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Everything posted by rvrnr64

  1. If that's a spinning reel didn't you get an extra spool? If so I'd put Yo-Zuri soft hybrid on one and Power Pro 4/15 or 6/20 on the other. Just mke sure you use backing for the braid
  2. I'm not the fisherman many on here are but I have the new Mitchell 300 series as well as the Shimano Sahara and don't see alot of difference other than the price. If you want to spend some major bucks you'll have to listen to the pro's 'cause I'm not the go to guy on the expensive reels. I just think it's crazy to spend alot on a reel unless you're a pro.
  3. My eyes have been opened. I bought 2 BPS Extremes and love them even though my fishing trips have kinda sucked lately because of one thing or another. I guess what is said is true, they call it fishing not catching for a reason. I will continue to use my Sticks 'cause they have caught many a fish including a 3.5lb smallie but am going to get some more BPS Extremes as well as other "on sale" rods. It would be nice if someone would alert me of a killer sale on rods when it happens.
  4. I've heard Berkley is coming out with a new line this summer. Any truth to this as far as anyone knows? If you've got some inside info let's hear it. I'm pretty happy with my Fireline although I know alot of people on here don't like it. It's still on one of my reels but Power Pro has taken over the others except one of my ultra lights because Fireline Crystal is getting a second chance because of my inexperience with braids . I do have some spare spools that have Yo-Zuri Ultrasoft on them just in case I need it.
  5. If you don't want to get too technical get some friction tape and put it directly on the spool overlapping just a bit before respooling. I'm no tourney fisherman and will never be, but I do know from experience if you don't put backing down before braid it will slip.
  6. Save your money. I'm gonna give Fireline Crystal another try now that I know you need backing with braids but I'll only be using it on my ultra light. My go to line on everything else now is Power Pro, however if Crystal does the job on the UL it may get promoted. I do like the invisibility concept 'cause when the water is shallow and clear and the fish are finicky it makes me wonder if they see the line and say "no thanks". I do have a problem with these lines that you get one spooling for $15 though.
  7. You have entered the break the bank site of fishing, lol. This site is very informative which will lead you to what to fish with including rods and reels. These guys have helped me not only change my Wal-Mart's got it perspective but enlightened me on where,what, and how to fish. Ok, alot of times Wally World does have it. I got 2 new rigs from suggestions by more advanced anglers than me and am very happy. This stuff is addictive. Welcome to the sight and I hope you stay and get the fever.
  8. I have ordered a Rockhopper motor guard for my Nissan 6hp. As far as I know they are the only ones that have a total lower unit guard for my motor. I have a Mac's river runner on it now, but it only protects the prop and not very well. Anyone else have a Rock hopper?
  9. You might try to find a used coleman crawdad or something similar. I bought a Pelican Bass Raider on sale new for $450 at Dick's and loaded it on top of my jeep. I'm sure if you look around you could probably find one less than $350
  10. I had the pelican bass raider and really liked it. But I think I like my Porta-Bote better. If I had a truck I wouldn't have to worry about putting it together every time I go fishing. This thing is really stable and virtually indestructible. It also floats when full of water but is kinda pricey.
  11. When I gather all the info I'll let you know what I would do but it probably won't fit the boards suggestions 'cause I'm a little more devious than most. I may have to PM you so I won't get in trouble with the powers that be on here.
  12. If you're gonna keep minnows for an extended period of time, say a week (that is if they make it) do you have to feed them and if so what? Also do you have to change the water or just add fresh? I have them in a 10gal industrial water cooler now with an aerator.
  13. I don't know what price range you're looking at and if you're deadset on making it yourself but I've got a 12' Porta-Bote and it does great on the rivers here in VA. I've also had it on a lake and did really well there too. I've got a 6hp Nissan pushing it and imagine a decent size trolling motor would push it pretty good on a pond or lake. The hull itself weighs 69lbs but that doesn't include the seats. I put the hull on top of my Jeep and all the seats inside. I didn't read all the posts so I don't know if anyone else has suggested this but I just thought I'd give you another option. If you want to look at it go to Porta-Bote.com. Let me know what you think.
