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  1. Since I started fishing 20+ years ago, I've always used Berkley Trilene XT without any problems. Then some of my bass fishing friends said flouro this and that, so I tried out Seagar InvisX. It casts really well but if it touches anything in the water like rocks, trees etc. it becomes very weak. I moved over to Berkley Trilene 100% Flouro and it seemed much better and stronger especially in rough conditions. Did I catch more fish using these lines? Not that I could notice. Did I waste a ton of money? Yup! What happened before flouro? Were we all still catching tons of fish? Can we really say that flouro is making us more productive on the water? Maybe it's the lures, better presentation, or maybe you're in the right place at the right time? Who knows. Also there has been some outings where my friends kick my butt and they are using the cheapest line, rod/reel, and lures you can find. I'm sure all of you know some people like that.
  2. I hated my Tatula at first, but I'm now super happy with it after I got it dialed in.
  3. These are some high average numbers. Today was bad, zero in 4 hours. Just a bite from a small one. Buddy caught 2.
  4. Went with the Daiwa Tatula 7:3:1, got it for $99
  5. What's the best all around gear ratio for crankbaits?
  6. Have two veritas rods and haven't had any issues. All rods break every so often. I've seen my friends $$$ dobyns break in front of me on a hookset.
  7. Tried the Tatula out in the store today and I didn't like it much. Feels cheap and doesn't seem durable. Revo SX feels nice and I really liked the Lews LFS Speed Spool, felt good and close to the Revo SX. I'll probably pull the trigger on the LFS Speed Spool, it seemed awesome for $99
  8. All the guys I know run Seagar InvizX and swear by it. I ran it a few times and didn't like it. I've had good luck with Triline 100% flouro and it seemed much stronger than Seagar InvizX. Triline XT always treated me right back in the day. It's all preference. Does the latest trendy fishing line or technology help you catch more fish? Who knows. I'm kind of curious what everyone is running for spinning and baitcasters. What's the best bang for the buck line?
  9. I have no complaints on my Gen3 Revo SX. I've never owned a baitcaster before, so I don't have experience with all of the brands, but it seems good to me and it catches fish. I'm not brand loyal, most of us just want the best bang for our buck. It's nice buying expensive gear I guess, but it won't make you a better fisherman. Thanks for the suggestion.
  10. Just ordered the *** 7'1 MH Fast. I would like to go cheaper on the baitcasting reel. What's some good options around $100 ? What gains do you get spending more on the reel? Also I'm new with the baitcasing rigs. I recently got a Revo SX and Veritas Winch for my crankbait setup and it works really well. Been out a couple times and no backlashes yet. I just recently read that the Revo SX is not that great of a reel and gen 3 have terrible QC. Is this true? It's like hrmm, should I return it. hehehe
  11. Jig n Pig and Texas Rig. What do you guys recommend. I was looking at the Daiwa Tatula 100, Tatula Type-R HD 100, Revo SX for the casting reel and a Tatula rod 7'1 MH XFAST. What do you guys recommend for rod ? I'd would like to spend ~ $300 or way less if there is something good for less.
  12. Just picked up a Revo Premier Spinner with a Veritas 6'6 MH and loaded it 8lb triline 100% and it just seems weird when you cast it. It's not smooth at all when casting. I mean it casts and works but it feels weird and not smooth like it's catching on something as it's flying out. Distance is good and everything so I dunno. IdeaS?
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