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Everything posted by surfer

  1. It depends on how my last trip turned out. Since I caught 1 fish on my last trip out and it was a new PB I voted lots of fish.
  2. Have you guys ever tasted one of those markers? Yuck. I can't help but think with such a distinct taste in the water the bass would quickly learn to avoid. But it seams to work in at least some scenarios. And if youare coloring your line think camoflage.
  3. Those are the two pieces I have used also. You don't need the pole in-between that ads height (not shown, optional). The base with sleeve can be used upside down to add 3 inches if it is to short. Check before buying it that it's not the screw in threaded one or it can't be used up side down. I really like that for removal you simply lift the seat up, but the seat will not come out even at 30 mph. I have to ad a squirt of white lithium grease every 6 months to keep them quiet. Backer wood is wood behind the aluminum for the screws to bite into. The aluminum is thin and would be easy for the screws to pull out of. I am not sure how to get inside the seat to hold the backer wood in place while screwing into it. Use Stainless steal screws to prevent future rust and corrosion.
  4. I will coment. Thanks all for sharing. You have answered 10 times more questions than I could have thought to ask.
  5. So add a can of Sea Foam (or your favorite carb detergent) to your fuel and try running it through. Sometimes it works and it's less than $10.
  6. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I am going to play devils advocate here. You have already beaten the odds by producing such a productive pond. There are many imaginative ways to look at why and how. Some are more scientific than others, but the variables are great and in 2 acres it may not be hard to screw it up. While an aggressive fish may be the sign of a hungry fish is killing 15% of the population the only answer. Since you are already feeding them why not feed then 15% more? Wouldn't this have the effect of fattening up the entire population? If you introduce minnows and other easier pray would the older bass be able to learn to eat the new forage. I think so but wanted to ask anyways. If the fish are fat dumb and lazy would you be able to catch as many of them. Would it still be as fun catching three 4 to 7 lbs as catching twelve 3 to 5 lbs? And that is if everything goes right. Contacting the specialists is a good thing, but make sure they have pond management experience and make sure their management practices have produced fish bigger than 5 lbs. Other wise you could probably do better by your own research and tests. Be careful introducing new species and anything transported from another environment. They can carry disease. You may need a holding tank to make sure the new fish live for a month or so and are not ridden with parasite or disease. The BassProShop near my house has a swimming pool size aquarium with some 8lbs and smaller. They put a lot of work into it and use very educated people to manage it with lots of safety techniques. Maybe large aquarium managers would be a good resource for you to contact.. best of luck.
  7. Thanks for all the great testimony. It is good to hear from guys who use and abuse the equipment. It is the only way to learn what holds up to the punishment. Going by LBH's account and some other who listed the model and brand name I am starting to feel that choosing the top line is better than choosing one brand or the other. Endura 6 strikes against it by LBH Endura 1 plus by Microp PowerDrive 1 strike by Cart7 PowerDrive 2 pluses by Microp and Stratos Touring Edition 1 big plus by JigMan All Terain 2 pluses by Cart7 and Senile1
  8. Yes it has a constant on switch and i will use a low speed constant on to avoid the on / off repetition that I am superstitious of for spooking bass, but that's another thread. While in the constant on if I take my foot of the pedal I am doing circles. Sometimes with my foot on the pedal if I look down to tie a knot I will look back up and find myself 90* of coarse. There is probably something wrong (bent shaft?) with mine as it came with the boat. The constant juggling of attention span in order to stay on track sucks (for lack of a better word).
  9. By dieing I mean having to put an amount of money into repairing it that makes me regret its initial purchase price. Such as when X fails at one week past warranty date and cost 1/3 of the original purchase price. At that moment it is no longer a good investment it is an ongoing investment. So if something in the system breaks every 2 years and costs 1/5 of the initial price then at 10 years I am at double the purchase price. I guess that is what I am trying to get a feel for. Sounds like so far every one likes the reliability of the motors and the jury is still out about the remote control and Auto pilot. I guess I should have asked about the cable steer vs. digital (edited initial post). I currently have cable steer, but as soon as I take my foot of the pedal I'm doing circles. Jig Man. I am Green with ***. Thats a lot of fishing. It's encouraging to hear your motor has treated you so well.
