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Everything posted by Diablos

  1. Trolling is not a technique I use, but I will troll if I'm moving to a spot that's only 50-100yds away.
  2. I think people here are trying to say that if you can't afford vet bills then maybe you shouldn't own a dog. I think a $200 x-ray is a reasonable cost to determine the future of you "family" pet.
  3. I use Gamma Edge flouro for most finesse techniques or 10lb Power Pro super slick.
  4. After fishing 3 days in a row of complete blue-bird skies and winds under 5 knots, I officially got skunked today. Each day the fishing was getting worse. The fish kept getting slightly deeper and held even tighter to structure and cover. I put a drop shot right in their face with zero takers. I threw swim baits along deeper weed lines with no takers. Just one week earlier I was consistently getting 2-4lb'ers on a Culprit fat max worm
  5. #1. Culprit 7" Fat Max worm in grape shad. Ive been dragging it around all summer and I dislike worming too. #2. Flipping a Missile D Bomb around cover
  6. Good to hear you're okay. Till this day, I will always use a fish gripper or net when handling treble hooked fish and don't care what anyone else thinks about it.
  7. Summer of 1989. I was 14 years old and was at a cookout on Cape Cod. I took one of the fishing rods at the person's house already rigged with a black plastic worm and walked across the street to a pond. I caught my first bass after 10 casts and haven't stopped fishing since.
  8. I only get upset when I see others catching and I'm not or when a guy pulls up to a spot I was at and gets a fish.
  9. I'm not a huge fan of painting blanks. I leave that to the manufacturers. CTS blanks seems to have the most colored blanks Ive seen. http://www.ctsfishing.com/colors.php
  10. There is something awesome about red boats!
  11. Are we talking just for summer fishing or cold weather too?
  12. The tip could have been whacked leaving a small crack and the load finished the job. When fishing rods perform the same job hundreds of times then all of a sudden break, there has to be some sort of user error involved.
  13. No matter how slow I fish, it's never slow enough.
  14. The Owner Yuki bug has been my primary flipping bait for 2 years. I just don't feel the need to use anything else when it has been so productive.
  15. Something about my legs dangling doesn't sit well with me.
  16. It's a white perch. When in doubt, it's always a white perch.
  17. Very well said!! I just started my own custom rod making business in 2012. It's still in the early stages and because I work full time I'm not making many rods retail.I only made 14 rods in 2012. I just needed an outlet to buy wholesale so I can sharpen the pencil. At this point, I only sell rods to people in person. I want to make sure handles get measured correctly and thread colors are seen up close and weigh their reel on a scale.
  18. Getting a degree in marketing and applying to a marketing company that specializes in fishing tackle. Shimano/Tufline/Seaguar and many others all use independent companies to push their products. You will be their face at trade shows. On a smaller scale is to donate your time to local or regional tournaments or pick up a part time job at a fishing tackle store. Get a job at Bass Pro or cabelas to open up some networks.
  19. Check Lake Chauncy and Little Chauncy pond in Westboro. It's only a 10min drive from marlboro center.
  20. I use black with red blade and start off with it anytime I think there is going to be a top water bite
  21. Aww...don't be a sourpuss. My family loves Disney.
  22. I love fishing when the sun is coming up. For guys who fish early mornings, there is no better feeling then getting to a lake at the crack of dawn with a light fog on the flat calm water. You can hear a fish break 100yds away. I have no patience for boat ramp shenanigans so I like to beat the crowd too. For those who fish tourneys, you know that 12-15 tourney boats can can easily tie up a boat ramp for an hour. Just the other day I asked to launch before they started and I was met with a little resistance. I was about to make a stink but decided to use what little charm I have and it worked awkwardly. I basically cracked an unfunny joke and I think the tourney director felt bad for me.
  23. I live in mass so TW 2nd day air is awesome. Order on Wed and get stuff on Fri. Another place I order from is Northern Bass Supply. I only use them when I need something next day without spending $50. They will usually mail it for $5.
  24. I custom make saltwater fishing rods for a living in a tackle shop. I am the only person that's a bass fisherman. Everyone else is that old school saltwater only fishermen type who generally dislike bass fishermen. If you don't own a boat that can get you to Martha's Vineyard in a 20mph Northeast wind blowing over Buzzards Bay then you don't belong on the water.
  25. Check out Wiley-X sunglasses. They have a removable facial cavity that blocks out more sunlight and debris while the boat is moving at high speeds. http://www.wileyx.com/EcommSuite/ProductListing.aspx?ActivityCode=FISHING&SeriesCode=554
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