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Everything posted by BrianinMD

  1. T-rigged craw dropped into the holes.
  2. Depends on the day, rarely keep it consistent even on each cast unless a pattern develops in the bite then will stick with what worked.
  3. Check out local clubs, preferably ones who have boaters compete against boaters, and co's vs co's. Its a great way to learn as you get to fish with different boaters each tourney since most do blind draws to determine pairings for each tourney. Don't give a second thought to experience level, everyone starts at the beginning. Just pay attention, respect others property (boats) and just fish. Personally I didn't want a club affiliated with BASS or FLW, seemed to get to many guys with the idea they will be some big money making pro and take the fun out of things.
  4. Except for topwater setups all my rods are, Invizx 8lb for spinning, and Abrazx 12 or 20lb for baitcasting. I do use KVD L&L the night before each tourney but have never had any issues with management. Originally when I tried several types of flouro I hated it and used hybrid lines instead. On the suggestion of someone who kept beating me I tried Invizx first and loved it so I gave Abrazx a try. Did not take long at all to switch almost everything over.
  5. JeziHogg is 100% correct.
  6. I am by no means a professional but have fun with it. I have a Nikon D5200 with a variety of lens from 50mm prime to 500mm telescopic. I enjoy this setup and getting out to mess with it
  7. If that is the thing that will make you leave a state you live it you have it made..... my state taxed rain (it was ended by the new governor)
  8. not...even.....close.....
  9. When to get one is when you want one, nothing more nothing less.
  10. If Logan (stratos20ss) gives tips on BH take it all in. He is an outstanding fisherman anywhere especially at BH. I want to be like him when I grow up! He is the 2 time defending angler of the year in our club....
  11. Welcome, Black Hills is full of wood, grass and points. Either side is good, I don't really have a preference. As far as the fishing BH is way better than Seneca for numbers and size. It can be a humbling place until you get to know it. Tourneys there take 18-19 pounds to win
  12. People who are doubting a weighted wacky rig should check out some of the info on them from the pro's at places like the Tennessee River chain where they are ledge fishing.
  13. Got to love the "whoever doesn't use what I use is wrong" post. If it works for you great, does not mean everyone will like it.
  14. Thanks, it was a grind for everyone that day. The tournaments I fish are not opens, I am part of a club (Fish on Bass Anglers www.fishonbassanglers.com) based in Germantown. We fish Black Hills, lower Potomac, Anna, Gaston, Deep Creek and Conowingo. Some years we do a different place but those are our staples. We are always looking for new members, boaters and co-anglers.
  15. Had a tourney on the lower potomac Saturday, not the best day ever. Got a few in the morning but as soon as the sun popped out the bite died. Ended up winning coangler side but only had 4 fish for a little over 9 pounds.
  16. I solved the glasses issue 17 and a half years ago with Lasik surgery, one of the best things I ever did.
  17. It floats, used it for years without issue on topwaters
  18. Sounds like a burnt spot on the starter, if it stops at the bad spot it does not work. Move it a little and it will get enough of a connection. There used to be rebuild kits but I do not know if you can get those anymore since it usually is cheaper/easier to just put a new one on.
  19. Catch and Grease, cell phone batteries lose capacity over time. After a couple years it was probably less than 50% of what capacity it started with. I agree with the OP, I have a Droid Turbo and it has been great.
  20. Nice NosDog, have a tourney out of Pohick next weekend. Hopefully get a couple like that.
  21. taking the stuff out of the boat at the end of the trip.....
  22. Custom rod from DVT, absolutely love mine for the exact characteristics you describe
  23. This will hopefully help. http://hotelsneardcmetro.com/
  24. Sounds like the cable on the tm is connected wrong somewhere + on - which makes it run reverse
  25. Time for my normal heads up, my club is doing a tourney this Saturday at Black HIlls. Blast off (if you can call it that on BH) is at 6am, weigh-in at 2:30. With 16 boats it will be a little busy.
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