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About TennesseeVols14

  • Birthday 03/09/1988

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  • Location
    WHEELER LAKE, Alabama

TennesseeVols14's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. WHERE CAN I GET THESE???? our local bait shops says that it would be sometime to get these so any1 got any i can buy from??? thanks
  2. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! couldnt of said it better myself!!!!!!
  3. I fish PICKWICK pretty regularly an right now with the temps in tha high 60's an low 70's hit any banks up with SPINNER BAITS an u will PRODUCE quite a few FISH EACH TRIP!!!! but tha best PLACE i have found right now to catch NICE FISH is on tha back side of 7 mile island (LITTLE RIVER) an try to fish any tree's or stumps in the water with SPINNER BAITS an u should have a GREAT DAY!!!! o0o an be prepaired to CATCH some HUGE STRIPES.... ;D
  4. 2007 diamond BLACK ICE COBRA SIGHTS an a whisker biscet ;D ;D SWEETEST SHOOTING BOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i might could do that if my wife dies on tha day of the TENNESSEE an alabama game ;D GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i ant to much on the PADDELIN part ;D but ill be out on wheeler saterday ur MORE than WELCOME to get in an fish with me.
  8. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! 8-) REFUSE TO FOLLOW!!!!!!!
  9. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! would i ever love to have 5 of them HAWGS in a TOURNY 8-)...... BUT VERY NICE FISH partner even if it came off live bait.
  10. Very well put except the mathews part ;D Hoyt is the anwser www.hoyt.com!!!! actually mathews are great bows but i think its all personal opinions when it comes to hoyt vs. mathews I think yall are both WRONG!!!! i have had a mathews SWITCHBACK XT an it was the WORST bow i have ever bought an as far as the HOYTS go i have herd the CAMS are not very dependable on them so this fall i bought a new DIAMOND black ice bow an it is the quitest, lighest, an smoothest shooting bow i have everpicked up 8-).
  11. G LOOMIS if i have tha MONEY!!!!!!! but tha best ROD 4 tha price is the CASET AWAY'S i love them rods!!!!!!
  12. NAW all of my BUD'S have P.O.S chevy's (but mine did tear up this 1 time) an chevy's transmission setup is totaly differet than a dodge so we ant sure on it LOL an naw LOL all of tha ponds around here we own so no PROB lol....that was just a creek there an thats all its used 4 is mud riden but 4 some reason i decided to go SWAMPING/SWIMING sunday ;D ;D
  13. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love to watch a weighin with 5 of thoese size small mouth!!!!!!! lol i dont think there is that many small mouth in tha TENNESSEE RIVER that big lol
  14. welp i got tha motor runin again think GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! but the TRANSMISSION is SCREWED!!!!!! > so any1 know anything on TRANSMISSION'S??????? cause i think its my CONVERTER in my tansmission is locked up any1 have any tips on how to fix it or the price on a NEW1????
  15. LOL yea 38's will not FLOAT!!!! lol but yea that was a new HOLE we found an i got HONORS of goin through it 1st to try it out an LOW AN BE HOLD what i found a 5 ft TRENCH that took the whole TRUCK DOWN......LMAO but i got out there this mornin an DRANINED THE OIL out of the motor an there was more water in tha motor than OIL ;D...... now to change the TRANSMAISSION FLUID next hope it ant tha same way >.
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