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  1. I have a 1648 grizzly with a 15 hp(with 9.9 decals), i fish a lot of lakes with a 9.9 restriction. It goes about 20 or so with me and my gear in it. I added carpeted floors and extended the deck, so mine is a little heavier. If you are fishing unlimited hp lakes, max it out by all means.
  2. cmon i know it isn't that complicated! i just want to know i am doing it right. OMC Engine tuner
  3. can someone give me step by step instructions when using this on my 15 hp evinrude? Thanks
  4. pike fishing is fun, i love how agressive they are. I catch them all the time fishing for bass. I like catching them on big spinnerbaits and crankbaits. You will have to change baits after every fish if you use plastics. Treble hooks can be a pain with them. TAKE PLIERS!!!!!!!!!
  5. good thing you are doing, get them in the outdoors and away from video games and wierd guys on bass fishing forums. I wish i would have had someone like you growing up to teach me how to fish. :-[
  6. nice fish, not sure about 7 lbs but probably close to 6
  7. yeah im trying to get my floor dry between the front and rear decks
  8. i just recently bought a tracker grizzly 1648 from a guy. He put floors and extended the decks and carpeted, its pretty sweet. I took it out for the first time on saturday, and it rained, it tuesday now and it has been sitting in my garage since sunday. The thing i was kinda worried about it that the floor is still damp(decks are dry). Is this a big deal, or would it be best to out in a drain or something. The wood used to make the floor is marine grade i guess. Just wondering if this will be a problem or should i just leave it in the sun for a while and let it dry up?
  9. 4-stroke hondas are good engines, very quiet, good gas mileage. But remember that this motor will be slower that a 2-stroke 15, significantly heavier, and somewhat more to maintain
  10. i thought it was something like that. thanks
  11. i just bought a 15hp 1986 evinrude out board, theres adjustment knob next to the choke, and i dontt know what it does, i haven't had it out on the water yet. Anybody know what this is?
  12. just cause you have never caught a fish on something doesn't mean it is overrated, it probably means that you don't fish it enough, don't fish it right, or the bass don't like it in the area you are fishing. Or maybe you just suck at fishing period
  13. some day i will go on a fishing trip to cali. 8-)
  14. what is the best fishfinder i can buy right now with trolling motor transducer for less than $350?
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