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Everything posted by grimlin

  1. I hate the stuff.There's no benefit purposes for me to even use it....It drys up by the time I even use it. I lose my soft plastic baits before I can even fix them....There's no point in me even investing in the stuff.
  2. You'll stop when you realize what works and what doesn't work. Only downside is you'll just start buying more of what works.
  3. Here's my worm(s) Al**ring Baits (Black) yum Dinger (watermelon) Luck-E-Strike curly tail (Black) Berkley Powerworm (tequila sunrise) Zoom trick stick (watermelon) Luck-E-Strike jogger worm (watermelon)
  4. Yeah I don't understand the rule either. I ain't worried about the car. My concern is the points on my license. Raised insurance rates and trying to get another car would be the problem now....I won't be able to afford it if they hike my rates up. I'm pretty proud of the fact I haven't had an accident in over 10 years. So it kinda bummed me out this had to happen. I'm always careful.
  5. I'm from the south....Texas to be exact.....I hate it up here to be quite honest. If it wasn't for my wife and kid here I wouldn't be here. I'd rather be down south somewhere.... Honestly speaking. Some people like the North, I'm just not one of those people.
  6. Same thing the cop said....I asked the cop why don't they make the exit out of our park a little bit safer...you know what he told me? "Good luck trying to win that argument". Then proceed to tell me it happens almost every single day on people trying to go left. people don't realize it's their fault either. Won't happen again here....I learned my lesson. I'm going right from now and making what we have called Michigan U-turns. People in Michigan will know what I'm talking about. What I also found funny was by my exit there's a sign that says "do not block intersection" right by our exit....people do it every day and even the cop told me "I do it too to prevent people like you from getting into an accident." It boggled my mind why they even have that sign there then in the first place? If somebody blocked our exit no emergency vehicles would be able to get into the park. Stupid idiots and stupid Michigan road designs....people say the south tends to have dumber people...I beg to differ....I didn't say anything to the cop about that comment,because believe me he wouldn't have an answer for that one.....
  7. Owner hooks are the best IMO. however got fully get rid of Gamakatsu either. Those are the only two hooks I buy and use right now. Gamakatsu is a little easier to find around here. Usually if I have the extra cash I'll shell it out for Owner hooks.
  8. Got into a car accident trying to get onto the main road to work. Since the car was on the main road it was my fault(b.s law and rule here).I got a ticket for it. I hate the fact I gotta cross over to a main busy rush hour road every single day. Semi was blocking my view and the second lane car was flying by as I was carefully trying to pull out. The guy was on a cell phone. Since it's not against the law to drive while on cell phone he didn't see me coming.Doesn't matter though. Michigan driving laws suck...Now I'm going to court to fight it to get it off my record from getting points and keep my insurance from raising up. My hatred for people on cell phones while driving has now sky rocketed. The guy tore off half my bumper and he got a small scratch on his side of the car.My car got it worst because of his speed. I hit him at probably 2 mph and he hit me at somewhere between 40 and 45(speed limit is 40). He's lucky I was trying to be careful. It pretty much destroys my chance at getting off shore now and getting a kayak. Looks like I may have to sell some stuff off to pay off some of this BS. I tell ya,when it rains it pours on me.....I'm tired of this so called life. Thinking about just taking a break from everything and try to collect myself again. I tell ya sometimes I think the man upstairs just likes messing with my head.
  9. I want to say a good 75% or more of my stuff is ordered online. I rarely have any problems to be quite honest(only once). Granted I usually stick with the stores that I never have problems with.
  10. Far as I know anything made by FLW is discontinued. They hold some of my favorite plastics baits as well. I can't find them anymore either. Good luck trying to find it.
  11. This is gonna come in extremely handy! Thanks for that link! Now I won't have to play the guessing game anymore.
  12. It's like a strong coffee.....If you decide to stop using it you will get headaches and dizziness.Just like if you take sugar out of your diet after consuming it for years. It's pretty much a loaded caffeine product. My friend compared it to an energy drink almost. Somebody I know used it when he was training for the amateur UFC fights. It's not for people who are diabetic or heart problems.
