was Winston Cup the only think changed is who paid more to add their name to the front of Cup...
Nascar is to racing what the WWE is to wrestling. Nothing but entertainment, racing is not part of it anymore.
It always amazed me how they could so make people believe the garbage they spill. Like how much they are concerned with safety however they were years behind other forms of racing. And how they are for equality, how many lower teams could do what Jimmy Johnson's crew chief has done and still be around. He has said in front of a camera he will continue to cheat, and Nascar has to find how. Speaking of the COT, what have they really developed? The items in it are nothing new. And even with that all the years of "developement" the still can't turn without being setup to crab walk down the straights. This list could go on and on but I think everyone gets what I am trying to point out.
There are much better forms of racing out there for people who want actual racing.