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About ball_coach_1

  • Birthday 09/08/1975

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  1. Hoping others will reply to Horny's post as well. Guess as of the past few months after moving to Bowling Green, KY I can also claim Barren River as my NEW home lake. Looking forward to meeting/sharing with guys here in the area. Job does not allow for too much fishing time, but am hoping the next couple of years getting a handle on Barren, and having some good days at some of the other reasonable drive distance lakes....KY, Barkley, Old Hickory and Dale Hollow. Give me a shout, shoot me a message...the Skeeter will be on the water TONITE.
  2. Sam and frogtog, thanks for the replies and info. I will CERTAINLY be pm'ing you both soon. A NEW body of water(s) and travel time constraint is keeping me from the annual trip to TX, FL, GA or AL. My buddy and I have wanted to hit both, but a friend recommended Gaston (vs Kerr) due to the spring bite (quality) and the unpredictable weather/wind at Kerr due to the larger amount of open water. I am certain if the weather cooperates we will venture to Kerr a day or two as well. Plan to be fishing March 16 - March 20 (Sun-Thur). Perhaps some more detailed info from the two of you for those specific times will be available in the next couple of weeks. Feel free to message me, and hope you don't mind that I will be doing just that in the coming days or weeks. Thanks again and ahead of time.
  3. "history" mispelled. By the way, the trip will be the 3rd week of MARCH. Useful, if not necessary, information. Sorry. Thanks.
  4. Been a LONG time. Still fishing, just been away from the site for a while. Hoping to get some advice / hisotry / experiences on Gaston (sister to Buggs Island) VA. A friend and I are doing the spring trip there this year, biggest reason being both been a lot of places, but not there. Awaiting some feedback. Thanks ahead of time.
  5. Haven't posted on here in quite a while, but your story got me typing. RW....thanks for the read, good stuff.
  6. Took the boat out last night with the previous mentioned new trolling motor. Went from 55 lbs. thrust to 65 lbs. thrust / 12v to 24v. A few had messaged to ask if there was much difference. I have a 17 foot Stratos. BIG difference. I mean it isn't even close. When at 5 speed (full), the speed is seems nearly double, and I can troll all day at 2 or 3 speed. Hope this helps....I am pleased.
  7. Yes, the pic is in the June issue, got it yesterday. Agree with KU, the picture is convincing, and it would end any arguement it was a striper.
  8. I am with the above opinion of buying as much as you can, as long as it is affordable. I took my boat in today and am having a 65# thrust put on to replace my 55# thrust. I HOPE I am happy with the outcome and purchase. My boat is a 17ft. fiberglass with a 115 HP motor. Mine was fine with no wind, but I didn't like the labor and full power having to be used as soon as the wind was 15-20 plus. I would have put 80+ thrust, BUT, when married and young kids, and only on the water about 25 to 30 days a year, it is hard to justify a new motor that costs $700....give me a few days and I will let you know how the 65# thrust helps....or not. (am going 12V to 24V)
  9. Curious if any of you guys have seen/used/purchased a three blade prop by Kipawa? A friend of mine that works at a Bass Pro Shops had a seminar that they were raving about this prop, supposedly great in working through weeds, but what interested me is that they supposedly give an equivalent of 5 more pounds of thrust.
  10. Thinking about buying a new 65 lb. thrust MinnKota All-Terrain...bow mount. For me, the price is right, if it is quality....compared to paying 700 or 800 dollars for a new motor. Anyone have, or have a buddy that has, this trolling motor? Like some feedback before I spend the cash. Thanks.
  11. Depends on my mood....I like to fish with others that take it seriously, and make for fun conversation, or teach me new techniques on the water....many of my most fond memories are times with buddies on the waters and recalling stories later. BUT, most of the time, my best fishing days are alone with a specific plan and only having a solitary relationship with nature.
  12. Yes, mentioned this before, but I really enjoyed reading it. Obsessed would be the first word that came to my mind.
  13. I don't do it anymore, but back in high school, me and a couple of buddies use to always go fish the golf course ponds at the local private and state courses. BOTH were awesome. As well, both were illegal, if you get caught and the superintendent wants to do it, charges can be brought. More than once we ran with gear in hand under/over the fence to the car. I am not in to it anymore, but boys will be boys. BUT...we caught hawgs. Southern Ohio bass 5 to 6 pounds were not rare every other trip....and LOTS of bites. I believe there are two reasons, one being very simple....they don't see lures very often and have no pressure. Second, and my own opinion, I think that the great amount of fertilizer put on golf courses drain to the ponds and can actually have a positive effect on the entire food chain of the bodies of water. A little fact, professional golfers actually tote their fishing gear when traveling, and actually go fishing in the course ponds during the evenings at events during the practice round days. Also, they filmed Tony Stewart fishing the infield ponds at Homestead last year before the Cup Series final race.
  14. Sharing something at least ONE professional confirmed. I actually try to fish the most wind blown part of the lake/water, as long as it is not ridiculous. Two reasons, one being that nearly no one else is doing it (fighting others for protected coves or waters), and as mentioned above, believe there is a better bite due to less visibility (great spinnerbait conditions, and I like throwing a spinnerbait more and more). When on Lake Fork a couple of weeks back, the day with the guide was WINDY (30+ mph gusts). Later in the day he commented that he hoped we didn't mind, because he liked to fish the wind, for the same reasons mentioned above. I am not a pro, far from it, but it something I am committed to doing.
  15. Just a suggestion...one thing I do to make myself more confident in other baits/techniques is I have a place that is private that a guy allows me to fish, a quarry loaded with fish. I will pack only a few baits or rigs, ones that I don't fish often or have little confidence in, and MAKE myself fish those. A simple way to build confidence in new stuff that leads to fishing different techniques more often when on other water. Just a thought.
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