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Crankin Fun Times

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Everything posted by Crankin Fun Times

  1. that sounds awesome...
  2. :-[ In P.A. a 5lb'er is a beast.... Nice fish!
  3. That thing is a hog! She will look great on the wall. Have you tried braid for fishing worms? The no stretch amkes an amazing difference, i doubted it until i tried it, but consider me convinced! Nice fish.
  4. I was visiting my grandma in Ohio, I spend my winters there, I have a good group of friends that i hvae fished with for the past few years of trout. I have other pics of a few monsters i landed last year, on is 34 inches adn a little over 16 pounds, but they are too big to post, if anyone wants to see them I would be more then happy to e-mail them to you. These pictures were taken in january by a wildlife officer who has a steelhead website. I spend a lot of time fishing for them in the winter with a 10'6 UL Wild River road, Pfleger president spinning eel and jig and maggot. I had a few days this year where in a 14 hours time period i would average a fish every half hour (which is very very good for trout fishing)
  5. Finally managed to land her.... 27 inches, average size, but what a fighter!
  6. The fight is on with the steelhead!
  7. Im really jealous >
  8. I feel your pain, next time you go out try fishing the same spot with the same thing, thats the nice thing about bass, short memory span!
  9. The zoom trick works are great, were you carolina rigging them? How deep of water were you fishing? DETAILS!
  10. I would agree anywhere between 5-6 pounds depending on how big your hads are. Nice fish! I busted out a mann's hollow body fish today but my biggest was only 2 lbs :-[
  11. What a magical little bait! Nice job
  12. Straight up Carolina rig!
  13. Braid is the most sensitive type of line because it offers NO STRETCH, thats why a lot of people like it for worms and jigs!
  14. Spinnerbaits are like Jigs, they take a long time to learn how to work correctly (trust me!) But once you get them down they really can produce fish!
  15. finesse! Light line, Flourocarbon, Natural presentation, bluegill, shad are great!
  16. Firetiger all the way! And dont only fish the deep water, with it being stained they will often lay in the shallows and ambush minnows and other baitfish, and the up side is you can get a little closer to them! Goodluck!
  17. So who caught what fish and where? Oh wait there was NO POINT to this post... sorry to break that to you.
  18. Hmm all that open wall space? Think you need to go to Bass Pro and pick up a few rods to fill it
  19. I wish they would fine you $1,000 for every fish that wasn't legal. Poaching is a crime, it's the same thing as if your friends had went out and shot 100 deer. I have had a lot of days where i go out and catch 30 fish, but every one of them goes back into the water, so that other people have the chance to go out and have a great fishing day. > > > > > > >
  20. Power worms are my "go to" bait when the bite is tough, I'm one of the few that uses a 1/32 hand painted jig head, i prefer the smaller hool because they never bend out, and they do less damage to the fish. The key that day was to fish the topwater right under the overhanging willows and other trees that dotted the shoreline. The bass were sitting there hitting the insects that were being washed off the leaves. I'm usually a finesse and crankbait guy, but I have to admit it gets your heart going watching a bass nail a heddon spook.
  21. I managed to find a hot topwater bite today, but more suprisingly it was in the pouring rain. I have never seen such steady topwater action, let alone in a rain storm. I caught bass on everything from a jitterbug to a Zara Spook (which I had never had any success on before today). Once the rain stopped so did the topwater bite and i found most of my fish in 2-6 feet of water feeding on fry and minnows. I used a combination of a Bomber Shallow Fry and a 1/32 jig and 4 inch black power worm. When i felt a bass hit the crank but missed a hookset, or had the bass follow it in I would immediatly flip the worm to the last spot I ahd seen the fish adn more often then not they would nail it on the sink. I didn't catch a PB, not even close (My biggest today was around 2 1/2 lbs and my PB is 5.2) However I had the greatest feeling of accomplishment when I realized that i had succesfully keyed into their feeding pattern and that I had finally been succesful "walkin-the-dog." I probably landed 15-20 fish total and had a complete blast, my family looked at me like i was nuts when I walked in the house soaking wet with a huge smile on my face!
  22. Mattlures is right, depending on the water temp it could be anywhere from tommorrow to 3 weeks from now, but eventually the male bass, along with the other bass in the lake will start to consume the fry. When I notice this happening (bass chasing fry in the shallows) I usually throw the Excaliber Shallow Fry, usually in a baby bass, although if the water is cloudy i like something with a little more flash to it.
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