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Everything posted by Boo

  1. I really like rangers 185vs and other boats with a similar size. I think most are 18 1/2 in length. Most lakes that I fish and large and open with average days with a wind speed of 15-20mph average. I dont know if 18 1/2 is still too small. I usually like too hold on too things for a while, so I want too make a good decision that wont cost me more in the future.
  2. Dang Sweetwater, how many words can you type per minute? Thats alot of information! Thanks, its very informitive. ;D
  3. Ive been looking at used boats lately. Im looking for a fiberglass boat. I really like all the popular makers. I was wondering what length of boat do you think is the most safe and most fishable. I really dont want to go over budget. I also want one that has some speed. Ive been looking at Triton TR 186, Stratos 285, Rangers, Bass Cats, and Procraft. What is your experience with different lengths and brands. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the reply!
  5. Where can I find boat certificates? ???
  6. Rebasser one of my friends said he's fished Choke Canyon. He said it was nice. The Hill Country is beautiful country. Thanks guys, I'm going to Wally World and get me some mark bouys.
  7. Hey thanks 2 poppa for the tips. You said to read deep water structure 101, where do I find this articel or did you mean the owners manual to my sonar?
  8. Tried Strike King 3X senko copy cat bait this weekend. Its called Zero. I like the bait. It worked just like the other senko style baits but lasted much longer. I wacky rigged and tx rigged with 1/8 oz weight and had great success. I would recommend to make the hook point come out the top of the bait and then bury it again on top. This plastic is really elasticity. They last longer than my beloved Tikki Stiks.
  9. Thanks fellow fisherman for all your tips and insights. I will continue my quest to become a better structure fisherman.
  10. Hey Rebasser I noticed youre from San Antonio, TX. I'm from Amarillo, TX. Have you got a chance to fish Alan Henry Lake in Post, TX yet? I heard they were killing them down there!
  11. Yeah I turn the Fish ID off and use arches with manual sensitivity. For instance the other day I was fishing the banks of a cove. Should I have checked the middle of the cove to see if there was a channel in it and fished it? Regardless if i'm marking fish or not. How about the first breakline away from shore, is that a good place to fish?
  12. How about a live waterdog, d**n those things are hot!!!!!
  13. Im still trying to get the hang of fishing structure instead of beating the banks. Whats your favorite type structure to fish and what to look for on the sonar. I see fish on the sonar and throw the bait at them, but have never got a bite. Im really getting frustrated with this. I guess how do you know what too look for and decide which ones will be productive? Do you guys ever catch graphed fish? Someone please help, I'm not having any success fishing superstructuer. ???
  14. One problem with Eagles, theyre too sensitive to interferance. Even if you wire directly to the battery! Spend the extra $100 on a Lowrance.
  15. Kicking some bass a**! Remember Forest Gumps famous words about the box of chocalates, thats what fishing is like for me! You never know what your going to get!
  16. Theyre arent alot of lakes of lots of weeds in my neck of the woods, except one. This lake is loaded with Coontail or Milofil weeds from 1ft to 8ft deep and Reeds along the shoreline. Anyone have some strategies to finding the most productive spots on this lake? Im not familiar with fishing weed that deep.
  17. Hey Kana know of any new drop shot techniques from the country that made that technique hot?
  18. I use too, I drive big, big, big Brown Truck. Im a feeder driver now.
  19. Rick Clunn is too fruity for me, too much Philosphical crap(I misspelled it didnt I). Roland Martin is too cocky. I would pick Brauer or Nixon, they seem humble and their great fisherman.
  20. Welcome to the forum. Thats interesting, because I drive a Big Brown Truck for Buster Brown also.
  21. I would say slowing down and fishing a area more thoroughly with soft plastics has changed my fishing.
  22. My 9yr old son begs me to take some fish home, dont know why exactly. I keep telling him not the bass, only walleyes, crappie, and trout.
  23. If you could name one thing that has improved your fishing or made you a better fisherman, what would that be. I.E. technique, bait, structure, or cover.
  24. What color is the bubblegum worm?
  25. I love Tikki Stiks! But Ive heard alot about Yum products and think Ill give them a try. Anyone tried those Senko clones that they sell on Ebay? 50 stiks for bid prices of 7 to 10 dollars before shipping, looks like a good deal.
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