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scott k

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About scott k

  • Birthday 09/09/1972

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  • Location
    West Salem, WI

scott k's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. I currently have a MK Powerdrive and am considering upgrading to a Fortrex, I dont like the foot control on the Powerdrive and the shaft is a 50+ inch length which I hate (I bought the boat used). My main concern to switching to a cable steer is how is the larger foot pedal going to work out ergonomically if I dont have a recess for it? Is my back going to be able to handle standing like Captain Morgan for a day of fishing? Or is it something you just get used to after a short while of doing it? I have a Lund 1600 so I dont know how possible it would be to cut out and install a recess. Thanks for your opinions.
  2. I purchased a 997 from them two years ago, everything went perfectly smooth. I even recommended them to my BIL and he bought a 997 from them a couple of months after I did. I would use them again if they still have the best price.
  3. ...having confindence in my ability to put myself around fish. If I know I'm around fish I can be very patient but most of the time I'm not catching anything and I start working baits too fast trying to cover water. Sometimes I just dont have any idea where fish are or even where they "supposed" to be and that's not good for my confidence.
  4. That's the knot I always use on my Pop-R's and have never had the knot fail. This is with 10 lb Yo zuri hybrid ultra soft.
  5. Worlds Greatest Fishing Show Linders Angling Edge Bass Pro's I like Zona's show because he's entertaining which is unique, and I like the other two because they are usually very in-depth and try to help us UNDERSTAND what is happening. I used to like In Fisherman but now it has to be the LEAST informative show on tv, and as a result has become a show that I refuse to watch. A couple of weeks ago they were fishing in October on the Mississippi, which is where I fish so I thought I could gather a couple of tips, but all they could talk about was the new Rapala crankbait. They didnt mention once anything about the location, current, cover, structure, depth... but they sure had enough time to say the same thing about that crankbait over and over and over and over.
  6. Thanks for the tip, I'll get one.
  7. The *** beaver is a little tougher. The problem I have with the RI Sweet Beaver is that it only lasts through about one fish then it's all ripped up and unusable, with the *** beaver I could usually get 2 or 3 fish out of one. If you order get the 4.25 inch.
  8. . If you had taken the time to move the boat out away from everything, shut everything off, and filled the front deck with uppercuts... Jack[/quote Now that's funny, I dont care who you are! ;D
  9. blue & silver Rebel Pop-R, the largest size.
  10. Help me out with these waypoints... I haven't used them too much but have marked a few stumps so I can avoid hitting them. On my Lowrance 520, these stump waypoints are designated as "007" or "008", ok great I know that means that's the 7th and 8th waypoint I've saved, but on my screen this 007 is huge and one stump in the lake is really small. There doesnt seem to be any kind of reference to let me know where the stump is in relation to the "007" waypoint I made. I mean, is the exact waypoint/stump before the 0, after the 7, above the 007, below the 007, right in the middle?? If there was a little dot next the waypoint number it would be easy to understand but there isnt. How can I be sure I'm within 9 feet of my waypoint if the waypoint marker takes up 100 feet on the map? Thanks.
  11. I love Ike, but every time he hollers and fist pumps and lays on the boat deck basking in the glory of the fish he just caught I always say to myself "Stop wasting your freakin' time!! Start fishing!" Seriously, how many more casts could he have gotten in during the course of the day if he didnt do all that showmanship to the extent he does? I know he's excited but he's in the middle of a huge tournament. As they say "They'll be time enough for countin when the dealing's done". I dont remember ever seeing KVD wasting time patting himself on the back.
  12. I would like to know just exactly what these damages from using a transom saver actually are. I see lots of people referring to this but I havent seen anybody back this statement up with any kind of proof or first hand experience. What IS the problem or concern from using a transom saver? Thank you.
  13. I use Vanish (probably the flouro with the most negative feedback out there) and totally love it. I do treat it with KVD L & L conditioner and find it to be much more manageable than equal pound test Trilene XT. I literally have almost no problems with stiffness, backlashes, breakage or anything and have caught more fish since starting to use this than ever before. 17lb test on baitcaster.
  14. I bend all the barbs down on the hooks/lures that I fish with 90% of the time. Some of those barbs are so big I really have a hard time getting the fish off if I dont squeeze them down, like on 4/0 EWG hooks. 100% of those get squeezed down. By the way, I dont do any tournament or competitive fishing but I dont have any problems with fish getting off, just keep the line tight!
  15. I never catch bass in the areas I find gar cruising, usually if I find gar where I'm fishing I get outta there. I have caught bass where there are carp however.
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