Well, a friend and I took his canoe out fishing in a pond on some land at his grandparents house. We have fished this pond before and usually only catch bass under a pound. We have been told that there are some big fish in there, 8+ pound, but we have never caught one over 3 lbs.
Well, when we got out there it was seeming like we might catch a bunch of fish because the bass were exploding on the top of the water and the last time that happened we caught one on every other cast. But this time we were out there for well over an hour with not a single bite. We were both throwing buzz baits next to structure with no luck and the fish hitting behind the buzzbait. So we decided that we should try something slower. I put on a devils horse and he put on a heddon torpedo. Well they wouldn't even give my devils horse a look but my friend caught one little bass, which was very small.
I decided to throw on a pop-r and low a behold I caught a small one. Well, it seemed like our luck was turning around. But then it we hit a submerged log which for whatever reason we didn't see and it flipped the canoe. So there we are soaking wet with it still being overcast and only about 8am and it is still on the cooler side. Well, at this point we decided to go back to the truck and dry off a little to try and prevent from getting sick.
As we are paddling back something catches my eye, I don't know what or why, but something told me that I should cast next to this downed tree. I cast out and poof birds nest. So I dig out the birds nest and begin my retrieve then out of nowhere a big swirls engulfs my lure (still the pop-r) and I set the hook. I begin to fight the fish and keep him away from the tree and after a good fight I manage to get him to the canoe. When I pull him out of the water my friend and I are shocked at the size. This was by far the largest fish we had ever pulled out of this pond.
It weighed just over 8 pounds!
It was so wonderful to finally pull one of the big fish out of there that we had heard so much about. I would have taken pic but my camera went swimming when the canoe flipped. :'(
So yeah it was a good day, minus the canoe flipping and me losing my camera.