  13. I still use them,I stock piles Joe.S chunk when he was selling them. I realize not many people know who he is anymore...but his chunk bait were super soft and some of the first ones that I used when I started using Jigs. Unfortunately I don't use them as much as I used to...but they do work.
  14. Not necessary,I'm just running on the assumption that an angler catching 50-100 fish,not all of them are gonna live. if 6 or more of them die...then that's one more(or plus) than the average bucketman who keeps only 5 fish to eat and call it a day. There's really no proof though....I don't agree with the experiment in the article either.
  15. There was a weed bed I'm guessing was about 20 feet long and about 5 feet wide....for 3 seconds I saw what appeared to be a big disturbance of bait fish jump out of the water like the water was boiling.It was just in that one spot. It was crazy,never saw that happen and I haven't seen it happen again. Very strange to me and the other people fishing that day.
  16. What the article is saying how do you know your catch will survive? Do you follow your fish in the water after it's been released? Catching 50-100 bass and then releasing them what is the survival rate? How would one know? Personally I don't think anybody could really know that...but for all we could know is 10-15 fish are dieing for every 100 fish we caught.Again there's really no solid proof. Where a Meat eater/bucketman would catch and keep it's 5 and call it a day. It's just something to think about. Again it's a guess....nobody follows it's catch after we release it. They may not die right away either,it could be 24 hours late they would die and we'd never know it.
  17. I can see the article's point. But like J Francho said it's a little bit of unethical study. A caged up wild animal is prone to stress which could have something to do with a higher mortally rate that they documented. No doubt we could be killing a fish here and there specially if deep hooked. Any angler worth his salt usually knows if a fish will survive.I only deep hooked 2 fish last year I kept.It is a blood sport I'm well aware of it. They also know how to safely release the fish with minimal harm for higher chances of success of survival. I look at it this way,even if they do die it's balancing out the weak fish which becomes some other animal's meal down the line. It's harvesting in it's own sense. Look how many times Dottie was caught and released only to be caught again. Yes it did die....but look how long it lived also.
  18. I agree,It's the beggars that bother me the most. More than not I'm willing to give one or two away to a gentleman that just makes conversation with me and says "nice catch" when I catch one. Yes I do work in "are you keeping any today?" If the reply is "only a couple for a small family fish fry tonight ." I'll gladly give him/her one or two nice catches. Show me some respect and I'll give it back.
  19. I Know how you feel BIG TIMES! I caught walleye last week and some guy comes running up to me and ask if he could have it. I was like "eeerrrr NO,they aren't in season yet brother" Mind you I was looking for crappies,so it was an unintentional catch on my part. I remember when I first started fishing up here and started getting serious about Bass fishing....people would run up to me and ask for my catches....If I could release it back in the water fast enough before they approached me for it I kept fishing. But then I had people walk up to me and go "I want your next catch".....I got so sick of it to the point I faked "I have to go home,wife is calling me"......RUIN MY DAY! And it still does every time I get approached by them which is still to this day. I fixed that problem by getting a kayak very soon this year. Now I can fish the backwaters where nobody can get to.
  20. I still dream of 50-100 bass days......It hasn't happened yet for me...LOL I don't feel I'm any better than them. However many of them don't follow the law either....Those are the ones I DO have a problem with. Michigan has Bass and walleye seasons as you should know....This year DNR is having a big problem because of warm weather more people are already fishing for them out of season. A lot of people are getting caught and ticketed.
  21. That's good advice! Thanks J FRANCHO I have a small lake that doesn't get boats on it very often.It's very calm water for the most part. I plan to take mine out and practice for a couple of days doing nothing but paddle around it.
  22. I'm gonna be watching this thread,I'm picking mine up at the end of April. I will be joining the kayak group soon!.
  23. Spider grub, double hula grub or any twin tail grubs. It's beyond me why,because I do really,really well on the single tail grubs.
  24. I can understand that. Probably just the bait monkey talking on my part,but I use them enough to justify for it....lol
  25. You can still find the augertail,draggin' worms and manipuator...Give me a PM and I'll tell you where you can find them. I don't think I'll be able to link the website here.
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