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Everything posted by college

  1. i used to use the Ugly Stick but that was with a budget wayyy lower than 250, if you have a budget that high, do NOT get an Ugly Stick.
  2. whats the advantage to a baitcasting reel? i know i posted about them earlier. One other question about the line, i fish everday in a small neighborhood pond, the biggest bass i've caught there is 2.5 lbs. Wouldn't 4lb test be just fine for those fish? My other rod has 8lb test for larger lakes around Raleigh NC such as Falls Lake
  3. Whats up everyone, now i was raised on push button rods as a small child, and all i use now are spinning reels. I see alot of people talking about baitcasting reels, how do they work, how do you cast them, are they better than a spinning reel, or only for certain size fish? also, how much weigh can 4lb test hold, fishwise. (if its four pounds, don't make fun of me) thanks guys
  4. I too had a dry spell recently, but luckily got out of it yesterday with a nice bass. My advice to you is to calm down, now that it has been so long since you caught one it is all your thinking about. If you relax, go to a nice location, maybe not a huge lake, but toss in a texas rig , reel it nice and slow, make it dance a little. If that doesn't work in a small pond, the other way i rig my worms (not sure what its called) is to push the hook through the top of its head, and keep sliding the worm up so it is flush with the straight part of the hook, and no part of the worm touches the curve, Make sense? almost like rigging a ballyhoo when mahi fishing
  5. i just got a new 5'6" Quantum IM6 rod with a Quantum Ignition 10 reel, its just to hold off until my birthday. Is the Quantum a good rod? So far i've noticed it has great action.
  6. while i have your attention Cephkiller, as i said before i have the daiwa and the ugly stick, the daiwa snapped today, the only way i can describe it, is that it is now one hole shorter, because i cut off the excess of the break, should i render this rod completely useless? sorry for all the questions, but thank you for all the answers
  7. my budget is probably about 50 dollars i usually go with a texas rigged worm, due to the amount of algae and twigs you pull up in my local lake
  8. whats up guys, i have two rods, a Daiwa D-shock, and the all too common Ugly Stick, i've never really heard of Daiwa before and i don't know their deal at all, it was a present, do they make good products? or should i just keep it as a backup. also, i'm thinking of getting a new real for the ugly stick, what do you guys recommend?
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