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About Brookie

  • Birthday 02/01/1994

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    New Brunswick

Brookie's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. My uncle said the best thing to use is a 6-7 inch eel.
  2. I use a spinner hook and worm for brook trout but ive always wondered if red hooks would work well on the spinner with the worm on the hook?
  3. This was pretty funny. Me and my friend were fishing this pond with lots of trees around it and he got hung up in a tree and the lure was hanging over the water. This fish comes out of the water completely grabs the lure and is hooked so now this fish is hanging from the branch. He eventully got it out of the tree and got a nice 13 inch trout
  4. Ill be honest I dont have very strong arm muscles at all. I have strong triceps but thats it. I was wondering if casting is a good way to help build muscle. I am also getting into fly fishing and im wondering if that would help as well.
  5. I think my best skill is keeping a fish on and reeling it in. I have only fished for 2 years but I have never had a fish spit the hook out except on one occasion where i was just being lazy. Another thing I think im good at is keeping a positive additude. My best friend (and fishing and hunting buddy) is a really good fisherman but during the slow times sometimes he just becomes sloppy and gives up. I usually fish until its impossible to fish any more.
  6. Id honestly just find another place to fish. Or take a break hang out with your buddies or something and come back.
  7. just wondering are yo casting in the same spot every time? If you are try fan casting
  8. oh and about the gummy worm that really sounds like a good idea lol. im gonna try that for brook trout because i think the different colours would more appealing lol. do bass like the taste of them
  9. Well ive honestly never seen a crappie in person but judging from the name they probably smell and taste like a handful of fish sh!t. just my 2 cents
  10. Me and my friend were fishing a realllllly big brook and I got my last spinner I had on me snagged at as you can guess the other side of the brook. I really wanted to catch more fish (keep in mind this was mid april) so i stripped down to my boxers and went for a swim and swam to the other side and this brook wasn't even running fast and the current just picked me up so I was like sailing down the brook right and my buddy is fishing up a bit from me and I floated by him and hes like what the hell?? Anyway I did manage to get my spinner back and caught 2 more fish even though I was freezin cold lol
  11. I gotta add a couple more questions. How would one clean a bass, do you clean them the same as brook trout by holding them upside downstick your knife in the anal fin slice up to the head pull the cuts out and cut off the head? Also I have honestly never seen bass meat itself can someone post a pic of a bass meal
  12. The best lure that will catch ANY fish including bass is a spinner and a worm and I belive that.
  13. I hook tons of fish through the eye and I don't think there is much you can do about it. If its badly hooked I guess you could keep the fish and eat it or find a friend that likes it.
  14. What is the worst injury you experienced on a fishing trip? Mine was when I was sliding my rod in the truck and the hook came off the eyelit and slid past the barb all the way into my hand.
  15. lol to clear this up. both the fish are speckle trout I caught in a stocked pond and they won me 3rd place in a fishing derby. I broke both of their necks to kill them.
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