I think it is absolutely SADISTIC to use a mammal as fishing bait. Anyone who does that should 1.) Be ashamed of themselves, and 2.) Go to prison for animal abuse.
Worms and fish are so primatively evolved I see no problem in using them as bait. They probably forget they are on the hook after you toss them into the water. But using a mouse, or a squirrel or a chipmunk is screwed up.
I saw a guy catching small perch to use as "BIG"Bass bait, so I tired catchign a small sunfish to do the same, but I couldn't find it in me to hook the sunny to toss out for a bass to eat...I guess I just felt bad like the fish was better than to be used as bait. Bluegill, even though they are small and annoyign at times, are still gamefish, and I think they deserve more respect than to be used as bait.
If you want to use bait(live or dead/cut) to catch bass, or any other gamefish, that's your perogative. I think the only reason bait fishing gets such a bad rap in bass fishing is mostly because everyone is trying to emulate the Pro Anglers who fish for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they think that by catching bass like them, they are just like them. Similar to when kids go out and buy hundred dollar Air Jordans becasue they "Wanna be like Mike" I guaren...d**n...tee that if Pro Bass Anglers fished with bait in BASS Tournaments no one would have a problem with it and say it is "unsporting".
Anyone who denies the claim that they use lures because they try to be like the pro's and the guys on TV are liars. I know because that is the reason I spend so much money on rods, reels, and lures, and tons of other fishing paraphanilia I see advertised by Bill Dance, or KVD, or on any other fishing show on TV.
Unless you are practice fishing for a tournament, there is really no reason to shun live bait. Except for the fact you may get a nose or two turned up at you by tournament anglers, and wanna be's.
I am probably gonna get some negative feedback by guys going on the defensive, and that wasn;t my intentions. I'm just stating the truth, whether they want to except it or not.
I have started not to use bait more often then I do, mainly because getting bait is a hassle, it's expensive($5 for 12 shiners, half of which will fly off the hook on a cast, some will die, an many will get eaten by dink bass. In other words it's gonna be $15 for a good few dozen baits for a fishing trip. If you fish a few times a week it gets expensive.) Then going out of the way to the bait shop, making sure it is open...
Plus I have fell into the baitfishing is for kids and the ignorant mentality, which I admit is wrong, since fishing is fishing whether you use lures or bait, niether of which is more prestigous than the other. JUst my opinion, some may like it, some may hate it, others could care less.