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  1. i cought a 3 pounder on the harpeth river saturday night and a buffalo and a brim
  2. go get some rebel crank baits they look like crawdads run im over rocks i cought a brownie off thet yesterday
  3. hank

    first bass

    i'll get it next time i go to my grandmas her pond is well manetaned and they have been fed twice a day for the last 7 years
  4. a 15 pound brownie i caught it in my grandmas pond off a spinner
  5. 25pound catfish i caught it in my nannas pond when i was 7 years old i got a picture somewhere.
  6. that is cruel :'(
  7. i was fishing in shallow cover and the bass seen me and it swam away :'(
  8. :-? wat should i use on the hapeth river
  9. try using a topwater bait
  10. what should i use shallow rocky water 5-8ft. :-?
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