I don't do it anymore, but back in high school, me and a couple of buddies use to always go fish the golf course ponds at the local private and state courses. BOTH were awesome. As well, both were illegal, if you get caught and the superintendent wants to do it, charges can be brought. More than once we ran with gear in hand under/over the fence to the car. I am not in to it anymore, but boys will be boys.
BUT...we caught hawgs. Southern Ohio bass 5 to 6 pounds were not rare every other trip....and LOTS of bites. I believe there are two reasons, one being very simple....they don't see lures very often and have no pressure. Second, and my own opinion, I think that the great amount of fertilizer put on golf courses drain to the ponds and can actually have a positive effect on the entire food chain of the bodies of water.
A little fact, professional golfers actually tote their fishing gear when traveling, and actually go fishing in the course ponds during the evenings at events during the practice round days. Also, they filmed Tony Stewart fishing the infield ponds at Homestead last year before the Cup Series final race.