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Everything posted by BrianinMD

  1. My trip in the boat is an attempt to go with a boater from my club so I can get some instructions on driving the boat since I have little experience. My only time driving a boat was a 16ft alum. jet boat which topped out at 25mph. The ranger will be a little faster.... The batteries were charged as soon as I parked it after our trip. They are just weak and need replaced. I will do that during the winter, and I have have another 3 bank on board charge to install since the one on it is original from 2000 and has a crack in it. It still works but want to start next season fully ready to go and since I am changing out the batteries might as well make that change too....
  2. Obviously didn't make it out in the boat this weekend...going to give it once more shot on the 12th. If the weather is okay going up to Deep Creek with a few friends. If this doesn't work may just break down and winterize the boat and hope for better luck in the spring. Anyway, got the picture of the LM I caught in the upper potomac a couple weeks ago. Still have no idea why this fish was there, shallow, swift, rocky water is not where I expected to find it.
  3. Has the motor been checked out, how good does it run?
  4. Was either the bump to kill the craw, or something grabbing the trailer.
  5. You are correct on Martinsburg Rd, keep following it and take the right at the Y intersection. You will go under some power lines then over a small bridge. The turn in is right after the bridge on the right. Drive the whole way back until you get to the parking lot. The canal is right at the parking lot. The discharge is a little harder to find. Take a right onto the tow path, its about a half mile or so you will see fence on the opposite side of the canal. When you see that start looking to your left for a path to the river. Be careful walking this path it gets rather wet and muddy in spots.
  6. Don't let anyone hold you back, you know you can do it. Just more incentive to do well.
  7. I have not heard of any musky being stocked either, will be interested to find out if they did. Keep hearing about more and more perch being caught, but nothing about small muskies. The dickerson discharge and canal can both be good at times. last winter the water was so low the smallies just didn't show up like normal but with all the rain recently that might not be a problem this year. Planning to take the boat out this saturday to gravely point, taking my first run it in with the guy I bought it from. Weather is not the best but fishable and may be some decent fishing in a couple of the spots there.
  8. Glad to hear you are okay. I would suggest to anyone to take an accident avoidance course if it is offered in your area. My home track when I used to be a course marshal for sports car racing offered it. Drivers ed courses only teach you to pass the test, it is amazing what these classes can teach you. There are a lot of misconceptions about handling loss of traction.
  9. Apparently the yellow perch were bucket biologist. The DNR has seen multiple years worth of fry during their shock test.
  10. But to answer the question, go with the 734...
  11. It comes down to having the "right tool for the job" Spinning gear has techniques it excels at, while baitcaster's have their own techniques. This does not mean they absolutely cannot do what the other setup can do, but knowing the benefits of each type and being comfortable with each will have benefits.
  12. Has anyone ever used something like this: http://www.amazon.com/36-Volt-Battery-Status-Indicator/dp/B003TQTW3S Curious if they would provide any benefit while on a trolling motor only lake.
  13. If you think the economy is bad now, the effects of people only buying what they could pay cash for would destroy it all. How many people could afford to buy cars, houses, boats or any other large ticket item for cash? The ripple effect of this lack of purchases would destroy most markets. Not just the markets of the large items but all of the other markets who make money from purchases to maintain the large item.. That being said it is up to the buyer to have to will power to only finance what they can pay for. Just because someone is willing to loan you the money doesn't mean you should do it. Part of the determination whether its affordable or not just the initial purchase but the expenses of up keep and using it.
  14. Don't overlook the option of a 401k loan if you have it available. Interest rates are usually pretty good with the bonus of paying the interest to yourself. The max term length is 5 years though.
  15. I am shocked there were not more injuries in that wreck. The one fortunate thing is he most likely died on impact and did not suffer. RIP Mr. Weldon
  16. Another pic
  17. Just a couple of pics from the get together yesterday, was fun meeting a few guys. Enjoyed a day on the water with slaynbass365, bites were hard to come by but we managed a few fish.
  18. dcfdpipeman, there is not a lot of hazards at BH, going on trolling motor only helps that, only thing around is sunken wood. Otherwise, as hellbenderman said make sure to have all of your safety stuff since there is a good chance you will be checked. I will try to be there a little early, will go ahead and put in and just goof around the ramp area until others show. If you see a black Nissan Titan and a red Ranger trailer/boat that is Nick and me. One thing I forgot to mention earlier, when I was there today around 10am there was 0 boats on the water. Can't remember the last time there were no boats there on a saturday.
  19. BrianinMD


    Mostly harder rock, depending on mood can get into Blues some. Can pretty much take anything but country, gospel, and bluegrass.
  20. Stopped by the ramp, water is at spring levels about 1 to 1.5 feet below the top of the docks. This is not bad at all, the water at the water was cloudy though. Shouldn't be an issue, may actually help since the bass won't be as skittish as normal.
  21. I have learned more in the last two years since I started tournament fishing than I would have thought possible. The key is just finding a good club.
  22. but I can catch fish there
  23. I will stop by tomorrow afternoon to take a look at the lake, will let everyone know. Benefit of only living 12 minutes away...
  24. I wish we would have a day or two of stable weather before fishing here but it won't be to bad. The hardest time to fish BH is when the water surface is glass like, we will have a breeze so it should be fine. Hopefully we can get everyone in boats, just not sure how many people and boats we will have. I will try to get there a little early, will be the first time I have to go pick up my boat and be somewhere so hopefully will go okay.
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