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Everything posted by surfer

  1. I'm with Catt and Carp. I got an old beat up waterlogged boat with a strong old engine. It's only a tool to get me on the water. I will abuse it and never clean it. Low maintenance all the way. I think I even have an old dried up shiner below deck. Who cares?
  2. I stand corrected. Mismatched Ah will deplete the smaller battery and cause sulfation. Thereby shortening its life. However if you have a bunch of junk batteries that you aren't using anyways, then by all means you will get more time on the water by connecting them all together.
  3. I use InvisX for my braid leaders and Vanish 4lb for finesse. I haven't seen InvisX in 4lb or I would probably use it. I have seen my buddy land a 5.5lb bass on 4 lb Vanish. Attached is an underwater picture of a road runner tied on with 4lb Vanish green. The water is 12 ft visibility. I landed five 2lbers in 30 minutes without retying just before I took the picture. I am also not a fan of YZ ultra soft 6#. Too much memory, but I am used to 10 lb braid witch is about as little memory as you can get.
  4. If the larger wood is not rotten and the rot is isolated to the screw holes them selves then chisel out the small area of rot and fill in with liquid nails caulk. Then screw the hot foot back down into the liquid nails. The liquid nails is tough enough to hold the screw yet soft enough to accept the screw. If the rot is larger, then what you described would work better.
  5. Yes it will work and the two batteries don't need to be the same amp hour for parallel. They should be the same amp hour and age to connect them in series.
  6. Marine batteries are designed to take more vibration than regular batteries.
  7. If you have a leaky rivet you can use the two hammers technique to tighten the rivet. Take a large hammer like a sledge and hold it against one side of the rivet. Then take a regular nail hammer and hit the other side of the rivet a few times to flatten it some more. Done. Sorry I can't help with your pile of dog do in the back, but if it doesn't leak I would leave it alone.
  8. Hazmat guys. Are chlorine gas and dissolved chlorine treated the same. I believe the leak in this thread was dissolved chlorine similar to a swimming pool. No body is evacuating swimming pools, but the chlorine in a swimming pool will kill big fish. The chlorine in our tap water will kill big fish if you put them in a tank of tap water. I agree it should be reported and handled as a bad situation, but maybe not warrant evacuations when it's no more hazardous than a swimming pool. Disclaimer. I have no knowledge of the actual leak and am only going off info from this thread.
  9. we have a winner! ;D
  10. Middle lake Conway 10am to 4:30 Wind: 10 till noon; ½ mph from North (glass). Noon till 3; dead calm (glass) with occasional short lived 3 mph wind from South. 3 to 5 mph from South after 3:30 Water: 63* 12+ ft visibility. Fished a 12 ft deep hump in the middle of the lake. I could see schools of 2 and 3 lbs cruising the bottom. Netted live bait near shore. Got two 1 ½ lb bass off live bait. Two 1 ½ lb bass from a deep dive broke back shad rap. Threw a variety of small beetle spin type baits on lite and ultra lite. Bingo. A large roadrunner type bait ticking the weed tops at 9 ft down got hit 1 out of 10 casts and I watched it get followed many more times. Five 2 lbers in 30 minutes. One more in the next 30 minutes. I guess I wore that bait out. The first one I caught on the roadrunner had 6 or 10 of his classmates follow him right up to the boat. I also checked on an orange tree I sunk about 8 months back. It stretches from 10 to 20 ft deep. No fish. There was a zoo of boats chaising shad on North lake Conway.
  11. Two conflicting ideas. Lets see how this plays out.
  12. Depending on how handy you are you may be able to rig it up yourself using a cheap trolling motor.
  13. Mount the trolling motor directly to the motor like this. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0001090010738a&navCount=7&podId=0001090&parentId=cat601107&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&cmCat=netcon&catalogCode=IH&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601107&hasJS=true Discription http://www.trollingmotordr.com/minnkota_engine_mount.html
  14. I am going out on Conway Sunday. I will try both of those techniques and anything else I can think of. I will report back after the weekend. Good luck to you both.
  15. If you were to take a 40 lb weight in your hand and hold it up against the force of gravity that is 40 lbs of thrust. Take the same amount of effort you put in to holding up the weight and push your boat away from you or the dock. That should be a rough translation. So yes, 40 lbs of thrust is adequate for most boats under 18 ft depending on weight, wind, draft and other smaller variables. Disclaimer: Thats my opinion and someone on here will be along shortly to tell you to get as much thrust as you can afford. ;D and that not a bad idea either.
  16. Wow. That's a really nice site. Lake Maitland has at least one spring and stays full. Lake Conway has a spring, but the level fluctuates with droughts. You may not be able to get through the canal to the middle lake unless you can tilt your motor up.
  17. Did you Read the reviews on the Page you linked us to? It doesn't sound like a quality product to me.
  18. Thanks for the report. I live in the area of both lakes and fish Conway mostly. Only tried Jassamine once so far.
  19. That is a fair deal, but wider is better.
  20. I agree! x2 Edit: Spend the extra money for either the 320 or 535
  21. I know this isn't the Lake listed in the topic, but its close enough the weather conditions would have been the same. Fished Farm 13 on Saturday 12-19 from sun up to sun down. Post frontal conditions. 65* air Water was about the same 12 to 17 mph wind from the nw and nnw later Boated 15 fish. Only 7 were over a pound with the best being 4.6 from a reed point along a straight shoreline. All fish taken on a 5 inch sinco weightless or 6 inch ribbon tail worm T-rig 1/4 oz First time on this lake. From what I understand this is a very slow day.
  22. +1 8-) +2 I am glad this informative group here influenced me in just this way. I went frum an Ugly Stick to a Loomis IMX. x3
  23. All of the money you spend on rod, real, lures, and boat & gas if you have one, is pointless if your line fails. Don't skimp on line. Segar InvisX is another Floro line some of guys on here and I trust. Yes its pricey. Durability is not the only quality of importance. Unfortunately durable and castable work against each other. Durable (knot strength, abrasion resistance, Lb test) Castable (limp, thin) Invisible (thin, water refraction index and / or color) Sensitivity (stretch, thin, density) There are other things that can be considered too, but these 4 things seam to be the primary concerns when first becoming familiar with a line.
  24. He said spinning reel. you left your self wide open. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_74466?cm_mmc=froogle-_-100-1-2-_--1-_-38-340-622-00&hvarAID=46KY&mr:trackingCode=094BD4A0-79AE-DC11-BE2A-001422107090&mr:referralID=NA
  25. It is designed to replace the energy that the battery would loose while sitting. So if you consider how slowly a battery looses energy while sitting, that is about how fast that solar sell would charge. Key word - Maintainer
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