I fish the Bush Wildlife area frequently. In fact I have been fishing the area for over 35 years. It wasn't always free, there was a time you had to pay a dollar to register and that required having a license.
The lakes are pressured, mostly by Catfishermen. People who visit there are very messy and you can witness this by visiting the special or popular catfish lakes. I have seen a little improvement over the last few years, not much, just a little. Overall it's a disgrace that human beings would treat the outdoors like this. Trash, driving out on the dams, around the lakes, out of state fishermen, length limit violations, catch limit violations....if the place were patrolled adequately it would be a gold mine for revenue!
I urge you as sportsmen, fishermen, conservationist, or as human beings...take a digital camera and record what you see. Report it to a higher authority, it's out of control and the Agents are having a severe case of apathy. Report it to a State Rep, Private Conservation groups or whatever... when apathy controls the enforcement it's time to take control of the controllers. BTW, it's not a race issue, a class issue, it is across the board rape of the land and water, dog groups, hunters, upper middle class Lexus driving, all types are abusing this place. Report the rapers.
Now about the fishing. Lake 33 is excellent for bass and I guarantee there are hogs. I have caught two 8+ pounders this year and they are alive and well back in the lake. There is a misconception about the lakes species designations. There are these so-called catfish only lakes... Lake 7 is one. It was filled with large bass last year and the last 2 years before that. This year I have struggled although I saw one large at least 7lb + on the nest near the rocks off the dam ( I dread what is typical for BW). Catfishing people sort of make me mad to be polite about it. I watched a guy bungle into catching about a 5 lb female full of eggs last year, he bragged about how nice his dinner would be that night. (I said is it wrong to hope he chokes on it?) My point is that too many catfishing people/freaks of nature bungle into hooking bass and keeping them. I'm 100% "0 Limit" but if someone actually thinks bass are good to eat for some reason I can't understand (then so Mikey D's is probably good food too) , then why not keep the 12" where it's legal to keep them? Just one or two maybe? Lake 31 (catch and release only no live bait allowed) is also excellent for all sizes, large and small. You will find bass in virtually any lake there, mostly you will find 10-15" lengths. Trust me the over 18" lengths are there and I'll argue anyone over this. I have a lake that I prefer not to mention that is filled with an abudance of bass, clean, healthy, well marked and colored... no one will be fishing it much this summer and with good reason (because it's sides are filled with cover no one will want to cast over and through).
If anyone thinks Bass are good to eat raise your hand, I'd like to know you and then avoid any restaraunt, recipe, or dish you'd recommend in the future. I hear about this all the time (bass are good) and for a time I did laugh, I don't laugh anymore because I hear it way too much. I don't know what people here think, but I thought bass were a sports fish, you hunt sports fish for the thrill and not as food. My whole point on top of the tips for BW fishing is that too little enforcement, not enough sportsmanship, not even close enough catch and release principles in regards to fishing styles are being applied or emphasized at the Bush Wildlife Area. Sometimes we have to take actions, apathy in this day and age is out of control across the board and this area is a prime example, you must report things, document them, record them, and do something with the information and MOST IMPORTANTLY BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING WILL RESULT ... thinking that it doesn't matter or nothing will result is apathy...when you do it and others do it, it will add up ... that accumulation will eventually get attention. This guy or that guy won't get busted, that's not what it is about, it's about stepping up the pressure and the big picture...forcing the enforcement.
Our apathy only helps fuel continued apathy, break the cycle, kick the pattern, believe what you are doing is going to matter...and it will, believe that you don't matter and sure enough...you won't.