Hellbenderman, If someone fiqures out how to sign up for DC i would love to know. The link given to us at our club meeting to use doesn't include it as an option.
Thinking about heading to Dickerson this weekend, will put in at Whites Ferry. Does anyone know if there is any ice still flowing and how muddy the water is?
I have one, an IMX FSR904x. I am not overly impressed with it for the price. If I had my choice I would sell it and get another Dobyns, very impressed with the 2 Dobyns rods I have now.
I have that same Dobyns rod and love it. If i remember correctly the 1oz jig is at the top of the range for this rod though. I may be wrong but worth a check, don't want to overstress a rod.
I think CFFF 1.5 is correct, Chrome is not going to put malware on your system but some default things may show up as tracking cookies. Google makes a ton of money on advertising, if they can track you and give directed ads it makes them more.
Quake, there is no anti-virus which catches everything. Just because you have an AV running and it is not reporting anything does not mean you are not infected. For different malware security companies will run the files against a group of AV's, upwards of 20 different one's. A lot of them will only get caught by 3 or 4.
Welcome to BR, always good to see other guys from Maryland.
Take a look in the Northeast section, there is a long topic for Maryland Who's Who. Some good information in there about our state and those of us in the area.
So Dodge is even though its owned by Fiat?
Gets even funnier when the cars are nothing like what the street cars are. There are no comparison's, they are to the point now of common templates. Oh excuse me, common pick up points, since common templates was deemed a bad thing. No difference between the two....
I use the base 3, was out last weekend fishing a heated water area of a local river. The air temp was 12 when I got there. Never got cold with the under armour.
Fair weather fisherman, interesting concept. Saturday morning it was 12 degrees when Basser89 and myself went to Dickerson. I will go fishing whenever I can, only exception is lightening. But will admit 12 degrees had me debating a little about whether to go or not.
Personally would start with a crankbait, and a spinnerbait. If the fish are actively feeding and chasing bait no need to start with a slow technique like a senko. Go for the active fish, it the action slows then switch to the senko or jig.
Very sad to here this news, never got a chance to meet him personally but seemed like a great guy. Enjoyed his input, and appreciated his help when I first started using baitcasters.
Now that I have my license and rods spooled I am dying to get out. No idea when it may happen though.....
Lee.MD, there are a couple heated water areas in our area. One has some good smallie action when they are pumping the heated water.
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