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Everything posted by tradguy

  1. nothing is cheating,well maybe tnt...but whatever you enjoy is the way to go.... :)come to think of it,you can make a lure go and do what you want...is that cheating...baits hard to train.... ;D
  2. what i mean is a single hook with live bait or a lure with treble hooks, i have seen more fish damage with lures in my years of fishing..
  3. just a thought..i have been catching bass for over 40 years,live bait and lures,rarly have i ever had a bass swallow a bait to deep to remove the hook. have seen trebles do more damage,just curious to what yous have noticed
  4. put on 3 big ones this week
  5. high marine tech. here...e -techs the way to go
  6. i would stay away from the 4 strokes...high maintence...and new e-tech evinrudes beat the four strokes on pollution and speed
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