  10. I am bouncing around the ideal of getting one of the remote control and auto pilot trolling motors. Since they are expensive I want to know that I would get my money back out of the unit before it dies. 5 years would be a minimum and probably still leave a bad taste in my mouth. 10 years would be ideal and I would consider that a value. How long has your trolling motor lasted you? For those that have auto pilot or remote control how long do you go without problems? Any one have anything good or bad to say about digital steering?
  11. I sank an orange tree in 20 ft of water and got a GPS mark on it. it has a yellow milk jug about 6 ft underwater so it is just visible if your on top of it. The GPS gets me within 50 ft. It then takes me 10 min to find it with my cheap fish finder and confirm the milk jug. It is ¼ mile off shore so the shoreline is no help.
  12. I don't think he was threatening to call the law, only trying to educate. His advice of not posting pictures of yourself breaking the law is good advice. While baby gators are a fascinating part of Florida's wild life it is illegal to handle them for a reason. The more used to people gators become the more apt they are to eat small people; also known as children; and pets. and to stay on topic: two bass on one cast. Of coarse I weighed them together. 2lb 8 oz
  13. Are you sure it is hooked up the right direction. Is the primer bulb trying to suck gass from the engine and put it into the fuel tank? Look for an arrow on the primer bulb to show the flow direction.
  14. For as much as you say that it isn't very scientific, you did a good job of controlling as many of the variable as possible. That is scientific and thanks for the results.
  15. I have fished it once. I came in the middle of the pack. Some dude weighed in with a 9.75 bass. Me and my partner came in with three 2's. I am not so good at tournaments, but it was still fun. I fish Conway allot and I would fish the tournament more, but it's hard for me to stay awake till an 11pm weigh in. And those boats sure love to haul *** across that lake at 7pm and again at 10:59pm. Used to wake me up and it still dose my parents.
  16. I use 10 lb Suffix with a Uni knot. never untied and never snaped. my drag gives at its setting and the line dosent snap. I am not sure why there are so many recomendations for 30+ lb braid unles your fishing in the heavy cover. if you were used to using 8lb mono and went to 8 lb diamiter braid you would lose half of the reason i use braid. long acurate casts.
  17. Modified V is the compromise between a deep V and a Flat bottom. Key word being a compromise. Having not owned one I can only say that I hear it is a good compromise.
  18. Do they make a small joh boat that could easily be drug down and back up an embankment? Its about 12 ft vertical on a 45* slope so a distance of almost 20 ft. I am not fond of the plastic boats. They are heavy for their size compared to aluminum and don't have the longevity. A Tiny Jon like an 8'x36" or something with a light gauge would be ideal. Has anyone heard of such a solo Jon?
  19. I have a Sahara and a Cardinal. Can't remember which cardinal. They are both less than a year old and are my two primary reels. Most of the time when I am fishing I could not tell you which one is in my hand if you asked me. But when I do pay attention the Sahara is smoother. I would buy 2 Saharas if I started over again.
  20. I am only taking a guess on this, but is your knot slipping? What knot do you use? If you have recovered any of the jigs and seen the other piece of line still tied than obviously that rules that out. If not then try putting a heavy hook in a fence post and setting the hook just to check that the knot isn't slipping.
  21. I have heard a report from a buddy who regularly fishes the NMZ and is in the boating industry. He says that those flipper paddles are fast and efficient. He also described being able to spread your stance on the peddles and use small strokes to get shallower. Still not as shallow as a standard canoe or kayak, but better than the original 8 inch flipper hanging off the bottom. Hands free operation. He was only able to watch some one do it, so take it for what its worth. It's fourth hand knowledge now.
  22. I used to think like this before I became part of a home owner's association. A home owners association is more like an exercise in politics. Depending on how many people are in the association; and how many of them like you; what % of them you need to agree per the bylaws you are up against a big obstacle getting the votes you need. The association itself will not put itself at risk by saying yes. It will put it out for vote and that old hag who called the cops about your last keg party will say no just to spite you. Oops. That might have been too revealing. :-X Do it under cover of darkness. And don't be surprised when your neighbors catch and keep the bass.
  23. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/431156661.html this might be a little closer to what you were asking. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/429990116.html or this. take your time to search through Craigslist.com
  24. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/432731654.html $1500 for a 14' that just needs the deck built and maybe a trailer. 16' seams to hold its value really well. I can't find a used one for under $2000.
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