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Everything posted by Spnrbait_

  1. http://www.aroundthetournamenttrail.com/14pounderlaketalquin.html Won't help much but should but will show you whats possible there! Lots of timber becareful when running.
  2. What colors does everyone use? When it is sunny do you like dark or light colors the best?
  3. Maybe I have just been lucky. The stuff from Lowes has been great. Doesn't seem to snag any worse than the carpet in my granfathers Triton. It also is UV resistent and has a warrenty. You guys may be right and I may agree w/ you in 6 months but so far it has been alright by me.
  4. I had a buddy that replied. I'll let you know what happens if anything.
  5. Seems like a lot of you guys like the Natives. Do they fit well? Slip down your nose when you sweat? Are they light?
  6. If you were an ambush preditor where would you be? Look for holes or irregularities in the weeds. Target those spots first. Don't be affraid to lose a lure or throw where the other guy won't. One of my favorite ways to fish is flippin' heavy matts with 1 ounce weights. Grass=Bass.
  7. I like the cane toad but it is only good for a fish or 2. The Black Magic brand from Gander Mtn. seem to hold up the best.
  8. I used the stuff from Lowes. It is thick and well made. On my 09 degree bends you can't see down thru to the backing. If you compare it to the stuff from Cabaleas it is as good or better. Cableas does sell different grades. I have had no problems with hooks getting snagged. Just my 2 cents.
  9. I am going to buy a new pair of glasses. I wanted some opinoins on what everyone likes and why. I am leaning toward Solar Bats w/ Mossback green lenses. Thanx
  10. watermelon or green pumpkin
  11. http://www0.shopping.com/xPO-Marykate_Fabric_Waterproofer_32oz_Pump_Spray Haven't tried it myself.
  12. I don't understand what you mean by attaching to the side. I also work aircraft sheetmetal. I think 3/16 pop rivets will hold. I have seen guys use self tapping screws for their boats but they have tendency to back out. Can you post a pic?
  13. Sorry to say it is true and not doctored. I grew up in Peru IN that is where Russell Bellar's place is. He is out of jail now and still has the the caged deer. There were several celberities that hunted there. Dale Sr. was one that had his picture with one of the deer in the local paper.
  14. Going on 8 yrs. USAF. Aircraft Structural Maintenance Craftsman. That's the fancy name. Sheetmetal is what they call us.
  15. Glock 27 .40 cal "baby Glock" Is what I carry. I like it but some guys don't because it has a short grip and your pinky doesn't fit on the grip. Also with the short grip your hoslter choice is important because with some it is hard to get ahold of the handle to draw. Hope I never have to other than practice! If you know people that own hand guns see if they will take you to a range that way you can get a feel of different ones. Guns are like everything else in that which one is best is a matter of opinion. Whatever you decide make sure it is well balanced and feels comfortable in your hand. It should fit your hand and not feel bulky or okward in any way.
  16. I don't use a leader. But I do fill my spool half way with cheap mono. Braid is more expensive and the mono keeps it from slipping. Maybe I am cheap but I can fill two reels w/ one spool of braid that way.
  17. If I run wire for my depth finder power wire along side my trolling motor power wire will I get interference? I will run them to seperate batteries.
  18. 80% alone. Kids are too young so when I get a chance I usually don't have time to wait on a buddy. 16ft grizzly
  19. $939 after 20% discount @ BPS. Wasn't all tackle. But can you really ever have enough? The monkey says no!
  20. I've been lurking on this site for awhile now and have gained a lot of knowledge. So thought I would share some. Sheet Alum. has an ALCAD coating put on it when it is manufactured. That is the shiney surface. This is to prevent corrosion. When it is painted this coating has to be scuffed in order for any top coat to adhere well. I have noticed on my boat where some paint has chipped it is not scuffed. Maybe why it chipped?. So if you sand off the paint it will be a dull scuffed looking finish also it will be more apt to corrode. to get a gloss finish plan on a lot of work like LBH said.
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