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    <p>Wallingford, CT</p>

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I've been cooking for my girl for 8 years and I still can't get her to go fishing with me. You are one lucky man.
  2. It may have been you Avid that told me that before, that's what I did. I started away from the water's edge and slowly cast farther out. I could see into the shallow water at the shore and saw no fish, so I thought it would be beneficial to cast out farther. I think the fish were either in deeper water or on the other side of the reservoir somewhere out of my reach. Thanks for the advice though, I'll still stick to your method next time.
  3. Those are hard to set, the hook lies right against the body so they have to bite hard for the hook to be exposed. I've used the snag proof frog and the snag proof minnow.
  4. I'm in the preliminary stages of starting to think about maybe buying a fishing vessel in the distant future. I have no money, so it wouldn't be for a while. I'm thinking I want a kayak, like the emotion Mojo angler http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=search&id=0036135018240a&navCount=9&podId=0036135&parentId=&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IH&rid=&parentType=&indexId=cat21342&hasJS=true I need at lest a 350lb weight capacity for myself and all my gear and a little buffer. Are inflatables a better option? Like the sea eagle kayaks? I'm afraid I would pop the inflatables, but I could take my brother with me on them. Is there a better option than a kayak? I would be using it on small bodies of water up to 100 acres
  5. Nobody else was out fishing the bank when I went out yesterday morning at sun up to go fishing. I tried at North Farms Reservoir, but I didn't think I was in the same place as the fish. It's 64 acres and I only have access to the south side because I don't have a boat. I saw a few people out on boats, they were able to go to where the fish are. I decided to try spring lake instead, so I went home and walked across the street to spring lake. I still only fished the south side, but that's the best side of Spring Lake. There is a small dam where the water flows over, the water is reasonably deep right up to the bank on the south side so I can access the fish better. I tried using a zoom super fluke in a shad color, Gulp! sinking minnow in Green watermelon, both texas rigged but weightless. Very slow and fewer jerks on the super fluke to keep it down, the sinking minnow is a little heavier so I could jerk that more and let it fall. Then I tried using the fluke as a topwater by reeling it in faster, still nothing. I might have gotten one bite on the super fluke when I let it drop really slow, when I stopped reeling in the line felt/looked like it was pulling out so I set the hook and when I reeled it in it was just weeds. I got discouraged after a couple hours and tried a different location. I tried for another hour and went home. If I was getting more bites I would have stayed all day, but it didn't work out for me. I didn't think to try the husky jerk, which was recommended on the "fishing when it's cloudy/raining" thread after my trip. It didn't end up raining, but I had my rain pants on and the jacket part was in my backpack. I'm going to try again in the middle of the week, the fish activity report says that will be the best time. I know you have to get out there and fish as much as possible, but my girlfriend will kill me if I don't spend some time with her this week. She's perfect in every respect, but she won't fish : Any suggestions for next time? The weather should be sunny to mostly sunny in the mid 70s. Thanks Joe
  6. Good for him, I'm going in the morning wearing my old german army flecktarn pattern gore-tex imitation rain gear that I got when I was working satellite dish installations. It's supposed to be light rain here. Hope I have the same luck as you guys did.
  7. Only problem is I have no insurance for my eyewear. I'd love the costa del mar prescription lenses, but I'm poor. Lower budget than even you LBH
  8. Any options for eyeglass wearers? I've been using a cheap pair of clip ons I got at Dicks I can tell they're really polarized because they work the same as my circular polarizer for my camera, when I tilt my head the reflections on the water reappear.
  9. Every state should have Vermont style concealed carry. However, Burley, it wouldn't violate states rights, it's the second ammendment, the states have to at least recognize that right, the tenth ammendment only allows states to make laws less restrictive than the constitution. In short they should have it because it works.
  10. I tried the 3/0 offest ewg hook with the super fluke rigged texas style but with the hook a little exposed because I missed two fish because I couldn't set the hook while still using the 1/0 ewg offset hook with the Gulp! sinking minnow. I didn't catch anything last night with that setup, but I only fished it a little while and then it got dark out. I fished with one of my neighbors who is really nice, but kinda slow. He's borderline retarded, but he catches fish with no technique at all. He just ties on a hook(with an overhand knot) and uses a plastic worm with a fast steady retrieve. He caught a fish on his third cast with me. I didn't catch anything (because I couldn't set the hook). I'm taking him with me when I try for trout next time because I think he's good luck and because he doesn't drive so he can't get out that much. I'm going to try the super flukes again next time out. What else should I do?
  11. Are they any good, I inherited a 730A, it's kinda old. What about their new stuff, any good?
  12. I requested a catalog... my girlfriend is going to kill me.
  13. What do those fishing reports on weather.com mean? http://www.weather.com/activities/recreation/outdoors/fishing/ What are they based on? Is it moon cycles or something else, or a combination?
  14. Did those Paul Higgins ones have scent to them?
  15. Is my hook choice too small? What size should I use with the Gulp sinking minnows and the zoom superflukes for a texas rig?
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