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Everything posted by BrianinMD

  1. This weekend could get a little rough for you...some models putting over 20 inches of snow in some areas. https://youtu.be/PN5st5YI1G0
  2. Fishing from shore at BH can be very tough, heavily hit and a good portion of fish are deep. Monocacy is good smallmouth fishing, only issue is it muddies up quickly in rain and this year that is most of the time. Piney Run is about the same as BH, cost either 8 or 10 bucks to get in also. Urbana has been frustrating for me, I have seen plenty of good fish but have a hard time getting bit. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Not sure what is around Gambrill
  3. J. Lee confirmed MLF via Facebook and Instagram
  4. MLF said anyone fishing too is free to fish the others. Biggest issue will be scheduling it
  5. Just use what feels comfortable to you....no point in making things harder than they need to be.
  6. Baitcasters are straight floro except for frog rod which is 65lb braid.
  7. Lots of good smallies around there. That time of the year it should be going strong. If you have we license you can fish either side. Sometimes it's a matter of walking a pretty fair distance to find the right water. There are several sets of bridges that hold fish. I have a prop boat so it's a no go up there for me.
  8. One of our horses getting a rinse off after a work out. He is coming along rather well.
  9. It's actually a 200 size frame, with a 150 size spool. The DC components take up the extra space.
  10. I have mine set up where I do not thumb it at all, even on number 1 and a gung ho cast. It can be done but takes some adjusting to find the sweet spot. Cast the same weight with a setup I use all the time and in mode 1 the DC will outcast it. I put it in mode 4 and tried to "skip" a gravel driveway to see what would happen. That weight hit rocks and bounced all over the place but no backlash.
  11. I am still on the soft food diet after having a dental implant removed and bone graft material put in. And bone graft material put around another implant. The one being removed broke off so the had to dig it out, fortunately got some good pills...
  12. It all depends on the weight of the bait you are trying to throw...what did you have tied on?
  13. Apples and oranges....different sound, different hooks, you can change trailers on buzzbaits...both will have their place.
  14. The spool tension adjustment is not the star, the star is the drag. Spool tension is round.
  15. Yep, tighten it down slowly and make a cast to see what happens. You will find the sweet spot.
  16. I posted this in another thread but forgot on this one if anyone looks here. I ended up going out and playing with it some more, and found the sweet spot. Tightened up the cast control knob a little bit and it turned out great. On mode 4 was able to get decent cast distance compared to a similar setup I use all the time and skip a gravel driveway with no backlash and no thumb. Turned it to other modes and distance got progressively longer. On mode 1 the distance was well past the similar known setup and still no backlash and no thumb. Was frustrating at first but once I realized my error and correctly set it up it worked extremely well and as advertised.
  17. One thing about balance is the pivot point is at the reel, this means the weight of the reel does not play much of a role in final balance it only adds weight to the pivot.
  18. Not that I have noticed, I could not resist making a few cast this morning and it worked perfectly on the first one.
  19. Everyone needs to realize also that nothing works up to its potential straight out of the box, it has to be setup properly to achieve success. I knew I did not have something right but was missing it on my initial attempts. Once I hit that sweet spot thru trial and error the reel proved how good it is. I have used baitcasters for years, not the best but can do pretty well with them. I got the reel to try something different, would never pay the high cost before for a DC reel. This price point is doable so why not. With the way it cast it will find a home in my regular rotation easily. The regular setup I used as a reference point for distance I have used a lot for 6 or 7 years. This reel on day 1, setup properly, out cast it distance wise. Now need to hit to water to see fishing performance.
  20. well I played around a little more and figured it out.... I had the cast control knob just tight enough to keep the spool from moving back and forth. I tightened it up and found a sweet spot. In mode 4 it is slightly less distance than another MH similiar to the test rod (test was 6ft 6in, regular use rod is 7ft), switched mode to 1 and the distance is WAY longer. Best part is there was no backlash at all with no thumb at all. Switched it back to mode 4 and tried skipping down a gravel driveway, no thumb and no backlash. Only way I can get backlash is to literally smack it straight into the ground.....
  21. I got mine and did some yard cast to see what it would do. It will cast great, a normal straight cast and no thumb until it lands, distance is very good. But I purposefully cast into something or try to skip across gravel like some where testing with no backlash and no luck there, explodes into a backlash.
  22. Got my Curado DC, spooled some line on it to test in the yard. On setting 4 it cast well, on 1 it's very very good. However not sure I have it completely setup right. Even on 1 the backlash is easy to control but makes me wonder if I am doing something wrong. Videos show it being cast with no touch of the spool with no backlash at all, and that is not the case. Anyone with experience with DC reels have any thoughts or am I expecting to much?
  23. Tin boats of today are WAY WAY different than tin boats of 10 years ago. Cannot compare the two.
  24. Forgot to mention, one advantage of doing the USB external hard drive is you can use it once of a month for backups. Just connect it, run the backup process, then disconnect and store it in a safe place. If you get a failed drive later at least you have most of it saved.
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