning. Alot of people who are reasoning say, Hey, you go to college, get a job, and live life. But me, who are very passionate and emotionally invested in things, have a hard time focusing on things other than their passions. I figure if I can get a job managing in a resturant I can make a living, then on my off time I can pursue my passions. I would love to try to get into competitive bass fishing, as well as amateur bodybuilding/powerlifting.
I think with enough passion and determination, anything within reason are attainable. I just don't see college doing anything for me in the future when I can get a job that I know a lot about, and have connections in without school. I just can;t do school anymore. I'm not motivated, I'm burnt out, I have a very hard time sitting with my face inside a book studying. I am looking for a route where I can make a decent working class living(not looking to live the life or a fat cat) that doesn;t involve reading enless pages of text books. I learn much better by observing and doing than I do at reading, that's just how I am. I think that's why I got into fishing. I oberved these guys on TV doing what they do, and by watching them and listening to them I learned a lot. I then mastered it by actually doing it myself. This just isn;t they way of college. It's read this, write this, take this test. There is no action, no hands on...
I just need some advice, hopefully some positive stuff and not just the stay in school stuff. I'm really at my wick's end with school, and I think I'm just looking for some unbiased support from other guys that didn;t go the college route and still make ends meet and then some. I am an intelligent, motivated, and creative person, and I think I'm intelligent enough to know when something isn;t working for me, and that's how I see college. I have several friends and a cousin that either didn;t go to school or dropped out and found good work in the electrical field or construction fields.