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Everything posted by BrianinMD

  1. The humminbird 565 was on-sale at Dick's Sporting goods for $160 after rebate, have not installed yet but seen a lot of good reviews here on other post.
  2. This site is the best forum by far, always someone to answer the most stupid questions without making you feel stupid. (I have had several of those...) :-?
  3. Just came back from Dick Sporting Goods, they have the 565 10 dollars off with a 30 dollar rebate. Now have to read up on the install.......
  4. Went to Black Hills today, did not make it out until almost 11am but finally was able to get into some LM. Ended up with a couple in the boat, lost a couple others. Largest in the boat was about 3lbs, not huge but a good fish. Lost one I could not get off the bottom but suspect it was a tiger musky. All the fish were around the wood, was flipping watermelon senko's and power bait sinking minnows. The only "issue" was a guy who could not be decent enough to go around the area I was fishing. There was only 5 boats on the lake and he went straight the area I was working. Got satisfaction though, he go no strikes in his 25k boat, I was getting strikes from my little jon boat and cheap equipment....
  5. Started up my 25hp Johnson today, problem is it would not idle, it would immediately rev up. I only let it run for about 10 seconds before shutting it off. I had it at the shop for a look over about 2 months ago. They changed the plugs and adjusted the carb, they said it idled great. Not sure what the issue is at this point. Any thoughts?
  6. If any snakeheads are caught the DNR says to cut its head off immediately.
  7. Trying to think on the monocacy, the aquaduct has a boat ramp, there is also pine cliff park in Frederick. The potomac has a lot of different places in Montgomery, Frederick and Washington counties.
  8. trojangolf, not trying to hijack your thread just have a question about Wayne post. Wayne, you say the faster you recharge the happier the battery will be. I have seen before to charge at the lowers amp setting for a better charge. Am I incorrect, anyone else got any thoughts.
  9. mine is the same as my id here brianinmd, don't laugh its not much I have only had it for a week or so.
  10. I have fished Black Hills for the last 2 years, until this year I never had a muskie on. This year I have caught one, and had another swipe at a crappie I was reeling in. Not sure if getting away from bank fishing has changed these chances but I haven't seen any muskie other then these two. I have done pretty well on crappie the last 2 times out, bass on the other hand I would rather not talk about......
  11. Although did not catch a pb, or any bass at all trips like this morning are the best there is. Finally got my fishing partner with me for her first trip in my "new" boat. Did pretty good on crappie too.
  12. Thanks everyone!!!! Reelmechanic, read the article and first read thru got an idea of what I was doing wrong. Along with the method of adjusting it described by everyone I will go out tomorrow and try some more.....
  13. Okay, I have always been a spincast person but this year bought a baitcast setup. Having a problem with a backlash when I first start the cast, right when I first lift my thumb to release the cast. I can not figure out what I am doing wrong for some reason. Can someone shed some light on my issue....please?
  14. Hitting 4 around here, so not many trips to the river to fun the gas engine. electric only lakes it is. Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have two car payments worth of child support each month and 100% of the driving on my days to have her, its 45 miles each way.
  15. What issues have you been having from the Interstate batteries? Both of my batteries are Interstate so far no issues from them.
  16. Congrats on the boat, I just bought my first one this year. I bought a Minn Kota Endura 55 and its been great so far. Best suggestion I got earlier was to buy the highest thrust motor you can, it will come in useful.
  17. Here is me and my fishing parter....
  18. Here is the only thing I can find... http://www.boatdesigns.com/products.asp?dept=484
  19. The best thing to do is practice and just plainly relax. You will be fine. One suggestion for after you pass is to go to Summit Point Raceway in West Virginia (its a little less then an hour away from Frederick). They have an accident avoidance class that will teach you how to handle a car not just pass the state test. You use their cars to do skid pad, braking with and without anti-lock brakes and other test.
  20. Woohoo!!!!!! Good luck!!!!
  21. Awesome game, just started playing this year. There is a 27 hole course going along a creek, and thru the trees of the park. The course is less then 10 minutes from my house. Great way to get out for some exercise. Started taking my 10 year old daughter, she loved it the first hole she played.
  22. Boated my first fish since getting my first boat, was not a bass but a 36 inch tiger musky. What a blast, was by myself and had a 7ft ultralight rod with 6# mono so it was a very hectic few minutes. Couldn't get any bass so was trying to find some crappie was using a 2in grub on. Once I got it into the net the lure popped out. Here is the best picture I could get by myself with all those teeth.
  23. Anyone having any luck at Little Seneca Lake at Black Hills park? Been out twice, well once to fish, first time spent more time messing around with the "new" boat since it was my first time ever. Got skunked the second time, weather was cooperating but was still hoping to hook into a couple. Never tried the Fat Ika's before, stopped by Dick's Sporting Goods and grabbed a couple colors to try. Also grabbed a Plueger baitcast rod, its 6' 6" M/H spooled it with 12# mono. Need to get that first fish in the boat....
  24. Having one issue with my "new" boat that I can't seem to find the fix. It came with a 24# thrust trolling motor which the previous owner made his own mounting bracket for. I upgraded to a 55# thrust Minn Kota transom mount,reversed the head so it works on the bow and it works great except the mounting bracket isn't strong enough and twist. Trying to find a good mounting bracket but can't seem to find one which allows for the motor to be lifted like a regular bow mounted motor. Anyone got a suggestion?
  25. Well just got back from my first trip of the year and first for my "new" boat. All in all didn't do to bad with the boat, launch went smooth, getting back on the trailer took a couple tries but I got it. Have to learn some boat control though.... But even though it was fun, no fish to talk about.
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