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Everything posted by BrianinMD

  1. Everyones fine here, so far they have confirmed 7 tornados in MD. 3 of them were in the county I live and work in. Had to shelter in place for awhile at work for one that was couple miles away, the 3 in our county were all with 15 minute drive from us.
  2. If you are punching the cover is very think and line visibility should not be an issue. I would forget the leader and stick with straight braid, you need the strenght and an extra knot is just another weak link.
  3. 6ft 9in Med/x-fast spinning
  4. Loving someone does not depend on looks, this statement "Lastly, and I know this is shallow, but I can't stomach the idea of only being intimate with one girl for the rest of my life, especially WHEN she gets old, wrinkly, and likely puts on a good bit of weight." shows you have a LOT of maturing to do. It may be best you wait for actual love, not the kind you say because its the "right" thing to say. If the hint of leaving someone just because they don't fit into your approved set of looks you do not love them. By the sounds of things you posted, having love and kids needs to wait until you mature enough. Maturity is not an age.
  5. There is nothing more enjoyable in the world then being with someone you love, and spending time with your kid(s). And yes this includes fishing. My full answer is being withheld because it most likely would be taken as offensive.
  6. It floats well, been using for all my topwater except for frogs (65lb braid). I always use KVD Line & Lure conditioner, I do not have any issues with managing it. Like pretty much any line if you go awhile between trips it will coil but not a huge issue. The lake I fish is clear, visibility to 8-9 feet, and no issues with visibility I can tell.
  7. For those characteristics I would by with a hybrid line, namely Yozuri hybrid.
  8. Braking would be an big issue as discussed, but also the life of the transmission would be greatly decreased.
  9. Just placed an order for one this morning after reading this. Need to start looking around for some long sleeve UV shirts at a decent price too. Have to stop baking myself while on the water....
  10. Generally a 6.4 to 1 reel will do everything you need. If you want to get more specific, lower gear ratio's work well for deep diving cranks. For jigs, t-rigs and such a high speed reel provide some advantage.
  11. Yes, everyone has a first time backing down a ramp. But that should not be the first time attempting to back up a trailer, especially if it is a busy one. Empty parking lots are the place to do practice backing up the first few times. If we are waiting in line and see someone struggling offer to help, never hurts to offer. One thing I have done, and had others do it is "ghost launch", if you are by yourself do not bother with ropes if someone else is already on the water and willing to take you from the ramp to your boat. This works great as long as it is not moving water.... But...the things that do bother me is the people not ready to just drop the boat and go. Sitting on the ramp is no time to put in the plug, get equipment from the vehicle and such.
  12. Ha ha....thanks Bass Dude didn't realize i mistyped that one. Yeah, that one is rather funny. One thing I forgot to add, if fishing from the back of the boat don't be afraid to odd angles or spots around the dock. Repeating what the boater is doing will not be nearly as effective, get used to casting from odd angles.
  13. Make sure to cover the hole dock, front to back and skip baits underneath. Once you get a pattern on bites you can start just hitting those spots. Also, keep mental notes of what type of docks are holding fish whether they are have deep vs. shallow water. Maybe its close to deeper water. Not all docks hold fish, after a few fish you should be able to start narrowing the selection down.
  14. I use 12lb yozuri for cranking, it breaks around 19lbs. Would push it to 15 for flipping. For spinning reels I use 6lb ultra soft for anything I do lightweight.
  15. Mend-it will do the job very well
  16. Love my set of Ardent culling balls....
  17. I am the team lead for two cyber security incident response teams.
  18. Don't know, find him way to annoying to watch long enough to see if he has talent.
  19. The reel you have will handle those cranks very well.
  20. Not a raccoon, but a family member left their car windows down one night and a stray tom cat decided to sleep in it. Which was fine until the second stray tom cat showed up. The mess and smell that was left over from the fight took awhile to go away.
  21. My wife and I have two Italian Greyhounds, both are rescues from the areas IG rescue. Before work schedules got in the way we used to foster also. Was fun most of the time, got busy with 4 of them in the house at times, some came with sad backgrounds. Enzo is a 6 year old male, was abused by his orginal owner. Punched, kicked him and made him sleep in the shower at night in case he had an accident. Was less than a year old when turned into rescue. He is still afraid of people, takes awhile to get him comfortable with people after he does he is extremely loving. Vita is also a 6 year old male, we do not know any of his background. He was dropped off at the pound at 5 years old. Beautiful IG who loves attention, is the exact opposite of Enzo in loving everyone.
  22. There is nothing in catching fish that can be described as "always"
  23. Five Finger Death Punch, Staind, and John 5
  24. Paging Irene!!!!!!!
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