  14. In case you want my opinion which doesn't count for much what I do is put Yozuri-ultra soft 6 or 4lb on one spool then Power Pro on the other. I'm not sure about bait casters but most spinning reels come with a spare spool. I know you didn't ask about braids but you shouldn't count them out. I love my Power pro but am equally as happy with the Yozuri.
  15. Not sure but that looks like he new Maxx.
  16. First and foremost let me say I cringe when I see a bunch of bass being slain. I am pro catch and release all the way. With that being said we must look at what she did and was asking. She did try to check on the regulations but couldn't find anything. I'm having the same problem trying to find out if I can use a gas motor on a certain body of water that isn't posted as to either way. Also this is a "private lake" which means none of us here will ever probably be able to fish there. The people that should be disturbed are the other private owners of this lake but if this guy doesn't care that they took all those fish maybe the other owners don't care. I think we as true catch and release fisherman should educate not scorn people for their ignorance. Is there anyone out there that started this sport knowing all about "c-n-r". I sure didn't. At the time I started fishing when I was a kid I thought fish were an endless supply of food but now I get my fish from Kroger and throw everything back. My point is we may have lost an opportunity to teach someone about the reason for "c-n-r" by ripping her a new a__ hole and therefore lost a potential member that could spread the word to her friends that did one of the things we hate most. I saw a guy with 6 nice smallies on a stringer the other day and my heart dropped but he was legal so I couldn't report him or say anything.
  17. How about watermelon flukes on a drop shot rig? That worked well for one of my friends so I'll be trying it as soon as they get here. I ordered mine from Case Plastics. Theirs are called Jacks sticks. I will say this though my biggest smallie was caught on a live minow about 4" long.
  18. Thanks moloch. I found what I was looking for. I had the texas and carolina rigs reversed. I have been fishing the carolina kind of. I just peg a bullet weight about 18" from my bait instead of using swivels and glass beads which poses another question. I guess the glass bead is for noise but why the swivel?
  19. Thanks for trying to help but that didn't really answer my question because I don't remember how to rig all of them and which is which.
  20. I'm looking to buy a new boat and want something that eats rocks for breakfast and that will run in about 4 " of water. I have narrowed it down to two, the River Pro or the Sport Jon Any one heard of either one of these. I fish among others the New River in VA so if any one knows what it's like you'll understand my reasoning. This river will go from deep to shallow in the blink of an eye and I mean real shallow, like 4 or 5 inches or less. I'm sick of getting on the river and saying that's to shallow for me.
  21. Before you go hog wild on braid try Yo-Zuri Ultra Soft Hybrid. You may not like it but I just switched to it and love it. It's about 8 bucks from Cabelas. I only have the 6# so far, so the heavier lines may not suit you but it's worth a try. Road Warrior told me to try it an I love it. You are right though, you can get more lb test with less diameter and if your fishing for carp and don't like Yo- Zuri I believe I'd go with Power Pro first then try Suffix if you don't like the Pro.
  22. This may not be the best way but it's quick and convienient. Give your line enough slack so you can use the line after it exits the rod tip and wrap it around your reel where it meets the reel seat and also around your rod. This way the only stress is being put on the reels "shaft" that attaches it to the rod. I wish I could illustrate this so you'd know exactly what I was talking about. It won't hurt any of your equipment or your fingers and it will break most any line without the use of other things.
  23. I'm officially ticked. Vince, I had to pay full price for my 2500 at Dicks and also have a card. I love the reel, but am always looking for a bargain. When did you buy it? Can I get the same deal next time?
  24. I guess I don't like cork because of my dad. He was an excellent trout fisherman but had a bad habit of putting his hooks into the cork. Of course this tore up the cork so I immediately thought, cork bad, foam good.
  25. Thanks guys. I just orderd an aerator from Cabelas. It's a small one but I have a 10 gallon Igloo Industrial water cooler I'm going to convert into a livewell for home. Hopefully I will be able to keep the minnows alive for about a week by adding ice until I'm ready to go fishing then put them into the smaller aerator. You think this will work?
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